Sequel: Gotta Be You
Status: work in progress(:



Jade was sitting in what she considered to be her most boring class of all time. It was about halfway through her senior year and she was ready to be out of here. Her parents were dying for her to choose some early acceptance to a college in England that they both went to but when the moved her here she fell in love with the state and didn't really feel the need to leave.

"Jade Collins?" the teacher said loudly after answering the door. Jade snapped her head of from her daydream and glanced at her friend sitting next to her who just shrugged.

Jade rose from her seat and grabbed her things. The principal was standing outside the door with a sad look on his face. Jade quickly racked her brains for anything she did wrong recently and came up with nothing.

"Did I do something?" Jade asks and the principal just shook his head and motioned for her to follow him down the hall to his office.

"You may want to sit." Principal Jones says looking at her. Jade remained standing, last time someone said that to her it was to tell her that she was moving.

"Your parents were in an accident. They are both in the hospital and it isn't looking good. We were called to inform you and so you could be over there. There's a cab outside, we don't want you driving during this emotional time.

Jade didn't say a word. She blinked once as it all registered and then she was out that door before he could say another word. She jumped in the cab and he started driving without her saying a word, they must of told him where to go already. They got there quickly which Jade appreciated because it didn't give her time to come up with situations that were probably worse than the actual case, she did that quite often. Jade hopped out and tossed some cash his way. She ran to the reception desk and gave her parents names. The lady quickly looked them up at the sight of Jade's face and gave her the floor but not a room number. Jade narrowed her eyes at this but just pushed it aside as procedure, she would get the number on the 4th floor. Jade rode the elevator impatiently and bit her lip. They had to be okay. They were the only thing she really had. She had friends here but none that were too close, none that were ever as close as Louis. She quickly pushed him aside, focusing on more important matters. Her parents were her only family, she didn't have anyone else. No one.

"Hi, I'm looking for Mary and Tom Collins." Jade says in a rush to a lady at the first desk she sees.

"Are you Jade? Take a seat and the doctor will be right out to talk to you." The nurse says as Jade nodded. Jade slowly picked up her dropped bag and carried it to her seat. This couldn't be good. They didn't even give a room number. Jade clenched her hands tightly and tried to think of something else. Then she saw it, the doctor was heading towards her wearing the face. She'd worked in the hospital for a summer as an intern just for the fun of it and once she realized how many people died and how the doctors had to tell them, she decided against a career as one. The doctor heading towards her now had that face on, the one when someone had died and you know there's no way to say it that would turn out well.

"Jade, I'm Doctor Smith, I worked on your parents. They were in a terrible crash both with severe trauma to their brains. I tried my best Jade but I'm afraid they didn't make it. If you'd like to see them, you can and if there is anyone I can call for you, I'll do it." Doctor Smith says quietly taking her hand and sitting next to her.

Jade blinked a few times and soon felt the tears coming down her face. She didn't have anyone to call. The only people she had were in some room laying there as cold corpses now. She sucked her breath in and ignored the doctor as he said some more stuff trying to be encouraging but get his job done as well. Somehow he got out of her that she didn't have anyone else so he called some people and soon there was a lawyer sitting with her telling her that he did her parents will. They had entrusted everything to her of course but also in the case that something happen to them they had entrusted her life to the Tomlinson family. Jade glanced at him when he asked if she had their numbers. She nodded slowly and pulled out her phone. The lawyer offered to call but she shook her head and said she would do it. She scrolled down until she reached Louis's number and quickly hit dial before she could change her mind.

Louis was half a world away getting ready for a show in England. He heard he phone go off and glanced at it absentmindedly.

"Harry, will you get that mate?" Louis asks his band mate and Harry glanced down at caller I.D.

"Louis, you might should get this. It's Jade." Harry says calmly and Louis glances at him confused. Harry knew all about him and Jade and the fact that they hadn't spoken in quite some time. This had to be important for her to call, Harry had met her once and knew how stubborn she was, she wasn't the one who promised to call, Louis was and she wouldn't call him for anything unless it was a life or death matter.

"Jade?" Louis says answering the phone. He hear an intake of breath and sniffles and then the line went dead. Jade couldn't do it, she couldn't tell him what happened. She sighed deeply and found his mother's number and hit send on it. Ms. Tomlinson answered quickly and Jade filled her in. She promised to fly over as soon as she could get a ticket, it would just be her for now. Jade had always loved Ms. Tomlinson, she was like a second mother and she needed that right now. Jade looked at her lawyer and told him that she was on the way.

Louis on the other hand was staring at his phone puzzled. Harry coughed loudly to snap Louis out of it.

"What was that?" Harry asks.

"She hung up. I don't know, maybe it was a mistake mate." Louis says shrugging and putting it off to be a butt-dial.

"You don't want to call her back?" Harry asks quietly. Louis glanced at him and their eyes met. It was like Harry could read his mind. Of course, Louis wanted to, this was someone who used to be his best friend. But how could he, he ignored her for a long time and if it was a mistake then she probably didn't want to hear from him. He had no idea what was really going on. Luckily for him, Niall ran in the room rushing them both off and Louis stuck his phone in his pocket forgetting about the whole ordeal for the moment.

Jade was staring at her phone waiting for him to call back. He had answered. He knew it was her. Each minute on her ride back home with the lawyer whose name she never caught she glanced at that phone, praying for it to ring. Louis had always been there for her and she really needed to be saved right now. Every minute that it didn't ring, Jade got angrier. She was mad, not at Louis really, but at her parents dying. At having no one. At having to go home to an empty house that was just full of things that would make her cry. At not even being able to really take care of herself. At not being able to mutter a hello to the person she wanted to vent to. At being alone. Jade knew that by the time she woke up Louis's mother would be there to help her with everything but it just wasn't right. Jade just felt off, which is expected; but she hated it. She was angry and upset and really wanted to fall off the face of the earth. She didn't know how to deal with this. Any of this. How does one deal with losing both her parents in one day? How does one cope? Jade wasn't sure and she wasn't sure she wanted to find out. She wanted her mother's arms and her father's smile as she walked through her front door. She locked up behind her and walked through the house staring at it with tears in her eyes once again. She went straight to their room and crawled into her parents' bed. It still smelled like them. She took a deep breath and sobbed herself to sleep recalling that they weren't ever coming back again.
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New story!! It's a one direction fanfic. Hope you like. Sorry the first chp is kind of a downer, but it gets better, well I hope! I've got it planned out in my head somewhat so let's see how it goes yeah? xoxo