Sequel: Gotta Be You
Status: work in progress(:


Jade had lived in Doncaster until she turned 10 until one day her parents packed her up and moved her to South Carolina, America. She was distraught. Doncaster was her home and she didn't want to leave, even at ten she had fallen in love with the place and the people in it. It didn't seem like a long time for a child but it was enough time for her to become best friends with the boy next door, Louis Tomlinson and enough time for her to never want to leave. Not that she had much choice. She moved on with her family and promised her friend to keep in touch even across the pond.

Jade quickly fell into place in her new home, picking up the accent and lingo quite quickly and smoothly. It was almost as if she was born there, except for one little thing that was always in the back of her mind. Louis kept their promise and they wrote to each other monthly, as they grew older and gained phones they began to text here and there and occasionally make phone calls. They were going through different stages of their lives and different things, Jade was a few years younger than Louis but she was there for him through everything. Jade was there when he tried out for the X-factor and he called to tell her the good news. She even gained access to some British tv so she could watch him on it. She saw him be made into a band and when they were off the show and had some time off Louis and Harry both came to visit.

Of course, it was a short visit but worthwhile. The two tried to keep their friendship going through everything. She was in her last year of high school and could barely afford anything, so she couldn't visit him and other than that one time he had been busy with One Direction. Both wanted the friendship to keep going but things were different. He'd barely spoke to her since his last visit which was almost two years ago and while she kept up with the band she never really thought much about not hearing from him. Neither realized what was coming and neither expected that both their lives were about to be changed, yet again.