Silent Dreams


I see so much shit inside everything - shit that isn’t even there. I think certain stuff means different things, when in reality it symbolizes nothing. Before school, it’s always purple outside, you see, and I think that it means something beautiful is happening. It’s the perfect time of day. I feel like one day I need to do something special at that time – or more so, something wonderful out of my control will happen then, in the twilight. Probably not, though.

For some reason I had gotten up at 4 that AM, and I couldn’t fall back to sleep, and that was probably because I had no desire to. Or, perhaps because the redundant anxiety in my chest was tightening, making it impossible to relax. So I had gotten up and fixed my hair and had dressed and done my makeup, and then I got back in bed, and I felt like I could fall asleep finally. My eyelids felt so soothing and comfortable closed, my blanket felt so warm, my fan sounded so lovely I could smile.

It was the moment between my waking dreams and sleeping ones, perhaps a somewhat lucid moment, when I saw that memorized face. He was there, in a glow, in a tree in the twilight. A dove was resting upon his shoulder or something like that - I don’t know, but he looked like an angel. He didn’t look eleven like he did the last time I saw him. He looked about the age he’d be now. Seventeen.