Sequel: Gotta Be You
Status: work in progress(:



Jade had never been kissed like this, that much was for sure. It was like a desperate need to let the other know every feeling and thought all in one kiss. Jade kisses back and then she realizes who she is kissing, and that he isn't available.

"I'm sorry." Jade says quietly pulling away and running out of the room and then out of the flat. She wasn't sure if he was going to follow but she had to escape. She had to get away. She didn't know if the boys were even home yet but she had no where else to go so she went down two floors and banged on a door praying he was home.

"Jade?" Zayn says opening the door and staring at the messed up girl at his door.

"Can I stay here tonight? I can't be upstairs and I think this is the last place Louis will look." Jade says biting her lip and Zayn studies her carefully before stepping aside and letting her in.

"Want to talk about it?" Zayn asks rocking on his feet as Jade crawls onto a chair in his place wrapping her arms around her legs.

"Not really." Jade says trying not to cry. Zayn nods and sits on the couch picking up the book he had been reading. Jade watches him carefully wondering if he was going to say anything else.

"I can see you staring at me." Zayn says his eyes not leaving the pages in front of him.

"It's just that any of the others would be hounding me right now." Jade says quietly wiping her eyes once more.

"Jade, they would only do that because they care. Not that I don't care, because I do. But I can tell you don't want to talk, so why hound you?" Zayn says setting his book down with a sigh. Jade meets his eyes and nods thankful for his kindness.

"You were right you know, about how this all was going to end with me. You were right. You were right not to want to get close to me." Jade says turning away from him.

"That didn't really work out well now did it?" Zayn says trying to make Jade smile but it wasn't happening.

"It's over Zayn. It's all over." Jade says quietly pulling her legs tighter to her chest and closing her eyes in an attempt to stop crying.

"Zayn open up!" Harry shouts through the door before Zayn can answer Jade. Jade jumps up and glances around the room for a door.

"I'm not here." Jade says quickly running into Zayn's bathroom. Zayn sighs and walks towards the door to show Harry standing there looking overly stressed.

"What's up Harry?" Zayn says raising his eyebrows at his friend.

"Where is she? I know she's here." Harry says and Zayn nods letting Harry walk past him and nodding towards the bathroom.

"Jadey Bear, come out. I'm alone." Harry says as Zayn shuts the door.

"I don't want to talk Harry." Jade snaps walking out of the bathroom. Harry stares into her face and feels his heart break even more. She looked worse than Louis. Harry's mind flies back to how he found Louis moments ago.

"Louis?" I said as Louis yanks the door open just as I was about to enter. He looked horrible. He had tears on his cheeks and worry lines in his forehead.

"Louis, what's wrong?" I asked and he moves to the side to let me in. I was coming over to get the last bit of my stuff because the lady I hired found me a new flat down the road so I could finally get out of Louis's hair.

"I messed up Harry. I messed up big time." Louis said shaking his head. I sat down wanting him to join me but Louis wasn't the sitting kind when he was stressed. He liked to pace.

"What happened?" I said noticing that Jade was no where to be found.

"We kissed. Well, I kissed her. Harry, I don't know what overcame me. I just, I don't know. I kissed her and then she ran. I don't know where she is but I looked into her eyes when she pulled back and I just hurt her worse. I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to, Harry. I didn't. I have to find her." Louis said walking towards the door once again. I jumped up after him knowing he was right. I was worried something like this was going to happen when neither of them were ready for it.

"I'm right behind you." I mumbled standing up only to run into him as he pulls the door open to reveal Eleanor. I glance as his face and I can tell he hadn't even thought of her yet. This wasn't going to be good.

"Eleanor." Louis sighed and Eleanor lets out a smile not even realizing all the pain he was holding back.

"Louis! I've missed you!" Eleanor said throwing her arms around him. Louis wraps an arm back around her and then paused to glance at me. He was unsure what to do.

"I'll go find Jade. You stay here with Eleanor." I mumbled stepping out of the door leaving him to deal with his own mess there. I wasn't sure what to tell him to do and even if I did he probably wouldn't do it. He was a stubborn lad sometimes.

"I know Jade. I know." Harry says quietly and Jade scans his face knowing that he wasn't talking about what she said. He knew about the kiss. He knew. Jade felt herself shake a little and then she crawled back into the chair that she was previously in.

"I think I'm just going to take my book into my room." Zayn says quickly picking up his book and sliding out of the room.

"Where is he?" Jade asks suddenly refusing to meet Harry's eyes. He knew who she was talking about.

"He's with Eleanor." Harry says knowing there was no use hiding it from her. She needed to know. Jade hadn't been expecting that answer. She found herself bursting into tears all over again when thinking of Louis being with Eleanor and the fact that she kissed him. She promised herself she'd never cheat and yet here she was.

"Jadey Bear." Harry says quietly pulling her into his arms and there she sat leaning against him crying her eyes out over everything.

"It's all ruined. All of it." Jade cries as Harry rocks her back and forth.

"What are you going to do?" Harry questions suddenly worried that Jade might do something rash.

"He has to stay with Eleanor. He's going to stay with Eleanor. He's knows that's what right." Jade says shaking her head and wiping her tears away pulling back from him so she could see his face.

"I think he's going to if you don't fight for him." Harry says slowly trying to guess what she was getting at.

"So that's that. He's with her and I'm gone." Jade says nodding her head finally making her decision.

"Gone?" Harry questions his head cocked to the side.

"I'm legal at midnight. I'll wait until he's out of the flat, pack up and leave. I can't stay here with him and I can't let him try to come after me. I'm gone, disappeared. He'll forget and he'll be with Eleanor." Jade says biting the inside of her cheek while Harry stares at her astonished. He didn't expect this. Jade couldn't leave. Everyone loved her and no one in the band could see life without her at this point. It was unthinkable.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well I have to say, you are the best commenters ever. I'm so glad you all love this story so much, I have news...I think it's going to end at 50 chapters...well around 50...and more than likely, depending on ya'll reaction to this, there will be a sequel. Anywho, let me know whatcha think. Much love to you all xxx



