Sequel: Gotta Be You
Status: work in progress(:


Falling Apart

The show began and everyone was having the time of their lives. Jade found herself becoming more in-tuned with the crowd and actually acknowledging their presence what she normally tired to avoid during the tour. Louis, of course, picked up on it and tried to make it more fun for her. Somehow they always ended up as partners when there was one needed for the dances.

"London you have been amazing!" Niall shouts as the finish up the second to last song.

"This is the best way to end our tour!" Harry says touching some hands of fans in the front row.

"We have a little surprise for you all." Liam says and the crowd cheers louder and louder. Jade grins brightly to the side of the stage where Danielle was standing.

"Come on out babe." Zayn says and Danielle walks out waving brightly at them all.

"We started our dances with Danielle and Jade and we wanted to end the night with them." Louis says as the crowd cheers widely. They all knew who Danielle was; by this point everyone did.

"We do however have a little bit of a surprise for them." Harry says biting his lip as Danielle takes Jade's hand and pulls her to a couch that the crew brings out.

"I really wanted to thank Jade for everything she's done. And Danielle, for what she's done. So I thought we'd let them sit and enjoy Jade's favorite song." Louis says as Danielle pulls Jade to a sitting position. Jade glances around at the guys her eyebrows bunched up in confusion.

Jade wasn't sure what was going on but the minute the lights dimmed and the music started she felt herself freeze. Jade had avoided this song for a reason. She had avoided her thoughts and she had avoided everything that made her hurt. Jade listened to the guys sing the words that her mother used to love so much with her breath held tightly in her chest. Jade closes her eyes and allows herself to be taken back to her home where she would wake up to her mother singing along with the boys words.

"Mom, will you please turn that off?" I said loudly over Moments that was blaring out of the radio. Mom turned it down but barely. She never even stopped in her singing as she did it. I woke up to this almost every morning and it was getting old. It didn't help with the whole Louis situation but Mom didn't know. She knew we weren't talking but that was the extent of it, she didn't know what happened. She didn't know that hearing his voice every morning was breaking me apart.

"I just love that song." Mom says grinning down at me as the song ends and she places a plate of food on the table. I roll my eyes but dig in quickly.

"I know you do. Dad leave early?" I ask noticing his absence. It worried me that he wasn't there. Things weren't going well between the two of them recently.

"He stayed at the office last night. Big case." Mom says turning away from me to do the dishes. I should've know right then that something was up. They were supposed to be driving over to the graveyard to place flowers on grandma's grave that morning and Dad never would miss that or be late for it. He never stayed at the office all night either.

"I thought you were going to the graveyard." I say stuffing my face.

"We are. He'll be home soon." Mom says quietly before turning Moments back on.

"Mom, please." I mumble grabbing my bag and quickly kissing her cheek ready to get out of the house.

If I had any idea of what was going to happen that day, if I had known that was the last time I would hear her sing to this song, if I had known that was the last time talking to my mother, I would've done things a lot different. I would have told her that she deserved better than how Dad was treating her. I would've told her about the coat I found or the letter. I would've told her I loved her. I would've sang with her. I would've listened to Moments as much as she wanted and danced with her. I would've done anything just to make her happy.

"And the tears stream down my face." Louis sings making Jade's eyes snap open to meet his. She was hurting all over and she wasn't sure if it was tiredness or if she was falling apart. She couldn't believe he would do this to her. He knew that this would bring back what she didn't want to remember. Jade felt tears come to her eyes and before she knew it she was sobbing on stage in front of everyone. She had never felt so awful in her life and the only person she knew to blame was Louis.

Jade found herself running off stage and outside on the street. Her eyes were pouring tears but she somehow found her way back to the flat. She slammed the door behind her knowing that at least Louis would be close behind. She had a few minutes but not long. Jade stormed to her room and started digging through stuff looking for the letter she found long ago. It was one that her dad had been sent but never got. Jade took it because she was worried that her mom would find it. It was a love letter from another woman. The contents were enough to confirm the suspicions that Jade had been having for months. She wouldn't tell her mom, she wouldn't even tell her dad; she kept it to herself and prayed they stayed together. For the longest time, her mother and father were the couple that everyone knew loved each other. They were admired for their love and Jade loved that. She wanted their relationship. And then, her father ruined it and Jade didn't want to believe it. She couldn't believe it.

"Jade!" Louis shouts opening the door. Jade lets out another sob and tries to control her shaking.
She had been keeping in so many emotions that they were all flowing out quickly now.

"Jadey." Louis says pulling her door open and seeing her sitting on her bed with her head in her hands.

"Don't call me that. Don't. Just go away." Jade manages to say. She hated him. She hated every part of him.

"Jade, you needed this." Louis says quietly sitting beside her and touching her hands. Jade jumps up and moves away from him.

"You don't know anything Louis. My life has been a complete hell and you just couldn't let me put it behind me." Jade screams her hands still shaking.

"You weren't putting it behind you. You weren't healing, you were shoving it aside and trying to ignore it." Louis says standing up himself.

"So what?! I don't want to deal with it Louis." Jade says throwing the letter at him. She wanted to throw multiple things at him but that was in her hands.

"What is this?" Louis says quietly looking at it.

"What does it look like? It's a letter. From my dad's mistress." Jade says bitterly with a scowl.

"Jadey..." Louis says slowly setting the letter on the bed and taking a step towards her.

"Don't." Jade growls turning away from him.

"Jade, I didn't know." Louis says and Jade bites her lip.

"Well, now you do. I'm not going to heal from that. I'm not going to mourn that horrible man. I hate him. And I hate you." Jade shouts tears streaming down her face once again. Louis flinches at her words but doesn't let them affect him. He knew she was just angry, or at least he hoped that.

"He's still your father." Louis says knowing this was only going to make things worse but it needed to be said.

"He's a sick bastard." Jade snaps at him moving away from him again only to have Louis step closer.

"Jadey, I know you're hurting and I know you're mad but you've got to get through this stuff. It's not healthy for you to hold it all in like this." Louis says touching her arm.

"You want to know what I'm feeling? Fine. My father cheated on my mother for who knows how long. He moves us to freaking America and then cheats on her. We should've stayed here. I was miserable the whole time. The only thing that kept me going was you and then you were gone. And now my mother is gone and I have nothing, Louis. Nothing." Jade says through her tears.

"You have me. I'm here. And they aren't gone, not really. As long as you hold onto them in your heart but to do that you have to face your memories Jadey. You have to." Louis says touching her arm. Jade allows his hand to rest on her arm and Louis knew things were heading towards a better direction.

"You left once." Jade mumbles and Louis pulls her closer to him.

"I'll never leave again." Louis whispers to her wiping a tear from her cheek.

"Lou." Jade whispers meeting his eyes with so many emotions flowing throughout her body. She wasn't sure what she felt or how things were going to be.

Louis wasn't sure either. He felt as if he lost control of his body. He was staring into Jade's eyes and he just wanted to make all the pain and fear leave. He wanted to heal her and help her and protect her forever. He pulls her close once more and hears her gasp quietly as he leans down a little. Louis runs his fingers into her hair and glances down to her lips. Jade bites her lip quickly before glancing down at his caught up in the moment. Louis glances into her eyes once more before letting his emotions take complete control of his body.

Then he kisses her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well? Let me hear what you think, and don't get too excited just yet peeps...more stuff is coming. Anyways, THANK YOU SO MUCH. All of you. you are the best readers ever. Every comment I get I just love so much and mean the world to me. And I got a message about this story as well which just means the world. The only reason I get this updated so much is because of your comments, really, I love knowing how ya'll feel about it and it affects how much I write and how I write, I think. I'm just not nearly as good when I think ya'll hate it because no one tells me otherwise. Anywho, ya'll rock. I love you all. Thanks so much. xxx



