Sequel: Gotta Be You
Status: work in progress(:



Jade grabs her items and carries them to her room before plopping down on the bed. She never felt so lonely before. She picked up her phone and scrolled down to the one number she refused to get rid of, no matter what had happened between them. She almost hit the call button, and then she thought better of it all and threw her phone to the other side of the bed. After wiping away her tears, she lays her head down and lets sleep take over her for a bit.

A few hours later, Jade was rudely awaken by banging on the door. Jade groans figuring that Harry was back and left his keys in all the confusion. However, just to be on the safe side she chose to peek through the peep hole. Jade felt her heart drop as she saw that it wasn't Harry on the other side of the door. It was Louis.

"Open up! I know you're in there." Louis says loudly rattling the doorknob. It was locked but the action still made Jade want to bolt. She stepped back completely unsure of what to do.

"You can't hide from me forever. We need to talk." Louis says hitting the door with his fist once more. Jade sighs knowing he was right so she unlocks the door and quickly takes steps back before speaking.

"It's open." Jade says loud enough that Louis would hear her. Louis turned the knob once again and this time the door swung open to reveal Jade standing there nervously.

"I knew you were here." Louis says shutting the door behind him as he steps inside. Jade meets his eyes awkwardly before turning away unsure what to say.

"Are you living here? Or just visiting?" Louis asks quietly looking around. Jade bites the inside of her cheek wondering if she could even lie to him.

"I..." Jade starts only to have Louis cut her off.

"Look at me and tell me please." Louis says and Jade looks up at him.

"Why?" Jade asks and Louis sighs biting his lip.

"I guess I just want to know if Harry's been lying." Louis says and Jade shakes her head with a small smile.

"No, why do I have to look at you?" Jade asks trying to figure out what to say and how Louis was going to take all this.

"Because your eyes are always honest. They'll always be telling the truth even if your mouth is telling a lie." Louis says seriously and Jade feels her heart drop even further at the familiar words. Her mother told them that once; it was such a true saying.

"I'm living here." Jade says finally after assessing Louis once again. Louis sighs before rubbing his neck and Jade can see tears forming in his eyes to match hers.

"I knew it. Damn it, Jade, why didn't you just come back to my flat? Why didn't you just come home?" Louis demands clearly frustrated.

"Don't be mad. Don't be mad at Harry." Jade says quickly her eyes wide.

"I'm not mad. Well I am, but not at him. If it wasn't for him who knows where you would be." Louis says rolling his eyes.

"The other guys found out too, they weren't going to tell you, but they just found out tonight. Don't hold it against them." Jade says and Louis meets her eyes carefully.

"Why didn't you just come home Jadey?" Louis says stepping closer to her with a sad look in his eyes.

"I couldn't. It wouldn't be right." Jade mumbles turning from him again.

"You belong with me, at my flat." Louis says reaching out only to have her step back out of reach.

"I don't. I knew that when I came back to get my stuff." Jade says quietly recalling Eleanor in his flat.

"I would've left her if you stayed." Louis admits quietly and Jade sighs before answering.

"I know. I think that's why I left. I don't want to be the reason for you leaving her. I don't want to be the other woman." Jade says honestly and she hears Louis make a noise.

"What?" Jade demands angrily seeing his face of annoyance and amusement.

"You are just unbelievable sometimes." Louis says shaking his head.

"I don't know what you mean." Jade says through clenched teeth.

"This whole other woman thing? What a load of bull? Tell me one time when you weren't the most important person in my whole life. One time!" Louis says his voice rising a little bit.

"I can think of a pretty long period of time Louis." Jade spats turning on her heel and storming to her room. She was so done with him. She was so done with everything. She didn't want to even look at him. Louis, however, was far from done.

"That doesn't count Jade. You hurt me." Louis says and Jade turns and stares at him coldly.

"I hurt you? That's a joke." Jade mumbles recalling all the pain she went through not hearing from him.

"Jade, you know the details of what happened when I left. I was hurting. I was upset. I almost drank my life away. And Harry pulled me out of it, he made me realize that I could be okay but you were always on my mind Jade. You were." Louis says staring at her and Jade recalls the statement that he said earlier. The eyes tell the truth. Jade could see the truth. Jade sighs and glances away remembering the last time she saw Louis before her parents died. She really had hurt him, and here she was again, hurting him. She was a horrible person.

"Jadey, I love you." Louis whispered to me holding me tightly.

"What?" I said pulling way to look into his eyes. It was his last day here, I never thought it would be the last time I talked to him in a couple of years.

"I love you. I always have, and always will." Louis says quietly glancing over at Harry who was telling my mother goodbye.

"You love me?" I said confused. What was this? Louis didn't love me, not like that. I looked for some clue as to if he meant only as friends or not, it never came.

"You're my best friend." Louis said looking away from me upset that I didn't say it back to him.

"I know. I love you too Louis, as my brother." I told him squeezing him tightly.

"Your brother." Louis says quietly and I nod avoiding his glance. I wasn't sure how I felt about him to be honest but he was just put in a band. He was going to be gone. We would never see each other. Even if I thought I could feel more for him, I would never tell him.

"Louis and Jade, best friends forever." I whisper tucking my head into his chest. He squeezed me tightly and I let a few tears fall.

"Forever." Louis whispered before letting me go and getting into his cab.

"I wasn't sure if....I didn't know you meant it." Jade says before pausing and then speaking again, "That's a lie. I knew you meant it. I knew you meant you loved me like that."

"But you don't love me. And here we are again, ignoring each other." Louis says staring around the room that was now Jade's.

"That's a lie." Jade mumbles and Louis looks at her once again.

"What?" Louis says quietly stepping closer letting the door that was leaning against him close.

"That's a lie, Louis." Jade says louder her face close to his.

"What? That you don't love me. I think it's true." Louis says his eyes staring into hers.

"Well you're an idiot then." Jade snaps some of her hair falling in front of her face.

"I love you too." Louis whispers quietly moving her hair and crashing his lips onto hers sending her back onto her bed where they would spend the rest of the night together.
♠ ♠ ♠
GUYS! Make sure to read 47 and 48 cause I posted them together and 48 and has more readers then 47. Don't want ya'll to miss anything. Okay anyways, ONE MORE CHAPTER GUYS! Whooo. Ya'll be glad Heroes is on cause that's the only reason I'm still up and I didn't have anything to do during the here we are. Yay! Don't worry about the one chapter thing....there's a sequel! Whooo(: Much love. Thanks for the comments. xxx




