Sequel: Gotta Be You
Status: work in progress(:



"Why don't you sit down?" Jade says slowly motioning towards the couch.

"I guess the cat is out of the bag?" Harry asks looking over to Liam who nods slowly.

"Wait, what cat?" Danielle says clearly still confused.

"I'm still in London, that cat." Jade says pulling on the ends of her hair.

"Well that much is clear. Though why are you in Harry's place?" Danielle says looking around at the pictures and belongings of the house that showed it was clearly Harry's place.

"It's not just Harry's flat." Jade says slowly biting her lip. Danielle bends her eyebrows and then takes in the little things that were Jade's.

"Wait, you moved in with Harry?" Danielle exclaims jumping to her feet from shock. She was always doing strange things like that.

"Uh, well yeah." Jade says knowing that Danielle wasn't going to let it drop like Liam did.

"Well, let me see your room because I know you and I know you haven't decorated and that is just a crime." Danielle jokes pulling Jade's arm and leading her to her room. Danielle was right about Jade not decorating but Jade knew that's not why she was pulling her down the hall.

"Spill." Danielle says peaking down the hall before shutting the door.

"What do you mean?" Jade says giving her a forced smile and trying to avoid the conversation she knew was coming.

"Look Liam told me all he knew which isn't much. All I know is that you and Louis had a falling out and I want to know what could possibly drive you away from the love of your life!" Danielle says dramatically pacing the room. Jade gives her a look and pauses thinking about her words.

"He isn't the love of my life." Jade says pausing to think once again.

"He isn't." Jade snaps as Danielle opens her mouth to retort. Danielle closes her mouth again knowing to let it drop and waits for Jade to talk.

"Listen, we just weren't working out, living together. And some stuff happened that I can't live with and I had to leave. And I can't have him knowing where I am." Jade says rubbing her neck trying to remove the stress building in her body.

"Oh Jade. What happened?" Danielle says rushing to the bed where Jade sat quickly joining her.

"I can't tell you. And don't give me that look. I'm not telling you for your own good." Jade says patting her hand lightly.

"My own good? Jade this is going to kill me." Danielle says throwing her body back so she was laying on the bed. Jade laughs at her taking note of the fact that she really had missed Danielle and her dramatic ways.

"If I tell you, you can't tell Liam. And I know that would actually kill you." Jade says laying her head on Danielle's stomach. Danielle runs her fingers through Jade's hair softly as she thinks that over.

"You're right. Can I ask something though?" Danielle asks and Jade nods knowing that she'd ask anyways.

"Did he break your heart?" Danielle asks quietly and Jade closes her eyes biting her lip.

"I'm sorry." I said before running out of the room. The look on Louis's face was fear and worry and I could only wonder what the look on mine was. I wasn't sure how I felt but I just had to get away. I couldn't believe he just kissed me. I swore I would never be the other woman and yet here I was, being just that.

"Jade?" Danielle says after she was silent for a few minutes.

"I-I don't know." Jade admits. Jade had pushed it all so far out of her mind that she tried not to think about how she felt or what happened or what any of this meant.

"Jade you have to face your emotions at some point." Danielle says quietly and Jade sighs knowing just how right she was.

"Are you girls done spending all of Jade's money yet?" Liam says pushing the door open.

"Li-Li! What if we weren't dressed?" Danielle squeals with a giggle.

"I would be concerned as to why you were naked in a room with another girl and not myself." Liam teases planting a kiss on Danielle's lips as she meets him in the middle of the room leaving Jade on the bed by herself. Jade watches the two of them with a small smile and finds herself wishing that it was her kissing someone lovingly like that. She actually wished it was her and Louis but she quickly pushed that out of her mind and jumped off the bed.

"Come on lovebirds, I need to get back to my application stuff." Jade says pushing the two of them out of her room and shutting the door behind herself.

"Harry! What is taking so long? I thought you just had to get keys!" Niall's voice shouts from the hall as Jade enters the living room where Harry was.

"Oh crap. I forgot about Niall." Harry says biting his lip jumping up and rushing towards the door as Niall pushes it open. Jade quickly hides behind Liam and makes a mental note to start making sure the door was locked.

"Liam? Danielle? What is going on?" Niall says clearly annoyed.

"Sorry mate, they were here and I got distracted and sorry. But let's go. They were just about to leave." Harry says patting Niall's arm attempting to lead him to the door.

"Wait, I know I've had a few pints but Liam you have four feet." Niall says chuckling a little at the thought of it.

"Shit." Harry mumbles quietly causing Jade to scold him without even thinking about it.

"Wait, who are you hiding?" Niall says walking towards Liam.

"It's no one. Danielle said that." Liam says and Danielle nods quickly with a small grin.

"I'm not wasted guys." Niall says taking another step forward only to have Harry step in front of him.

"What? Who is that important?" Niall says chuckling a little more. He was so light-hearted and fun loving. Jade closes her eyes before tapping Liam's back to let him know it was okay. They weren't getting out of this one and at this point what could it hurt if one more person knew.

"Niall, it's me." Jade says opening her eyes to look at Niall's smile fade as shock came across his face.

"Jade?" Niall says and Jade nods quietly.

"You're here. You're in London. Oh, Jade." Niall says stepping forward and wrapping his arms around Jade. Jade allows herself to be engulfed in Niall's hug and wonders how many more emotions she was going to go through tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, it's short. Yeah. Sorry. But hey good news, Niall knows. And since you got me to 100's another chapter. Thanks so much for being such great readers. I think ya'll just don't even know what's coming. hehehehehe. Alright. Thanks again. Much love xxx




