Sequel: Gotta Be You
Status: work in progress(:



"Jade, I thought you were long gone. Louis won't talk. Liam made us stop asking questions. I thought I was never going to see you again." Niall says squeezing Jade once more before pulling her down on the couch next to him.

"I know. I know. I'm so sorry." Jade says patting his hand as the rest of the gang sits around them.

"Wait, Liam did you know? Is that why you made us stop asking questions? Did Liam know? Because that is totally unfair if he knew!" Niall exclaims clearly overally excited about everything.

"Niall calm down." Harry says watching Jade's face with worry. Jade knew that he was scared that she'd fall apart again from all the emotions that were flowing through the room.

"Liam didn't know. He just found out tonight. Dani didn't even know, Niall." Jade says while Niall looks around the room begging for some kind of answers.

"So you came and saw Harry? But not the rest of us?" Niall says clearly hurt. Jade sighs and smiles at his frown a little bit.

"Of course not Niall, if I had come to visit don't you think Harry would be the last person I would visit? They're best friends." Jade says and everyone knows that she was talking about Louis.

"Well, I don't understand. I mean the only other thing is that you'd be Harry's mysterious room mate but that's not it is it? Cause then Harry's been lying." Niall says looking down at his hands.

"I haven't lied to you Niall, I've just left some information out of the truth." Harry says slowly causing Niall to chuckle darkly.

"I don't know about mysterious but I am staying here for right now." Jade says glancing at Harry who gives her a look but nods slowly understanding that she had to tell him. This was making Harry nervous. He knew that he could trust the guys but somehow when they started hanging out they all ended up together and he didn't want Louis to randomly show up.

"You've always been mysterious." Niall says wagging his eyebrows making Jade giggle.

"Whatever Niall. I have not." Jade says hitting his arm.

"Oh yeah because planning pranks and sneaking around and eavesdropping isn't mysterious." Niall says nudging her side a little bit. Jade grins a bit at him recalling all their fun times, when everything was easier.

"I wouldn't call that mysterious." Jade retorts her grin growing.

"And what would you call it miss?" Niall says crossing his arms.

"Devious." Jade says chuckling and making Niall die of laughter.

"Well gosh Jade. You could have told me you were here! I've missed you like crazy." Niall exclaims wrapping his arms around her once more making her smile.

"I've missed you as well Niall." Jade says patting his back lightly while hugging him. She really had. Niall was always light and fun and happy and it was something that Jade really loved having around. It made her feel better about life.

"Well duh you have. So I guess you're going to refuse to tell me what happened?" Niall says as he pulls back and settles himself on Harry's couch looking hopeful.

"Not happening Horan. She wouldn't even tell me." Danielle says seriously looking at Niall who sighs and nods.

"Why does it matter?" Jade complains as Harry moves over to the couch next to her placing an arm around her in hopes to make her feel better.

"I'm just nosy to be honest." Danielle says shrugging making a giggle escape from Jade's lips.

"I just need to know if this is serious or if it's just a fight. I mean I know it must be somewhat serious because Louis is all mopey and you're here but how serious is this Jade?" Niall says giving her pouty eyes and Jade bites her lips pondering the question.

"I kind of want to know that too." Liam says quietly and Jade glances over towards him and Danielle who was pursing her lips at Jade in worry. Jade sighs trying to figure out how to explain.

"Wait! I have to pee first. Then we'll talk." Niall says suddenly jumping up. Jade lets out yet another giggle making Harry grin as he wraps his arm around her tighter.

"You good?" Harry whispers into her ear. Jade looks to his face and smiles at him. He really did love her, not in a way other than brotherly but in a well rounded protector way. She really was glad for that; she just wished she could express it to him in some way.

"They deserve to know something. It's the least I can do. I have to let them know how serious it is but I'm not going into details. I can't handle that Harry." Jade says tears pooling her her eyes. Harry takes notice and squeezes her hand lightly.

"No details. Got it." Harry says winking before sitting back some but leaving an arm around her shoulders.

Niall walks back out of the bathroom with his phone plastered to his ear. Jade raises her eyebrows wondering who he would be comfortable enough with to talk to while peeing but doesn't say a word until he says goodbye and places his phone back in his pocket.

"Who was that?" Jade asks smiling up at him. Niall glances down at his feet sheepishly.
"Niall..." Harry says cautiously.

"Jade, don't hate me okay?" Niall says running a hand through his hair nervously.

"I couldn't hate you Niall, what's up?" Jade asks completely lost. Harry was watching Niall's face carefully for some kind of hint.

"Well, I just...well...I don't...I just.." Niall stutters trying to form some kind of words.

"Niall, just spill it." Jade says giggling a little bit.

Then the doorbell rang and Jade's giggling suddenly stopped as she looks up at Niall with a worried expression.

"Niall, who was on the phone?" Harry demands as Jade slowly rises to her feet ready to run and hide or answer the door.

"Jade, it's not him but will you please just answer the door." Niall says and Jade meets his eyes before nodding slowly and walking towards the door and pulling it open only to be engulfed into a hug.

"Niall wasn't lying. You really are here."

"Zayn?" Jade says pulling back and looking at his face.

"Who else would it be silly?" Zayn says giving her a huge grin before entering the flat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wellllp, honestly guys today has been such an awful no good day and I just felt the need to write. It's been a few days and I know ya'll are probably anxious to get to the good stuff;) Anyways, here it is. Probably sucks like everything else in this day but oh well. I promise things get a bit more intense the next few chapters...oh and the end is near. Be prepared. Thanks again for all your support. Much love. xxx




