Sequel: Gotta Be You
Status: work in progress(:


Breakfast Surprise

Jade woke up with Louis snoring lightly beside her. His arm was still draped over her but she was able to lift it and walk into the restroom. Jade quickly brushed her teeth and hair and called for some breakfast. They had until lunch because the boys were on some radio show at 11, then from there they were traveling to Paris for a show. Jade was thrilled for Paris.

"Jadey?" Louis mumbles from the bed and Jade walked out giving him a small smile.

"Hey, sleepy." Jade says jumping on the bed.

"You woke up early." Louis says glancing at the clock that was flashing 7 o'clock.

"I know, I don't know what's wrong with me." Jade says chuckling as she lays her head on his chest. She felt his chest rise quickly as he laughed with her and then slowly come to a normal pace of breathing.

"I'm starving." Louis says after a few moments.

"I ordered some room service, enough for all the guys. I assumed they'd come in here once they woke up." Jade says making Louis chuckle once more.

"Probably so." Louis says throwing an arm under his head. Jade was still laying on his chest and Louis noticed how peaceful she looked in that moment. The girl who was sobbing her eyes out the night before seemed to be completely gone.

"FOOD!" Jade shouts happily at there was a knock at the door. Louis laughs hysterically as Jade rolls off the bed and scrambles toward the door. Jade pulls the door open as Harry and Niall walk into the room from the other door. Louis waved to his friends who jumped on the bed with him.

"Um, Louis, it's for you." Jade says from the door and Louis bends his eyebrows in confusion. He rolls himself off the bed grabbing Niall's shirt from the couch and pulling it over his head.

"What's up Jadey? I thought you said-" Louis says turning the corner cutting his sentence off.

"Stop with all this tension! Who is it?" Niall asks from his chair making Harry shout out in agreement.

"Eleanor." Louis says glancing at his girlfriend in total confusion.

"Hi Louis." Eleanor says standing there smiling at him. Jade bite her lip and stared at the beautiful woman before her as Louis snapped out of his confusion and wrapped her into a hug. Jade steps back to give them some privacy and room. Harry meets her eyes and pats the bed next to him telling her to sit. Jade smiles jumping on the bed next to him and letting him pet her hair.

"Hello boys." Eleanor says stepping into the room and smiling at them.

"Hiya Eleanor." Niall says cheerfully and Harry waves.

"Eleanor what are you doing here?" Louis questions pulling her down on the small couch in the room and sitting next to her. Jade bite her lip wondering the same thing.

"I didn't like the way I left things. I have an apology I need to make." Eleanor says slowly playing with her fingers.

"Eleanor, we were fine. You apologized." Louis says wrapping an arm around her and pulling her into him. Jade was watching them with careful eyes. She didn't want to comment on the fact that Eleanor wasn't fine with her.

"Not to you Louis." Eleanor says untangling herself from Louis and standing up. Jade watched with wide eyes as Eleanor stared at Jade.

"Jade, can we go get a cup of coffee? I really would like to talk with you." Eleanor says and Jade shifts under Harry's arms.

"We can just talk in the other room." Jade says biting her lip nervously.

"Jadey, you two can go while we're in the interview. That'll keep you busy until we have to leave." Louis says and Eleanor nods in agreement quickly.

"I have to go check in with some people and I can come back to get you. I have an assignment in Paris this week so I flew in here because I knew you guys would be here. I thought maybe I could hitch a ride to Paris? I miss being around all of you." Eleanor says smiling and Jade notices that Louis seems to light up a bit on the inside.

"That'll be great! Come on babe, I'll walk you out and you can meet Jade in the lobby at 10:45. I have to wake the other boys up anyways." Louis says draping an arm around her shoulders and walking her out the door. Jade removes herself from Harry's arms and slowly walks to the bathroom.

Jade couldn't believe it. She just let herself get stuck into going to coffee with a girl who hates her. She was getting coffee with Eleanor who basically told her that she was bad for Louis. A girl that apparently owed her an apology. Jade was confused. Even more, if this coffee went bad, Jade was stuck on a bus with her until Paris. She wasn't sure how long of a ride that was, but Jade was sure it was long enough.

"Jadey Bear, are you okay?" Harry says knocking on the door. Jade took a deep breath and threw some water on her face. She would deal for Louis, for the boys. She would deal.

"I'm fine. Sorry, just needed to pee." Jade mumbles walking out and placing a smile on her face.

"Jadey Bear." Harry mumbles as Louis runs back in the room throwing his arms around Jade and spinning her around.

"I know you two didn't get along at first but I just know you'll love each other." Louis says cheerfully tossing her down on the bed which just made her giggle.

"Louis, are you sure this is such a good idea?" Harry asks quietly watching Jade's face. He could see that she wasn't sure herself even if she acted like she was.

"Why wouldn't it be? Eleanor is really excited. And Jade, you'll love her. You two are so similar in someways. And I'm really glad the two are you are going to be getting along." Louis says glancing at Harry before sitting down next to Jade and grabbing her hand in joy.

"I'm sure it'll be great." Jade says patting his hand and glancing over at Harry who was watching him with pursed lips.

"It will. Jadey, this means so much to me." Louis says suddenly getting a little serious. Jade searches his eyes for a moment before smiling and giving his hand a squeeze.

"I have to get ready, so get out." Jade jokes pushing him off the bed. Louis laughs but runs to the other room all the same. Niall grabs some clothes and runs after him.

"Harry, you look like an old worried granny." Jade says poking him as she stood up.

"Jadey Bear, I've come to know that Louis gets excited and fails to see stuff sometimes. I still see it though, and you don't want to go." Harry says quietly moving his head to make sure Louis wasn't coming back in here.

"I'm going Harry. It's fine. I'm just not sure if it'll go how Louis wants it to." Jade says biting her lip and looking around the room.

"Jade, don't let her bully you around. I love Eleanor, I do and she's a real sweetheart but sometimes she can be intense. She means the best but sometimes it doesn't come across like that." Harry says pursing his lips once again.

"I think I saw that side of her already." Jade mumbles and Harry sighs before letting out a small chuckle.

"Well, maybe it's time to see her better side. You'll be fine. I promise and if not just text me and I'll be there in a minute flat with some excuse and Louis won't ever have to know that you two fought." Harry says and Jade glances up at him.

"It's not that I don't want Louis to know. I just don't want him upset. He's so happy." Jade says smiling at the thought of his joy from moments before.

"I get it. I like for him to be his normal cheerful self. I've seen enough depressed Louis before." Harry says and then he bites his lip and glances at Jade who was staring at him strangely.

"Depressed? Louis? I mean, I know he gets down sometimes but he's never been really depressed." Jade says with a small confused smile on her face.

"Right, I didn't mean it like that, I um have to go get ready. See you around 11." Harry says running out of the room and shutting the door behind him. Jade watched him for a bit and then turned to her suitcase. She had more pressing matters at the moment.
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Surprise, Surprise. Whatcha think? Thanks for the comments! I love them. Ya'll are the best. Thanks for reading. Comment, and whatnot. Thanks. xxx