Sequel: Gotta Be You
Status: work in progress(:


Devious Jade

Paris came and went quicker than Jade imagined. Once they arrived, Eleanor was rushed off to some modeling thing she had but not before taking Jade shopping for some dresses. Jade and Eleanor said their goodbyes and promised to have dinner when they returned from tour. The boys were rushed off to an interview and Jade was left sitting on a couch while they talked.

"You're Jade." a guy says walking up to her.

"I am. And you are?" Jade says sighing. She had suddenly become well known everywhere and she was starting to worry about it.

"Ron." He says shaking her hand. Ron was tall and handsome, Jade could tell that. As to what he wanted with her, she wasn't really sure.

"I just thought I would say hello." Ron says before walking off down some hall way leaving Jade staring after him confused.

"Jade? What's up?" Liam says as he walks out of the room.

"Nothing. What are you doing?" Jade questions. They were all supposed to be being interviewed/hosting the radio show.

"Bathroom break. There's a song playing right now so I'm going to run to the bathroom." Liam says and Jade nods as he rushes over to the restroom quickly.

"Hey Liam, I meant to ask earlier but I really haven't had a chance. Are you okay? You've seemed a bit down these past few days." Jade says as Liam exits the restroom. He peeks through the glass at the boys and decides they can keep going without him for a moment.

"I'm fine. I just miss Danielle. She's my bird, by the way. Seeing Eleanor and Louis just makes me miss her more." Liam says quietly looking down at his feet.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of Liam. That's cute. Why don't you just call her up? Tell her to come out. She can spend a week with us or a few days. What country does she really want to go to? You can make it happen." Jade says poking him and making him look up at her.

"She would love Spain. I'm sure of it but I just don't know if she could come." Liam says smiling at Jade.

"Tell her to take a week off. Tell her you have a surprise for her. And then fly her out." Jade states and she crosses her arms stubbornly as Liam shakes his head.

"It just won't work." Liam mumbles standing up and smiling down at Jade. He loved her enthusiasm, they all did.

"Go back to work then." Jade says pushing him into the booth and slowly pulling his phone out of his jacket pocket as he did. Jade figured, if Liam wouldn't do it, she would give Liam a surprise of his own. Jade quickly found Danielle's number and typed it into her own phone. She figured Liam would quickly discover his phone was missing. She then slipped it in his seat to make it look like it fell out of his pocket.

"Jadey!" Louis shouts as the boys exit the room. Jade smiles up at him and slips her phone in her pocket trying to look innocent.

"Louis." Jade says staring at him.

"Oh, I don't have anything to say. I just felt like saying your name." Louis says and Jade chuckles quietly to herself.

"So after tonight's show we have some more travel days and then we're in Spain?" Jade questions and Louis nods jumping on the couch next to her. Louis slides behind her and Jade rests on his chest lightly as the rest of the boys lay around the room.

"Are ya'll done with the radio show?" Jade asks confused and Harry shakes his head slowly.

"DJ Malik is doing it for a bit. We're taking a break." Liam says making Jade chuckle as she peeks through the window at Zayn who was having the time of his life in there.

"Radio shows are so much fun, but we kind of need some food." Niall says and Harry nods in agreement patting his stomach.

"So order in." Jade says rolling her head around tiredly.

"Jadey, you got your hair in my mouth." Louis says making spitting noises and making Jade chuckle.

"Hush, I'm napping." Jade mumbles turning over and burying her head into his chest.

"Jade, have you seen my phone?" Liam asks suddenly and Jade was glad her face wasn't towards him.

"Nope, maybe it fell out of your pocket." Jade mumbles hiding her face into Louis even more.

"Jadey, stop moving. You're making my chest tickle." Louis says laughing which sent Jade into fits of laughter as well.

"Well, it would be on the couch if it did." Liam says thoughtfully and then he stands over Jade and Louis waiting on them to move.

"I can't mate, Jade's on me." Louis says shrugging and looking up at his friend. Liam narrows his eyes and motions for Harry to come over.

Jade suddenly felt Liam's arms lift her up and then she was placed into Harry's arms. Louis then jumped up and offered to take her from Harry who nodded placing Jade in Louis's arms. Jade glanced up at Louis and suddenly felt like a bride, how strange.

"I can't believe ya'll just picked me up and traded me between people like I'm a bag or something." Jade growls leaning into Louis's body as he held her.

"Found it. And it's more like you're a child." Liam says pulling his phone out of the couch and moving so Louis could sit down with Jade in his lap.

"I guess that makes sense, she is the youngest." Niall comments chuckling. Jade narrows her eyes and tries to remove herself from Louis's lap.

"Oh no you don't my dearest child." Louis says laughing and keeping his arms wrapped around her tightly.

"I'm not a child. I'm almost Harry's age." Jade says pouting.

"I'm already 18." Harry says chuckling at Jade's face.

"Whatever. Don't ya'll have to work or something?" Jade mumbles pulling against Louis once more.

"Not until after we eat. And you can just stay here until then my dearest." Louis says chuckling at how angry Jade looked.

"Louis, you have to let me go." Jade whined as I held her down. We were wrestling and I had pinned her down on the floor. She was swearing up and down that I didn't beat her so I figured if I held her there long enough she would admit she lost.

"I'm not." I taunted as she squirmed some more.

"Louis." Jade whined hitting her fist against the floor.

"Jade." I mocked which only earned me a glare. She was so funny. She always had been. I glanced at her once more and felt tears coming to my eyes. She was staying the night because it was her last night. We had promised each other not to talk about it but something about her whining to get me off her just made me realize we weren't going to have those moments anymore.

"Louis." Jade said quietly as I rose off the ground and crawled into my bed. I figured if I just played like I was tired she would just crawl in bed with me and I could hold her until she had to leave. It wasn't fair, for them to take my best friend like that.

"I'm just tired." I mumble and I felt Jade crawl in bed with me. I roll over and wrap my arms around her holding tightly.

"Louis, I know we promised but I'm really going to miss you." Jade said and I could hear her voice trembling.

"You're not going to have a chance to. We'll write and visit and call. I promise, it'll be fine." I said trying to calm her but somewhere deep inside of me told me that nothing was ever going to the be the same again. I wish it could be. I would give anything to have those moments, to have never lost them.

"Oh look, food's here! Now let go." Jade says pulling against Louis once more.

"Fine, only because I'm dying over here." Louis says releasing Jade only to have her plop next to him as a pizza is sat down in front of them. Louis pokes her arm and hands her a slice smiling at her.

"Why are you looking like that?" Jade asks as she takes a huge bite.

"No reason. I just was thinking." Louis says quietly. They all wolf down their food and rush back into the radio booth. Jade takes the chance to step into the restroom and call Danielle. Danielle turned to be someone that Jade thought she would absolutely love. It was all planned, they would meet up in Spain and then Danielle would stay a week with them while they traveled and then fly back home. It was all very exciting and Jade began to think she should start a match-making/dating service, but then she realized it would probably take a lot of work, which she wasn't really into. She only liked this because it was kind of devious.

The rest of the day was spent sight-seeing and then at the show. Jade could barely look Liam in the face because she thought she'd give something away so she stuck to Louis and Harry's sides and tried to avoid all conversation with Liam. They all piled onto the bus and crashed for the night, or that was how it seemed. Louis and Harry waited until everyone was asleep and they quietly snuck out of bed setting up their trap. Jade however heard the movement and pokes her head out from behind the curtain to see them blowing up woopie cushions. Jade shakes her head and rolls over thinking that it was such a lame prank, if only she knew.
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Such a filler, and I think it kinda sucks. But oh well. Comment! thanks for reading xxx