Sequel: Gotta Be You
Status: work in progress(:


Close Calls

"Yo Hazza! Open up! It's me." Louis shouts banging on the door making everyone freeze. Jade feels her eyes open wide as she quickly grabs her stuff and runs into the closest room which happened to be the bathroom. Danielle grabs the rest of her stuff and follows her inside with a worried expression.

"Hold up!" Harry shouts back to Louis quickly standing and throwing some stuff around making everyone look a bit more relaxed and normal.

"Louis what are you doing here?" Harry says as he unlocks the door and sees his friend standing there with his keys in his hand.

"I thought we'd go out. Niall called and I realized how boring I sounded over the phone and I just thought I'd stop by to see you. See if you wanted to go out. I know we've kind of been off for a while recently." Louis says rocking back and forth on his feet. Harry glances over his shoulder without thinking and Louis bends his eyebrows noticing the action.

"Am I interrupting something?" Louis says peeking past him. Harry sighs and opens the door to reveal Liam, Niall, and Zayn all sitting around staring at the door.

"What's going on?" Louis asks glancing at each of them.

"Nothing. Harry and I were just going for drinks tonight, do you care to join?" Niall says recovering from the shock quicker than the others.

"Then why is Zayn and Liam here?" Louis says and Jade feels her stomach clench trying to think how they were going to get out of this. She had never felt so nervous in her life and on top of everything Louis is literally five feet from her and she couldn't see him. Danielle chose at that moment to drop the soap she was messing with making a loud noise echo throughout the flat.

"Okay, second question, who is in the bathroom?" Louis says as all the guys try and hide their shocked and worried looks.

"It's Dani. She wanted to see Harry's flat. So I brought her over and we caught Niall and Harry as they were about to leave, we just were finishing up." Liam says quickly and Harry nods in agreement. Jade bites her lip hoping Louis would buy the lie.

"Oh. Well that doesn't explain Zayn." Louis says slowly as Danielle exchange looks with Jade trying to decide whether or not to exit and how to do so without letting Louis see Jade.

"Well I had the same idea as you and I just showed up here. And here we are. I actually just arrived." Zayn says but Louis takes notice of the empty glasses sitting out that makes it seem like they've been here for a while.

"Lads, we're good right? I mean you don't hate me right?" Louis says slowly and Jade feels her heart pounding.

"Hate you?" Niall says actually confused.

"I mean a lot went down recently and well, you know." Louis says and Danielle rolls her eyes yanking the door open. Jade feels herself gasp because she was far from hidden. Luckily, Louis didn't see her and that was only because Harry turned him around to face Zayn.

"Get over yourself Louis. None of them hate you." Danielle says flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Danielle, maybe we should go." Liam says quietly taking her hand. Danielle looks at him and then at the guys before sighing.

"No. No. You stay. I'm going to go home. You have fun with the boys tonight." Danielle says and with one last dirty look towards Louis, she leaves.

"I take it your bird hates me." Louis says rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"She doesn't hate you." Liam says shaking his head.

"Yeah Dani does. Danielle thinks it's all my fault that, well you know, that she left." Louis says and Jade feels her heart come to a stop. They didn't need to talk about her. She didn't want to hear this. Jade fumbles around quietly looking for her phone. She had to tell Harry to get him out of here.

"Dani just misses her." Liam says quietly and someone in the room coughs. Jade sighs as she finally finds her phone and pulls it out to text, little did she know it was already unlocked and she hit the music button.

"Crap. Crap. Crap." Jade mumbles quietly to herself cutting the song off as quickly as it started.
"What was that?" Louis asks looking around.

"My phone. Sorry, I hit the wrong button." Zayn says quickly holding it up. Luckily, he had it in his hand already.

"Wasn't that the Cheetah Girls?" Louis says knowing the song only because of Jade.

"Yeah, well what can I say..." Zayn says and Jade tries to hold back her laughter. She had made enough mistakes tonight that almost got her caught.

"Really Zayn?" Louis says chuckling himself and Jade feels tears form in her eyes. That was a laugh she missed. She missed him so much. It was taking all she had to not run out of that bathroom and hug him. All she had to do is recall the last time she saw him, it hurt and made her feel loved all at once and she was so confused about it all.

"Well you know, got to have variety." Zayn says chuckling along with Louis. Jade knew he would never live that one down.

"Well, what shall we do mates? We haven't spent time together in quite some while." Liam says clapping his hands together.

"We could just watch a movie here." Louis suggests only to have all four guys shout no at him. Louis jumps back and gives them a look.

"Sorry, mate, we just really want to go dancing." Niall says cheerfully and Jade can just picture him doing a little jig.

"And drinking!" Harry adds and Jade rolls her eyes. Jade was praying that Louis agreed quickly and they all left. They had to get out of here, Jade had to stay hidden, or at least get to her room. The bathroom would eventually have to be used by someone.

"I'm down for that." Louis says and Jade sighs from relief. She had never wanted him gone this much before.

"Well let's head out guys!" Liam says and Jade hears the door open and close.

"Thank goodness." Jade says quietly cracking the bathroom door open slowly only to hear the front door open again.

"Harry, I swear I had my phone right here." Louis says walking in the door. Jade hides behind the cracked door afraid to move it in case he saw.

It was the first time she'd seen him since the kiss. He looked okay. Not as good as he used to but not horrible. Jade assumed that meant he was doing okay. She assumed that meant things with Eleanor was still going well and that he was moving on with his life. Louis searched the area of the living room while Harry stood in the doorway staring at the cracked bathroom door in worry. The other guys had already went downstairs. Jade found herself staring at Louis as he searched and wanting to just hold him, be in his arms, be with him and she knew that it wasn't possible. She had secretly hoped that after being away for a while and hiding that they could both just move on and be friends again. However, she now realized that could never happen. She'd always love him. She would never get over that.

"Louis, it's right there. Let's go." Harry says noticing that Jade was crying again. A big part of him was dying to just go and be with her but he knew that to help he had to get Louis out of here.

"Oh thanks. Hey was your bathroom door always open?" Louis says noticing it. Jade holds her breath and tries her best to hide.

"Yeah, it does that sometimes. Just leave it. Come on let's go." Harry says patting Louis's back and leading him out of the door. Louis glances back to the bathroom once more in curiosity but decides it was all his head playing tricks on him and follows Harry out of the flat and down the stairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kinda short but hey guys....two in one night....ya'll gotta love me;) Well, even if you don't, I love you all and all your wonderful comments! I hope you like it. 2 CHAPTERS LEFT GUYS! TWO! I'm so excited. Ya'll just dont know. Sadly, I have to work tomorrow and wed so the next one probably won't be up until Thursday unless I get some extra time between school and work...but we'll see. But hey I got you TWO tonight. And guess what, I dress up like an old lady at school tomorrow....hahahah. Spirit week! Whoo. Anyway, I'm done ranting. Much love to you all. Thanks for reading. xxx
PS: I wonder who actually reads my rants....probably none of yall...oh well(:



