Sequel: Gotta Be You
Status: work in progress(:


Liam's surprise

Jade woke up earlier than anyone else the next morning. She rolled out of be expecting at least one of the boys to be up only to find out she was wrong. Jade sighs as she peeks into all of the their beds finding them all snoring lightly. Jade quickly changes and then decides to be nice and make the boys breakfast. Jade slowly pulls out some bacon and starts cooking hoping the smell will wake them up. She hated being awake and alone, it left her with too many thoughts. That's why she was so willing to go to everything the boys had to go to, it kept her busy and her mind off of everything.

"Is that bacon?" Niall's voice says from his bed making Jade smile and look over his way.

"Yes." Jade says and soon Niall was right beside her with a huge smile.

"You're making us bacon?" Niall questions and Jade chuckles nodding at his happy face.

"You're the best person ever." Niall says wrapping his arms around her in a hug before running off to the bathroom. Zayn chuckles making Jade jump and tear her eyes from Niall and to Zayn's bed.

"It's easy to win him over." Zayn says quietly climbing down and Jade nods in agreement. She seems to have won them all over pretty easily, though Zayn normally kept his distance from her. It bothered Jade but she tried not to take it personally, maybe it was just how Zayn was.

"You look like you're thinking really hard about something." Zayn comments picking a piece of bacon off of the plate next to the stove before turning to fix himself a drink.

"I was thinking about you actually." Jade says deciding to be truthful.

"Oh me? I guess I should be flattered." Zayn says leaning against the counter and looking at her.

"I don't know about all that." Jade says flipping some more bacon on the plate.

"Alright Jade, you have to spill now." Zayn says quietly as Niall shouts something about changing clothes.
"I've just gotten really close and won the other guys over and yet you seemed to not want that at all from me." Jade says glancing away from him. She didn't mean it in a bad way but she also didn't want him to say something horrible about her.

"Oh Jade." Zayn says quietly and Jade meets his eyes scared of what she'd find in them.
"I don't mean to come across like that babe. Really I don't." Zayn says taking her hand and pulling her into the sitting area as Niall enters the kitchen. Zayn motions for Niall to finish the bacon and sits Jade down on the couch.

"Zayn, it's okay. Really, it was just something I noticed." Jade says rubbing the back of her neck nervously. She really thought he was going to tell her he just didn't like her or something.

"No, Jade. I just need to explain this. I don't mean to come across like that. Jade, I don't want to get overly attached because I don't know how this is going to end." Zayn says and Jade glances up at him even more scared than before.

"I don't know what to say about that." Jade says and Zayn sighs shaking his head trying to get the words right.

"Jade, I see this ending in a couple of ways. At 18, you're out of here. You're gone and I'm attached to someone I won't see as much as I'm used to. I don't know how I'd like that." Zayn says and Jade squeezes his hand ready to reply only for him to hold his up and continue talking.

"Or I fall for you, which is something I think we all could possibly do except for Liam because he's so smitten with Danielle. And let's be honest Jade, we all know who out of the band you'll end up with if it comes down to it. And who really wants that heartbreak." Zayn says shrugging and Jade opens her mouth and then closes it again.

"Who I would end up with?" Jade says finally her eyes narrowed.

"Really, out of all that, that's what you choose. I'm not commenting anymore because you look ready to kill me and I don't want to hear all the excuses I'm sure you have lined up. Jade, let's be real, it's obvious who you love." Zayn says and Jade opens her mouth to say some excuse only to have Zayn put his finger to her lips and shake his head.

"Fine. Why don't you just become my friend? Even if I did leave, I wouldn't lose touch." Jade says crossing her arms.

"I know that Jade. We are friends. I'm just not overly attached like some people." Zayn says quietly looking over her shoulder. Jade glances over her shoulder and sees Harry and Louis climbing out of bed. Jade finds a smile come across her face as they both smile brightly at her.

"Jade you know I like you, it just takes a while for me to become as attached as the two of them." Zayn whispers into her ear before leaving the sitting area and joining Niall at the stove. Jade follows him with her eyes before sighing as Harry and Louis join her.

"What's up Jadey Bear?" Harry questions taking in her face.

"Nothing. I'm just nervous Liam's going to find out." Jade says finding it easy to spit out a lie.

"He's not. But let's not talk about it just in case." Louis says squeezing her hand as Harry throws his arm around her. Jade smiles at the two of them pushing her worries away. So what if they were attached, they were her best friends, that wasn't going to change. She wouldn't let it, not again.

"Will you two keep it down?!" Liam's voice says from his bed. Zayn and Niall had been laughing loudly at something and everyone jumps at Liam's shouting.

"Someone's a grumpy head today." Niall comments as Liam crawls out of bed with a mean look across his face.

"Shut it." Liam mumbles sitting at the table and laying his head down. Jade glances at Harry and Louis before standing up and walking over to him.

"What's up Liam?" Jade says quietly aware that all the boys were listening and watching closely.

"I'm just worried about Dani." Liam mumbles and Jade fights back a smile. She knew that Danielle was on a plane, which meant no texting, which meant Liam didn't get a good morning reply.

"Maybe she's still asleep." Louis suggests coming over and sitting next to him. Liam sighs and lifts his head.

"She said she had to get up early this morning. She went to bed early last night because of it." Liam says shaking his head.

"For what?" Zayn questions coming over with Niall and bringing the breakfast they finished.

"She said it was some dance thing. Totally last minute." Liam says shrugging and running his hand through his hair.

"Well maybe she didn't want to wake you early this morning mate." Niall says and Harry nods in agreement sliding into a chair and filling his plate.

"Maybe she's just busy." Harry adds and Liam glances around at his friends.

"I just like to hear from her." Liam mumbles and Louis throws his arm around him with a small smile.

"It's okay mate. I'm sure you will soon." Louis says glancing over at Jade who quickly becomes interested in the food. She was always bad at keeping surprises a secret but she was determined not to mess this one up.

"Come on Jade, just tell me." Louis begged pulling on my arm. He was turning 9 the next day and his mother had recruited me to keeping him over at my house that night so they could prepare for a surprise party. Louis knew something was up though.

"There's nothing to tell Louis." I said crawling into my bed trying to escape him. I had always been bad at keeping secrets, every year I told him what we got him for his birthday. I would be all excited and anxious and Louis would then slowly get it out of me.

"Come on Jadey, you know we have to secrets." Louis said crawling next to me and wrapping his arms around me. I smile at him and bury my head into his chest for a moment trying to breathe. I hated lying to him. I hated keeping secrets from him.

"I got you that new cd you wanted." I mumbled into his chest trying to give up a less important detail.

"You did?!" Louis said and I nod knowing this will satisfy him for the time being. I just hoped it was enough time to go to sleep so I wouldn't reveal his party.

"I have to say Jade, I kind of figured, though part of me was hoping you'd spill that Mum was throwing a party of something." Louis said and I felt myself freeze unsure what to say. I forced a chuckle and turn away from him glancing at his face before I do. He knew. I could tell, he wasn't going to force it out of me, but he knew. He always knew.

"Get him out of here." Jade whispers into Louis's ear as Liam asks once more about her day.

"I'll be careful Liam. It's going to be fine. Get to your interview." Jade says again nodding to the door.

"Really, we better go." Harry says pushing Liam as well. Liam pushes him off and walks back towards his bed to grab his phone.

"Bye Jade." Niall says hugging her and Zayn does the same. Jade waves to them both and then turns to give Harry a tight hug. Harry hugs her tightly and whispers that they'll keep Liam out as long as possible.

"Bye Jadey Bear." Harry says pulling on Liam's arm to come. Liam gives him a look and hits his head slightly before wrapping an arm around Jade and telling her goodbye.

"Be safe." Liam says finally allowing Harry to pull him outside.

"Keep him away for a good couple of hours." Jade says hugging Louis tightly.

"Of course. You be very safe love. Don't get lost. Go get Dani and come right back. I don't want you two to get lost nor do we need the press to take pictures and Liam to find out through him." Louis says and the boys shout for him to come on.

"I got it Louis. I'll be safe. Just go." Jade says allowing him to kiss her cheek and then he runs out of the bus.

Jade chuckles and watches the boys as they are ushered into the building. She then quickly changes and calls a cab service. She figured that fans would still be crowding the bus and she would much rather not have to deal with that. Danielle's plane would arrive in less than an hour so Jade knew she had to hurry. Jade rushes out of the bus only to hear fans scream her name, which she still found strange. She lunges into the cab and blurts out the airport's address praying that no one follows them.

"C'mon Danielle, where are you?" Jade mumbles pulling her cap lower on her head and glancing around the airport once again.

She knew Danielle was going to be in sweats and a ball cap just like Jade's. They had planned it that way. Jade had gotten her number out of one of the guys phones so they had been communicating some. Danielle wanted to stay under the radar as much as possible so her hair was to be back and her face as hidden as much as possible. They had picked one spot that they saw on pictures of the airport online. It was new to the both of them but Jade found it quite easy to find. The place however was completely crowded. Everyone was talking in different languages and Jade was dying to just get out of here.

"You're Jade. You have to be Jade." a girl's voice says from behind Jade. Jade turns around to see a girl who was around her height in a ball cap and sweats.

"Danielle?" Jade says glancing her up and down. She looked like the one picture that she had seen briefly on Liam's phone.

"That would be me." Danielle says smiling brightly down at Jade. Jade felt herself smile back slowly letting her excitement take over. This was actually going as planned.

"Oh good, you're here. We should get your bags and get going. The guys are giving me a couple of hours and I've already used up one of them." Jade says chuckling and Danielle nods taking her arm. They two of them search for the baggage claim and quickly find Danielle's bags. Somehow they found a cab quickly and jumped in without seeing any press or fans. Jade couldn't believe her luck.

"I just can't believe it. I'm never this lucky. Something always happens." Jade comments which only makes Danielle chuckle a little.

"I'm with you there." Danielle says glancing out the window at the city.

"It's so beautiful here isn't it?" Jade comments and Danielle smiles at her.

"I think so. I've never been to Spain. I'm so glad to be here." Danielle says and Jade grins back at her.

"Liam is going to be so thrilled. He's such a great guy, I've been so grateful for him. I'm glad I decided to do this. He's helped with some school stuff." Jade says smiling at the thought of Liam and his sweetheart self.

"I'm so glad too. I miss him so much when he's gone, this is just going to be lovely." Danielle says which only makes Jade grin more as they come closer to the bus.

"Oh crap. I forgot about fans at the bus." Jade says and she meets Danielle with a worried expression.

"What if they tell Liam they saw me?" Danielle says.

"They just can't see you." Jade says and Danielle glances at her bending her eyebrows.

"I've seen that look before. On Louis's face. You're brewing up some big plan." Danielle says and Jade pauses to raise her own eyebrows at the reference to Louis.

"Can you drop me off here and drive around the block and bring her back?" Jade asks the driver who nods and pulls over on the side of the road mumbling something in Spanish.

"We'll talk later about that Louis reference." Jade says and Danielle just laughs as Jade jumps out of the cab and pulls her cap off revealing her blond hair and face.

"Jade!" a fan shouts causing all the fans to swarm towards her. Jade's eyes widen as she smiles and walks quickly around the corner only to have them follow. Jade says hello and keeps talking to them as she sees Danielle's cab pull up beside the bus once again. Jade peeks to make sure all eyes were still on her and no other fans were on the bus before shooting Danielle a quick message to run for it.

"Can we please get a picture with you?" A little girl asks which only makes Jade look at her with surprise.

"With me? I'm not famous." Jade says which only makes the little girl giggle.

"You're my role model. You prank the boys and deal with them daily. I kind of hope that Harry and you get married." the girl says which only makes Jade laugh.

"Harry and I are just friends." Jade says bending down so she could get a picture with the girl.

"I told you. My sister has crazy dreams. Everyone knows it's totally you and Niall." another girl says trading the camera with her sister and standing by Jade.

"Girls, I'm just friends with all the boys." Jade says laughing at them. She gives hugs to the fans and then walks back towards the bus trying to shake them. They follow her of course, because they want to wait for the guys.

"Those girls out there are freaking cute." Jade tells Danielle as she shuts the door and see Danielle standing there.

"This bus is freaking messy." Danielle says and Jade chuckles nodding in agreement.

"I try to pick up after them as much as I can but you know the boys." Jade says which makes Danielle laugh. Jade watched the girl for a moment as she picked up some trash and threw it way. Danielle was a sweetheart who Jade thought she could really get along with, which made Jade really happy.

"Well, the bus was made for six but you can share my closet area, if things fit, or Liam's. Liam probably won't care." Jade says and Danielle nods walking back into the closet room.

"I'll just throw it back here and we'll decide. I'll probably like sharing with you better. You look like my size." Danielle says scanning Jade's body which makes her chuckle.

"I bet I am. Hey, Louis just texted me. They'll be back in about thirty minutes." Jade says and Danielle wags her eyebrows at the comment and grabs some clothes out.

"What?" Jade questions as Danielle strips down and changes. Jade glances away to give her some privacy but Danielle didn't mind. She had been a dancer her whole life and changed in front of other girls tons.

"You and Louis are pretty tight from what I hear." Danielle comments pulling her hair down and brushing through it.

"We're friends." Jade says glancing at her.

"Liam says you two are something else together. I can see that. Sometimes you seem a lot like him and yet at the same time opposite. Like her perfect half." Danielle says wagging her eyebrows once more.

"We're just really good friends." Jade says once more chuckling.

"I just am betting before it's all over with you two will be together." Danielle says avoiding Jade's eyes.

"Louis is with Eleanor." Jade says chuckling as she enters the kitchen to make some dinner. She wanted to have tacos made for them all as part of her surprise. She started cooking and was surprised at Danielle who joined her helping her out.

"And I love Eleanor, I do. But Eleanor isn't you. And Eleanor and Louis might not be together forever." Danielle comment and Jade shakes her head disagreeing.

"Louis really loves her." Jade says and Danielle nods in agreement but she still wasn't believing it.

"I still stand by what I said." Danielle says as they hear some commotion outside.

"Just don't say it to Louis. I'm a bit understanding and I get it. Everyone says it to me but I think it's best if Louis is clueless. We're friends and that's what we're meant to be." Jade says biting her lip. Danielle nods understanding and she agrees to keep quiet.

"I want to hide in Liam's bed. I'm going to pull the curtains shut. You get them to sit down and I'll just pop out." Danielle says and Jade nods in agreement. Danielle runs and quickly climbs into Liam's bed and out of sight as Louis and Harry run onto the bus.

"Where is she?" Louis says quietly to Jade. Jade puts a finger to his lips and just winks as Niall walks on followed by Zayn and a grumpy looking Liam.

"Liam you look so sad." Jade says holding back her grin.

"He still hasn't heard from Dani." Zayn says.

"Well, I made dinner. Ya'll sit down." Jade says and the boys all sit down. Liam was the on the end of the table with his back towards the beds. Danielle slowly climbed out and Niall caught sight of her. Danielle shook her head and put a finger to her lips and Niall forced his excitement towards the food to keep Liam clueless.

"It looks great!" Niall shouts making Zayn jump and give him a weird look and then he caught sight of Danielle. Danielle grins and winks as she gets closer to the boys. They all saw her at this point except for Liam who was moping over his food. Suddenly Danielle's hands were over his eyes.

"Jade that isn't funny." Liam moans which makes Danielle giggle.

"That is so not me." Jade says sitting down next to Louis with a grin.

"Guess who babe?" Danielle whispers into his ear and Liam's face is suddenly full of joy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, this is pretty long. Well somewhat. Anyways, love you all for commenting! Ya'll are some of the best readers like ever. Seriously. And for that, I'm going to be posting some links ya'll should check out. They are one direction things of course. Check them out! And comment, I don't really know if I even need to say that cause ya'll are so good about commenting, which makes ya'll the best! Love you for reading! Thanks again. xxx

Okay so I'm trying to get the pictures to show without you have to use the link, but if it doesn't work just get rid of the [img] and [/img] and it should take you to them. Love you all again xx

Liam and Dani:
Niall has a ferby, cutie pie:
How can you not love them:
And last one Work Out by 1D: