Sequel: Gotta Be You
Status: work in progress(:



Jade woke up to the most wonderful smell in the world. Someone was cooking breakfast, she could tell that much. Jade made herself crawl out of bed to see that it was 6:30 in the morning. Groaning she made her way to the bathroom and quickly jumped in the shower. She knew what today was. She knew what was going to happen and she knew that she wasn't ready for it. Jade wrapped a towel around her and slipped into her room unnoticed. The smell was getting stronger. Jade's stomach growled loudly and she slipped back into her PJ's and brushed through her hair finally deciding to face the music. She was kind of hoping that it was Harry up and cooking for her but she doubted that.

"Good Morning." Jade says to Louis's back. He had on this apron that was covered with flour and random bits of food.

Louis, who wasn't expecting anyone to be up, jumped and dropped the spatula he was holding. Jade bit her lip and tried to control her chuckles. He was a complete mess. Jade glanced around saw bacon sitting on a plate and sausage in a pan. There was pancake mix sitting by the stove and eggs frying.

"I didn't expect for you to be up. I was going to come get you when I finished." Louis says picking up the stuff he dropped and wiping his forehead smearing some pancake mix across it.

"I smelled the food. Since when can you cook?" Jade says biting her lip wondering when it was going to come up. There was a tension in the air almost. She knew he was going to ask, he had to.

"I can't really. I mean, I know a few things. Breakfast is my best. I figured you'd need something in your system today." Louis says shrugging and glancing away from her towards the end of his sentence.

"Well, let me help." Jade says walking over to a hook that had another apron on it and placing it over her neck.

"I really suck at pancakes but I know you love them." Louis says smiling at her and Jade nods taking the mix and a pan and starting up pancakes while he put the eggs on a plate. They worked side by side cooking pancakes and the rest of breakfast. Soon they had enough to feed the two of them and the rest of the guys and probably half of Britain.

"You're a mess Louis." Jade says glancing at him and chuckling.

"It takes me a while to get into the rhythm of cooking. I tend to be a mess when I start." Louis says chuckling with her. Jade was surprised at how easy it was to act like nothing happened between them the night before and how easy it was just being happy with him.

"Well, let's eat!" Jade says happily grabbing a piece of bacon and popping it in her mouth. Jade organized the plates of food in a row and set out a stack of plates while Louis went downstairs to get the other boys after asking Jade to get Harry up.

"Harry, breakfast!" Jade says banging on his door. She heard him moan and then nothing. Jade sighed and realized that Louis left him for her because he was a pain to wake.

"Harry, get up!" Jade says opening the door loudly. Harry groans and tosses a pillow at her. Jade scowls and suddenly thinks of a way to wake him, it always used to work with Louis. Jade jumps right on the bed screaming his name repeatedly.

"Jadey Bear, I hate you." Harry shouts pulling her to a stop with his arm. Jade lays down next to Harry staring at his face. His eyes were still closed but she knew he was awake. She reached up and poked his nose with her finger.

"Yes Jade?" Harry sighs opening his eyes to stare at her. Jade pouts a little and looks down at his arm that had her pinned down still.

"Sorry, but no more jumping." Harry says before removing the arm and rolling over on his back.
"I had to get you up. It always worked with Louis. Now come on, let's eat." Jade says shrugging and jumping off his bed. She paused at the door to see him sitting up smiling at her. Jade waves her hand once more and pulls the door open before looking back to see him still sitting in the same place.

"Harry." Jade whines pouting at him once more.

"Jadey Bear, unless you want to see all of me I have to wait until you leave to come. Now, I don't mind prancing around nude but I figured you wouldn't want to see it." Harry says calmly and Jade's face turns a bright red. She gives him a small smile and shuts the door behind him still red as she walked into the kitchen that was full of the other boys.

"Jade, you're as red as a tomato." Niall says hugging her as she walks in. Jade smiles as Liam and Zayn both give her a hug as well. She knew they were just being overly nice because of what today was but she enjoyed it.

"Did you see Harry's...well ya know?" Louis says his eyes wide at the thought. Jade shook her head quickly as the guys laughed and Harry exited his room.

"Well, let's eat!" Jade shouts quickly before the subject got back on Harry's nakedness.

Niall was the first in line behind Jade who rushed in front of him. They all piled their plates high and ate in silence. It was amazing. Jade paused in her eating and glanced around at the boys. She really enjoyed their company, it almost scared her how much. Louis glances up at her from across the room where he was sitting and smiled at her brightly forgetting that she was here because she had to be for a moment. Jade smiled back and Louis recognized it as a genuine smile; one that he hadn't seen in ages.

"So Jade what time do you have to leave?" Harry asks through a mouthful of bacon and Louis watches as her smile fads bringing them both back into reality.

"I'm not really sure." Jade says refusing to meet anyone's eyes.

"A train goes out at 9, Mum will meet you there. She'll drive you from there. If you're okay with a train that is. If not, we can get a taxi here to take you." Louis says quietly trying to meet her eyes. Her eyes gave her away to him, she wasn't really great at hiding what was going on in that head of hers especially to him but when he was unsure all he needed to do was see her eyes.

"I can handle a train." Jade says biting into her pancake even though she wasn't feeling hungry anymore. Jade mumbled something about getting ready and stood up leaving the room. She hated that. She hated how she could go from total bliss to total depression. She had never been like that as a child. She slowly pulled out her black dress and heels and took them into the bathroom with her. She wasn't sure how it all happened but her bathroom stuff was taking over the bathroom and Harry had one little drawer. She plugged up her curling iron and slowly did her makeup.

Jade stared at herself in the mirror trying to put her finger on what she found wrong. Louis had already told her she needed to be done in five minutes so they could get her to the train station on time; that was ten minutes ago. Jade stared at herself and straightened her dress once more. She wasn't beautiful, her hair wasn't perfect, her face had a sad look about it, and she saw every flaw she had standing there. She wasn't perfectly skinny like some girls and her teeth never seemed to have that white sparkle. Her eyes were a mixed green and blue that she sometimes enjoyed but staring at herself now she hated them. They looked like a swamp and not a pretty one. Her hair was blond but it had started to brown a little underneath and her curls were frizzy. She found herself ugly she always had and she assumed that others did as well. She had never really had a boyfriend. Boys never seemed to take an interest into her and if they did she assumed they were just looking for a hook-up and in most cases that was the truth.

"Jadey, we have to get going." Louis shouts through the door and Jade sighs loudly pulling the door open and meeting Louis at the door.

"You look amazing Jadey Bear." Harry says quietly from the couch and Niall nods in agreement.

"You don't have to be nice just because I'm going to a funeral. I know I don't look good but when have I ever." Jade mumbles rolling her eyes at him.

"Harry's never been one for being nice." Zayn says earning him a hit from Harry and another nod from Niall.

"Right. Ya'll are nice but you don't have to be. I don't want to hear a lie about how I look. Thanks anyways but its not going to make this day any better. Now let's go Louis." Jade says opening the door and standing in the hallway waiting for them. She didn't mean to be rude to the guys but she didn't want to hear some lies about anything. She just wanted this day to be over with.

Jade refused to meet Louis's eyes the whole ride to the station. Part of her wanted him to just announce that he was coming with her and he wouldn't leave her side but she knew the moment that she stepped outside that wasn't going to happen. There were always fans around, she didn't know how he dealt with it. They were outside his door and then there were some at the station. He hugged her quickly and told her sorry once again for the fans before sending her on the way. Louis wanted more than anything to be there for her, to sit through a peaceful funeral for his godmother and godfather, to just hold Jade and make sure she was okay, and to go home for the day.

Jade's train trip was faster than she expected. She just sat by the window and watched the world go by. She refused to think about where she was going or what she was doing. The boys helped with that. They were all texting her and cracking jokes trying to keep her entertained. She got pictures of Louis and Harry "sobbing" by her door because she was no longer there and of Niall stuffing his face with her pancakes yet again and then one of Zayn asleep on the couch with a frustrated Liam over him clearly talking. They made her smile and kept her sane until she reached Doncaster. Johannah was there waiting with open arms. She hugged Jade before pulling her into a cab to take her to their house. Jade was amazed at how all familiar it looked. They had an hour until the funeral so Jade made her way through the familiar house. Daisy and Phoebe were both running around trying to help Lottie and Fizz find the things they needed. Jade walked through the house to see pictures of the family and small items that she knew the kids had made. Johannah was rushing around trying to pack Daisy and Phoebe up and get prepared for the funeral that was coming. Mark was taking the twins to his place for the night to make things easier on Johannah. It was sweet of him, even if they weren't together anymore.
Jade roamed up the stairs and saw Lottie and Fizz in the room they shared getting ready. She smiled and walked past the twins room which used to be the guest room. Lottie had told her that Louis's room was the same. She was offered it but thought it would be better used as a guest room. She enjoyed her room with Fizz. Jade slowly pushed the door open and glanced inside. It was almost as she remembered it. Obviously it didn't hold every toy he used to own and they played with but it had some familiarities in it. His power rangers poster was still up and faded. Jade sat down on the bed and sighed at the very sight of his room. It was everything she remembered from her childhood that she tried to forget. She didn't belong in this world anymore, she was grown up. She had to grow up. Jade sighed even louder and stood up to look out the window. His back yard was just the same. The tree house was still there as well. Jade glanced at her watch and made herself promise to visit it after the funeral. She knew she would need it. She took a quick snap of the Power Rangers poster and sent it to Louis saying someone needs to grow up. She didn't even bother to look at his response as she ran down the stairs to meet Johannah and the girls.

The funeral went by faster than Jade expected. She stayed calm as they played her parent's wedding song and the preacher spoke about when he first met them. Old friends that she barely remembered gave speeches and Johannah broke down while giving hers. Jade was actually taking it all better than she thought she would do. She didn't want to break down in front of people she didn't know. She felt as if her parents would want her to be strong and strong was what she planned on being. Jade then heard the preacher ask if she wanted to talk. Jade paused and then nodded standing up. She wasn't sure what to say but she felt she needed to.

"Hello. My parents would be thrilled that all of you are here for them. They were like that, always kind. They really had a way of seeing the best in everyone. My mom used to tell me that I could do anything I set my mind to and my dad would tell me that I was the only woman in his life that he loved as much as he loved my mom. They were a happy couple, I'll never forget seeing them do small actions of love to each other throughout my childhood. They loved spending time together and I know that they love that they aren't here without each other. It's funny how that works sometimes. It's almost like their love wouldn't let either of them be without the other, even if it meant leaving the rest of us. I'll always remember them, as I'm sure everyone will. Thank you again for coming." Jade says her eyes tearing up as she thought of them. She knew her mother and father were in love, she had saw it growing up that much was true.

Johannah took Jade's hand as she sat down next to her. Jade let her hold it but wouldn't face her. The preacher said something that Jade didn't hear and then a song started playing. She knew it was close to over by now. The song filled her ears and Jade gasped as she listened to it play. Louis might not of made it to the funeral in person but he was here. She closed her eyes and felt the tears pour out at the sound of One Direction's voices singing to her. Moments had always been her mother's song. She would sing it out loud every morning and give praise to Louis for making such a good achievement. Jade actually hated it towards the end. Louis had stopped talking to her and yet her mother made her listen to him sing every morning. Her mother seemed so proud of everything he did like he was a child of hers. She was just as proud of everything Jade did as well but it was funny to see how happy she got when news of some new achievement came along. She actually had gotten them tickets for their tour in America, but they ended up not going. That was Jade's fault. The more Jade listened the more she missed her mother. She had finally broke. She heard the end of the song come and she stood up and walked out. That was enough of the funeral. That was enough of being reminded. She just wanted to forget. She just wanted to be alone. Jade roamed the streets for a bit and soon found herself at a park that she recognized. Louis and her used to come and play here. Jade sat on the swing for a long while just letting her tears come. She missed her parents more than anyone could imagine. Her mother had been her best friend, who was supposed to be that now? She needed her mother. How could they just leave her like that?

Jade's phone went off and she glanced down to see Louis had texted her. His mom must of called him worried. She shot him a text telling him she was fine and left the park. It was strange how she could remember everything about this place. She found the house yet again and paused before taking a deep breath and facing the music yet again.
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Sorry it's been so long! I've been busy. I'm not really sure how I feel about this chapter. But I think the next few will be the some of the best. I hope anyways. Comment! Oh and check out Concrete Angel, if you want something else to read(: No silent readers please! Love you all for reading! Thanks!