Sequel: Gotta Be You
Status: work in progress(:


Going Home

Johannah Tomlinson rushed around her house trying to get things together. She already explained to the girls what was happening and had tried to call Louis. Each one of his sisters also had tried calling but there was no answer so Johannah sent him a quick text telling him to call no matter what the time.

Louis and the rest of the boys were just finishing up and saying goodbye to their fans. They all quickly crawled back into their van where Louis finally glanced at his phone. He narrowed his eyes in confusion as he saw all the missed calls he had. Something was off and he knew it.

"I'm going to call my mom, can you guys keep it quiet?" Louis says loudly over Niall's laughter and Zayn's talking.

"Alright mommy's boy. Tell mother Jay we love her!" Harry screams as Louis hits dial.

"Louis?" Johannah asks trying to remain calm and get into the cab at the same time. There was a lot of noise in the background and it was hard to hear him. Louis however could tell his mother had been crying.

"Guys! Shut it!" Louis shouted over the guys and they all jumped and looked at him with worried eyes. You could tell from his face something was off. They all became really quiet out of respect.

"Mom? What's wrong?" Louis says as his mother sniffles some.

"Louis do you remember Jade? I know, that's a silly question. Of course you do. Well, she called me tonight. I'm going to America." Johannah says slowly trying to figure out how to tell him.

"You're what? Why? What happened?" Louis says his stomach dropping. If Jade called his mother, then calling him wasn't an accident. He should of called her back. He nudged Harry and mouthed for him to text Jade. Harry tried to pull out his phone while Louis listened closely to his mother.

"There was an accident." Johannah says before bursting into tears once again. Louis hit Harry again and shook his head to tell him to stop. Harry bent his eyebrows at him and just nodded sliding his phone back in his pocket.

"Is she okay?" Louis asks quietly. If she wasn't, Louis was never going to forgive himself. He had promised to call and he never did. He should of called her right back when she called earlier. This was a mess.

"She's as okay as she can be. Tom and Mary passed away love." Johannah says trying to control her tears. Louis heard his sister Lottie say something and then his mom was telling him that her and Lottie were about to board. They would call when they got there. His other sisters were with the neighbors and she'd keep him updated. Louis mumbled an I love you and a goodbye before hanging up the phone.

"Lou, you look like someone died." Niall says as he turned around to face his best friend. Louis felt tears fall down his face and he glanced out the window trying to hide them.

"Louis, did someone die?" Liam says in a hushed tone.

"Is it Jade?" Harry asks quickly his breath catching. He had met Jade once and she was something else. She made Louis relax better than anyone else could and she also got under his skin better than anyone else. She was quite a character.

"Jade lost her parents." Louis managed to mumble out. Harry was by Louis's side in a blink. He had his arm around his best friend and was patting his back. He knew how close Louis was to that family growing up. The rest of the guys knew the story somewhat but they hadn't met these people. They didn't know the deal but they could tell from Louis's face and Harry's reaction that they were important to him. The rode in silence for the rest of the ride and all walked Louis to his and Harry's flat.

Jade woke up to Johannah and Lottie in her kitchen. They each hugged her and Jade just squeezed tightly feeling the love. Johannah made her breakfast and Lottie helped her get ready for Austin, her lawyer who was coming to discuss her parent's will.

"Jade, good to see you. So the legal process of this is that automatically, you are put into Mark's care. He is your godfather. Now in this written will your parents wished for you to be raised by Johannah and Mark but seeing as they are divorced now you're put in Mark's care. Mark however can't take care of you on his own. We've discussed this and after reading the letter your parents left them, it was decided to go on to our next option. You can't access any money or anything they left in a bank until you turn 18 which is in a few months." Austin says taking a breath as Jade wipes her eyes.

Jade refused to glance at Mark even though he had her hand on her shoulder. He couldn't take her. He didn't want her. She was going to foster care. She should of never called them. They aren't any help. They didn't want her.

"We set up a storage place in Doncaster to put all the large things you can't take with you and you don't really need until you're on your own." Austin informs Jade and she snaps her eyes up to him.

"Doncaster?" Jade says slowly refusing to meet anyone's eyes.

"Well, it was said that if you were still young enough to be watched over that they wanted you with Louis. Now we talked to Mark and Louis is old enough to technically be a legal guardian to you. Your parents wrote him a letter and within that it is said is a letter he is to give to you at a certain time. The directions are something he will deal with when reading the letter. Johannah has asked that she be the one that tell Louis. Mark has agreed to release his rights to him. If Louis is unable to take care of you the next choice would be foster care and Johannah has already request to take the necessary courses to be your foster mother." Austin explains.

"Wait, Louis is just a kid. My parents left me to him?" Jade says confused.

"Last year, they came in to update some stuff. They were informed of the split up and said they really wanted Mark and Johannah to take care of you together but they knew that legally Mark had you first as godfather. Louis had just turned 19 and they knew that legally he could take care of someone. They wished that he be the second choice if he was willing. They said they explained it all to him in the letter." Austin says.

Jade just stares at him with wide eyes. She was going to England to live with Louis because it was what her parents wanted. Why didn't they want her to stay here? Why wouldn't they put Johannah first? Johannah was already like a mother to her. Louis wouldn't take her. He didn't care about her anymore. He had made that clear. Jade sighed and just nodded slowly.

"The last matter is that we've agreed to put you in Johannah's care until you reach London and meet with Louis. You should pack up. We have arranged to have your parents funeral over there. They wished to be buried at they church they were married at." Austin says.

Jade nodded heading to her room. She started with her clothes. Lottie was informed by her mother that they were leaving soon so she offered to help. Movers were coming tomorrow to take the big stuff. Jade moved around the house and grabbed a few small things she would want. She packed one bag she'd need for the week and then the rest was for the movers. The next day went by quickly. The house was put on the market and soon she was standing in an airport ready to move back home. It had been a long time since she called England her home but America was nothing without her parents. England was going to be home now and Louis was going to be her guardian. If he took her in. She sighed deeply and boarded the flight sitting next to Lottie who kept up a continuous chatter to keep her mind off her parents. Jade was glad. She didn't really want to think of anything. She just wanted things to be normal but she knew she'd never get that again.
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Alright, here's two. I hope you like it. From here on out it will be mostly with the boys(: So that's exciting.
Comment please. If you like it, I'd like to know. I'm doing this cause I love writing and I just love these boys. I really think it's coming nicely but this chapter could be better. I had it written out and something happened and it messed up so this is the second time I wrote it. Sorry if its kinda sucky. Comments please!(: