Sequel: Gotta Be You
Status: work in progress(:



Shut the door

Turn the light off

I wanna be with you

I wanna feel your love

I wanna lay beside you

I cannot hide this

Even though I try

Jade woke up the next morning with the memories of last night still fresh in her mind. She feels Louis next to her and turns to face him making sure the covers stay over her. He was so beautiful asleep. Louis mumbles in his sleep and Jade pokes his face attempting to wake him.

"Good morning sleepy head." Jade says quietly as Louis opens his eyes. Louis lets out a small grin as he see Jade next to him.

"Good morning." Louis says running a hand through his hair only to stop as he caught sight of his watch.

"Shoot, I'm late. We have a photo shoot all day today." Louis says sitting up quickly. Jade holds the covers close to her as she sits up with him as well.

"Well go." Jade says calmly. Louis meets her eyes and gives her another grin. He leans towards her and kisses her lips softly before getting out of bed and pulling his clothes on.

"I love you Jadey." Louis says quietly worried that Jade was freaking out on the inside about everything.

"I love you too Lou." Jade says meeting his eyes. She was being honest, she did love him. Louis winks and runs out of her room hoping that Harry was already gone from the flat. The minute Jade heard the front door shut she allowed herself to freak out.

Heart beats harder

Time escapes me

Trembling hands

Touch skin

It makes this harder

And the tears stream down my face

"What did I do?" Jade mumbles to herself with tears running down her face. She pulls clothes over herself and glances around the room. She was basically still packed. A lot of her stuff she had never unpacked from before. It hurt too much.

Jade pulled a box that she had hidden in the back of her closet that was marked Louis. Jade opens the box and glances at all the pictures inside. The prank crown was in there, the friendship bracelets they made one year, the band's cds, and so much more. It was like all their memories were stuffed in this one box. Jade pulls out another photo and clenches it in her fist tightly feeling sick. Jade closes her eyes feeling Louis's lips on hers. She liked that. She did. She loved him. She wished that it could just be easy. She wished that it could be like they were kids again, but it wasn't. She missed her chance and Louis now belonged to the girl in the photo she was clenching.

Jade glances down at the photo of Eleanor and herself once more realizing what she had done. Jade felt like she was going to be sick. She stood up quickly dropping the photo in the nearest trash can. She wipes her eyes looking around the room and decides exactly what she had to do.

If we could only have this life

For one more day

If we could only turn back time

Louis was on a high. He had never felt so happy in his life before. He had finally gotten everything he ever wanted in life. He had the job of his dreams and he now finally got Jade. He rushed to the place of the photo shoot with a huge grin on his face. He enters the room to have all eyes turn on him.

"Someone had one too many last night." Harry comments jokingly.

"I left before you." Louis says with a small grin.

"Yeah, I know. We all crashed at Niall's and were wondering where you went." Zayn says as the make-up people rush Louis to a chair to get him ready.

"I had some stuff to take care of." Louis says with a small smirk across his face.

"You went home with some girl!" Harry says his eyes wide pulling up a seat next to him.

"Well, sort of." Louis says the memories of last night flashing before his eyes.

"But you're with Eleanor." Liam says quietly standing behind him. Louis meets his eyes and knew that Liam had an idea as to where Louis went. Louis glances at his watch that Eleanor had given him and feels his face go white recalling that he was still with her.

You know I’ll be

Your life

Your voice

Your reason to be

My love

My heart

Is breathing for this


In time

I’ll find the words to say

Before you leave me today

"Who was it Louis?" Harry demands yet again as they all stood around smiling for some picture.

"Drop it." Louis snaps anxiously. He was so worried. He had no clue what to do or how to handle this. What if Jade thought about the fact that Eleanor was still in the picture? What is she ran? What if she changes her mind about everything?

"Louis, this is important." Harry says grabbing his arm to stop him from moving like the photographer said.

"I think you already know Harry." Louis mumbles yanking his arm out of Harry's grip and putting on a fake smile. Harry felt a little sick in his stomach from worry but he forces a smile as well.

Louis was anxious the whole time. The whole band was. They all had idea as to who Louis spent the night with but none of them were saying it out loud. It was like if they said it, she might disappear. And none of them wanted her to disappear again.

Close the door

Throw the key

Don’t wanna be reminded

Don’t wanna be seen

Don’t wanna be without you

My judgment's clouded

Like tonight's sky

Jade knew she had a while to go. She knew the photo shoot would take most of the day but she wanted to be quick. She wanted to do this before she could change her mind. Jade quickly packed a bag of necessary items and called movers for the rest of her things. They were to take the stuff to the storage unit in Doncaster until Jade could figure something else out. They would come the next day. Jade then found the cheapest ticket out of here for at five, which seemed to work for her. That meant she had five hours to get everything in order.

She quickly wrote a note to Harry saying thank you and sorry and telling him not to follow. She knew that she was probably be unreasonable, that maybe she should try and stick this out but all she could think about was her mother's screams at her father and how she never wanted to feel that or cause anyone else to feel that. Jade felt her hands shake as she wrote the next note.

This one was to Louis. She told him briefly how sorry she was and how she didn't want him to try and find her. She didn't want him to leave her. She wanted him to pretend that Jade never came into his life. She told him she loved him, but that it didn't matter. And she was really sorry. She knew he wouldn't listen and that he would follow her to the airport if he was home early enough but she wrote the note anyways.

Jade then walked out of the little apartment and locked the door behind her. She slid the key under the door knowing she had no need for it anymore. Her eyes were tear stained but she refused to cry anymore. She needed to grow up. She needed to leave. She was only hurting people here. She had let her emotions take over last night and she refused to let it happen again. She made a bad call and she felt as if she ruined everything. She actually knew she ruined everything. Nothing would ever be the same again and she couldn't be here anymore.

Hands are silent

Voice is numb

Try to scream out my lungs

It makes this harder

And the tears stream down my face

Louis rushed out of the photo shoot when they were done and hoped with all his might that his gut feeling was wrong. The boys followed him and they all rode silently to Harry's flat. Louis was the first one out of the car and he was the first one in the door and he automatically knew something was wrong.

"Louis? What are you reading?" Niall ask quietly as they all entered the flat only to come to a stop at seeing Louis's face.

"She..." Louis begins only to find his voice failing him, "she's gone."

"Wait, there's another one." Harry says walking forward to see that this note was addressed to him. Harry tore it open to read it and the other guys surrounded him to look.

Louis, however, was already out the door. He knew where to go. He knew that she'd be on the first plane out of here and he had to get to her. He had to stop her. He wasn't going to let go this easily. Louis was determined to keep her this time. His face was full of tears as he called a cab and ordered that he was taken to the airport. He only hoped he wasn't too late.

If we could only have this life

For one more day

If we could only turn back time

"What's it say Harry?" Niall says trying to peek over his shoulder but there really wasn't any room.

"She says thank you for letting her stay here. And she wished it worked out but she realizes that her and Louis just aren't going to get over each other and make things right if she is here. She is leaving and doesn't want us to find her." Harry says quietly.

"What about her stuff?" Liam shouts from the doorway of Jade's old room.

"She said movers are coming tomorrow to send the stuff to the Doncaster storage." Harry says walking over and into Jade's room looking around.

"So we can't follow her stuff to her." Zayn comments and Harry glances around noticing the box labeled Louis. It was still open but packed up. Harry sighs shutting the box and then noticing something crushed up in the trash. Harry bends down and picks it up un-crushing it.

"What's that Harry?" Niall asks looking at him. Harry sighs loudly before looking at his friends who were waiting on his command.

"Nothing. Let's go get her mates." Harry says dropping the photo showing Eleanor and Jade, each on an arm of Louis, all smiling brightly at the camera.

You know I’ll be

Your life

Your voice

Your reason to be

My love

My heart

Is breathing for this


In time

I’ll find the words to say

Before you leave me today

Jade had arrived at the airport a good hour before her flight. She had already checked her bags, went through security and was sitting in the holding area tapping her feet nervously. Her flight should be leaving within the next thirty minutes. She knew Louis was bound to be on his way. She knew that he was bound to be here at any minute. Jade quickly pulled out a sheet of paper from her purse and wrote a quick note. She knew he'd come. She knew he'd be here.

"Hello." A voice says making Jade jump and nervously look up to see a guy standing in front of her.

"Hey." Jade says cautiously.

"I'm on your flight. You just look really, well you look like you need someone to talk to." The guy says and Jade bites the inside of her cheek while her heart pounds.

"I'm fine. I'm just ready to leave." Jade says turning her face away from him.

"Sorry to bother you miss." He says sounding a bit disappointed but he left Jade alone. Jade sighs loudly tapping her foot and reading her note over again. She knew it wasn't much but it was all she could give to him. She thought it would be enough for him to respect her wishes, or at least get the point. She had written the same thing within the other note.

"Flight 145, is about to board. Flight 145."

Jade glances down at her watch to see that they were early. She sighs loudly and sees that a line had already begun. Jade grabs her purse and joins the line waiting impatiently for them to let them on.

Flashing lights in my mind

Going back to the time

Playing games in the street

Kicking balls with my feet

It was like a dream to Louis. All he could see was her face at various stages of her life. She had always been there. For every memory he had, she was in ninety percent of them. It was killing him. He wanted to go back, he wanted to go back to the childhood that they had spent together. He missed that. He missed that more than anything.

Louis taps his feet impatiently as the cab comes closer to the airport knowing that it was crunch time. He had looked up flights to various places that she could have gotten tickets to and most of them left within the hour. He just hoped he was right. He had an idea as what flight she would be on, but he wasn't sure. If he was wrong, he wouldn't be able to get her. He wouldn't be able to reach her.

"We're here sir." the cab driver says and Louis nods tossing him some cash and jumping out of the street. He ducked his head and tried to hide rushing through the airport attempting to make it on time.

There’s a numb in my toes

Standing close to the edge

Harry and the gang were not far behind. Harry felt a coldness in his heart as the clock ticked with each minute. He was driving and was hoping that they didn't pass an officer.

"How are we even going to find them?" Niall asks tapping his fingers nervously.

"We follow the screaming girls." Harry says with a dark chuckle. The guys all mumble and sigh looking out the windows unsure of how all of this was going to go down.

There’s a pile of my clothes

At the end of your bed

"Excuse me miss. Can you give this to someone?" Jade asks as the lady who was checking tickets reached her.

"What?" She asks kindly clearly confused.

"Do you know who Louis Tomlinson is?" Jade asks glancing back at the impatient people behind her.

"Of course." The lady says motioning for her to step to the side to talk while she scanned others tickets.

"He's going to come here but he won't have a ticket. Don't let him on the plane, I know you can't, but really don't. Give him this, please. Tell him Jade gave it to you." Jade says handing her a note. The lady took it and looked at Jade for a moment before nodding.

"I can, but why don't you just give it to him. He's right there?" the lady says and Jade's eyes widen as she turns around to see Louis pushing through a crowd of people.

As I feel myself fall

Make a joke of it all

Louis saw her. And she saw him. Her eyes were wide and she shook her head shoving a note to the lady and rushing past a point that he could go to.

"JADEY!" Louis shouts rushing towards her trying to get through people. Jade stood at the doorway while people pushed past her. Louis met her eyes and watched her as she let tears stream down her face.

"Jade." Louis says again loudly causing tears of his own to fall.

"I love you." Jade mouths clear enough for Louis to see. If he could only get past the people to reach her.

"Jadey." Louis says meeting her eyes and feeling his heart pound at what he saw in them.
He knew it was too late.

You know I’ll be

Your life

Your voice

Your reason to be

My love

My heart

Is breathing for this


In time

I’ll find the words to say

Before you leave me today

Jade turns away from him and walks down the tunnel with tears in her eyes. Louis feels himself tremble and begin to fall to his knees only to have hands catch him. Louis looks up and meets his best friend's eyes. Harry had seen it all. He saw her leave. He saw her crying. He saw Louis begin to fall and he was determined not to let him slip back into depression again. He was determined to help him, even if it meant spending the rest of his life looking for her.

"Excuse me sir, she asked me to give this to you." The flight lady says biting her lip nervously looking at a tearful Louis. Louis took the note a small piece of hope in him.

"Don't follow me. I'm sorry." Louis says numbly out loud for his mates to hear. Louis crushes the note in his fist feeling hopeless and broken and unsure how to carry on.

That was exactly how Jade felt. She wasn't sure if this was right. She wasn't sure if she was being smart but she felt like she had to go. She had to. She couldn't be a cheater or someone who is cheated on, ever. She wouldn't. And no matter how broken Jade felt, she refused to go back to him.

You know I’ll be

Your life

Your voice

Your reason to be

My love

My heart

Is breathing for this


In time

I’ll find the words to say

Before you leave me today
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, here's the link to the sequel:
I know you probably all want it. But hey, that's it. Comment! Thank you all for being such amazing readers! Much love xxx
