Sequel: Gotta Be You
Status: work in progress(:



"Dani!" Liam shouts in joy turning around and jumping from his chair. Liam suddenly had Danielle in his arms hugging her tightly. Jade smiles brightly at the two of them and then looks over to see Louis watching her with a smile.

"What?" Jade questions nudging him lightly with her elbow.

"It's just a real sweet thing for you to do. He's so happy." Louis says wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her close to him. Jade smiles and allows herself to be hugged but never takes her eyes off of Liam who was now kissing Danielle's forehead. They were too precious.

"How did you even get here? Wait, I know how but why? I mean, not why but what is going on?" Liam says shaking his head and trying to figure out what was happening.

"You can thank my new friend Jade for that." Danielle says winking at Jade who grins brightly.

"Jade! You did this?" Liam exclaims pulling Jade out of her seat when she nods. Liam pulls her close to him and squeezes her to the point of barely breathing.

"Gee, Liam. You're going to kill me." Jade jokes making Liam step back only to hug Danielle again who laughs.

"Thank you so much Jade. This means the world to me." Liam says turning back to Jade and placing a kiss on her cheek and giving her yet another hug. It was so brotherly of him that Jade got a feeling of home and she suddenly felt nervous about what Zayn had told her earlier. How long was she really going to be here?

"You're welcome." Jade manages to get out before taking her seat next to Louis again and eating. No one seemed to notice her change of mood except for Louis. He watches her carefully unsure how to ask without getting everyone involved which he knew would just make Jade close up.

"Really, first you cook for Niall. Then this for Liam. I can't wait to see what you do to win me over." Harry jokes wagging his eyebrows. Jade rolls her eyes and tossing a chip at him making him act like he had just been shot.

"Oh I have missed you guys." Danielle says sitting in Liam's lap at the table. There was plenty of room for her to sit down but Liam seemed to be unwilling to let go of her. Jade found it beyond adorable. Liam was so happy that Jade thought nothing in the world would bring him down and Jade found herself feeling jealous of that happiness. She missed having a happiness like that.

They all found themselves leaving the dishes on the table and lying around as the boys played video games. Liam and Danielle sat across from each other on the couch with their feet next to each other. Jade watched as Liam played with her toes and looked at each of them with love. Jade decided that if a guy looks at your toes with that kind of face and that kind of love then he really loved you. Liam was totally smitten with Danielle and as far as Jade could tell the same was for Danielle. Liam looks up and sees Jade looking his way. He meets her eyes with a smile.

"Jade, I'll help you with that school stuff tonight. It's the least I can do." Liam says which makes Jade smile and shake her head.

"Nonsense. I'll just get on the web cam with Jake and make him do his job. Really, you spend time with Danielle. Oh and Harry, your gift is that you get to do dishes." Jade says cackling as she takes her laptop and walks to the back closet room to set up. Jade did the math and prayed that Jake was still awake in America.

"Jade! I didn't expect you to call." Jake says as he answers the web cam call.

"I didn't expect you to be up." Jade comments and Jake just shrugs it off.

"I have to wait for Cameron to come home so I can un-arm the house for him. You know how these alarm systems can be. Mom and Dad are out of town so we're keeping it on. Cameron however is still out with Caroline." Jake says and Jade opens her mouth and then closes again unsure what to say to that.

"Too much information?" Jake jokes and Jade nods letting a smile creep across her face.

"A little." Jade says giggling.

"I always liked that laugh." Jake says smiling at her making Jade roll her eyes.

"Whatever, I need help with math." Jade says trying to get back on the main topic.

"Jade, you have to admit we had good times." Jake says. Jade suddenly recalled all the good memories she had with Jake and realized maybe they weren't as good as she recalled.

"You finally look happy." Jake joked poking my face. I smiled up at him thinking that he didn't even know the half of it.

"I guess so." I said laying my head on his chest. We were at his house, alone yet again because Cameron was next door screaming at Crystal over something. They didn't even know we were together. They were always so distracted with each other. I wished they would just date and get it over with, as bad as that sounds.

"Are we going to tell my brother?" Jake questioned and I bit my lip. I knew we should but the truth was I wasn't happy. I wasn't sure if I even wanted to be with Jake. I missed Britain. I missed my family actually getting along. I missed my old life. I missed my childhood. And most of all, I missed Louis. He had never called after his last visit and with every moment I got angrier. I was such a mix of emotions I wasn't even sure what I felt. I was still like that sometimes.

"I guess we have to. Or we could just be us and see how long it takes him to realize." I joked making Jake laugh. I found myself joining in but it wasn't even funny. Nothing was funny in my life at the point. The fact that Jake said I finally looked happy was nothing but the truth. I was hurt and confused and miserable. I liked to put on a show for others and as time went on I got better and better at it. It's easy to see how Jake thought we were good together and we had good times. I acted like they were, and sometimes I'm not sure when I'm acting and when I wasn't. I don't even know what it means to feel at home and happy anymore. It's been too long. I wanted to get it back though.

"Sure." Jade comments opening her math book. Jake watches her carefully before pulling out his tutoring stuff and teaching her. Jade somehow understood after Jake explained the tenth time.

"Bro! I'm home! I just unarmed it when I came in." Cameron shouts walking into the room. Jade looks at her supposed friend and bites her lip. He hadn't even called her or messaged her. It wasn't a big deal to Jade because she didn't allow herself to become super close to anyone in America but it did bring back memories of Louis ignoring her which sucked.

"Jade?" Cameron says turning to face her. Jade rolls her eyes and looks back to see the door opening to reveal Louis.

"Jadey, it's getting late. Everyone else has gone to bed. I was just seeing if you were almost done?" Louis says and both guys look up at him.

"Jade, you're staying with some guy? How unlike you." Cameron comments making her scowl.

"Yeah cause you know me so well." Jade mumbles and Jake turns to his brother giving him a look.

"Do you need something?" Jake snaps to Cameron. Jade glances at Louis and gives him a smile as a sorry.

"Who's this guy?" Louis asks quietly coming up behind Jade. Jade mouths Cameron as Cameron answers his brother.

"I was just letting you know I was home." Cameron says glancing at Louis and Jade on the screen.

"Well, time for bed. Goodnight Jake. Thanks for helping." Jade says and Cameron holds his hand up.

"Wait, are you two like dating across the country? Did you take him back? What's going on? Are you ever coming home Jade?" Cameron asks and Jade can tell his speech was slurring. He had been drinking.

"Jake is tutoring me. I'm not dating him. And it's really none of your business. Go take your drunk self to bed. And don't bother me, if you couldn't get in contact with me until now, I'm none of your business." Jade snaps and she waves goodbye to Jake who shuts off the computer before Cameron can reply.

"Jadey, you okay?" Louis questions as Jade stands. Jade nods but her face was telling a different story and Louis knew that.

"I'm sorry Cameron didn't get in touch with you." Louis says quietly grabbing her hand. Jade pulls it away and glances at him.

"It's not Cameron. I could care less. It's you. It's you all over again. You did the same thing Louis. And how am I supposed to handle that? And this just reminds me of that. If I leave, when I'm 18, is that it? Do we just go back to before? This doesn't work Louis. Me and you, our friendship, our anything. It doesn't work." Jade snaps pulling away from him unsure what overcame her. She was tired of it all and so lost. She knew that. She knew that she had been putting on an act for a long time and she finally wanted to stop, but she wasn't sure what that meant for her and Louis. She wasn't sure of anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kinda short, I don't know how I feel about this chapter. Honestly, I feel like ya'll might not understand Jade and it's not because ya'll are stupid but cause I don't really know if I'm portraying her in a way that makes sense. So, I'm going to give ya'll side notes about Jade in this little note thing hopefully to help. Some stuff you're not supposed to get, until later. And hopefully it will all fall together. Hopefully.
Note time:
Jade is complex. She's lost. She's confused. She can be happy and put on a happy face but she is hurt and unsure of how to heal. She just doesn't want to be a constant burden on people so she tries to do it by acting happy. This makes her come off as a bit bipolar, I guess, or crazy, or moody. Whichever word you like best. So yes, there will be happy chapters but Jade's going to have these memories and flashback and moments that she gets sad, so stick with me, it'll all come along.
And on that note, thanks so much for reading. Thanks for the wonderful comments. I love them so much and they keep me writing. Much love to all my readers. Hope that little author's note about Jade helped! xxx

Have some Harry:
Have some 1D on a ride:
And pouty/sexy Louis: