The Monsters Inside Us

Monster's Inside Us

The Beginning

Light thinks it travels faster than anything, but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it. My mother has always been beautiful in my eyes. She was short with brown curly hair, brown eyes and freckles. Her teeth were perfect, but she wasn't. My mother had me at age sixteen, she was too young and immature to take on such a big responsibility. My father, a chubby guy with hazel eyes, curly hair and a never ending smirk on his face wasn't much older than her, he was only seventeen. They both came from a hard life. All my mother’s mom did was sleep with random guys, drink and do drugs. She had five kids and my mother was the baby. They didn't have much money; my mother and her siblings had to steal food if they wanted to eat a lot of the time. I have no idea where my mom's father was in all of this, but I’ve heard he lives in Mexico now. Eventually, Child Protective Services became involved. My mother’s brothers and sister were already almost grown and on their own, my mom was taken from her mother and went foster home to foster home for a while. My mom became very rebellious; she did what she wanted, she dated guys she shouldn't have, went to parties and experimented with drugs. My mom finally met her last foster mother when she was fourteen; her name was Nancy Reid. My mother was adopted by her and her last name was changed from Hotchner to Reid, her name was now Jennifer Reid and everything was better for a little while. Eventually, Nancy started to date. She would leave my mother for the evening , then it became a night, then it became a couple days, after that it would be weeks. She left my mom with little money and little food. My mom felt abandoned, she already knew how to fend for herself, but just when she got a glimpse of a normal life, it was gone in a flash. My mom started to rebel again, going back to old habits. Soon after that, she met my father, his name was Aaron, Aaron Hankle. He was chubby and had curly brown hair, his face was round and every time he smiled he would get one dimple on the left side of his cheek. My mom fell head over heels in love with him. Then along came me.

Nancy found out my mother was pregnant and she didn’t like that, so she kicked my mother out and didn't want anything to do with her. My mom emancipated herself and was on her own. My father's father, Lee Hankle took my mother in. My father lived with his father, his mother was too busy in a different city, doing God-knows-what. She was too "busy" most weekends to come get my dad and his other siblings from her ex husband’s house so she would cancel most weekends. My father and his siblings, Tina, Danni, and Joe understood that their mother wasn't the best person, so they didn't hold grudges. They liked to get away from their fathers house when they could. My grandfather was very controlling and mean to the boys in the house, he would go overboard while punishing them, to where it turned to abuse. You see, my mother and father both didn’t have a very good childhood. My mom and dad lived with my grandpa and with friends, they would rent apartments or motel rooms just trying to survive. They didn’t end up graduating high school, but they both got their G.E.D. So for some more back-story on my father, before I was born, he did something very wrong and he paid the price for it. He stole a car as a prank on someone he didn't like and got caught. For that he was on probation, he went to boot camp and earned his way out of not having to go to a real jail and a felony was put on his record. My dad had a hard time getting work, but my mother didn't. She did fast food jobs, and eventually took a nursing class and became a nurse’s assistant. It was a good job; she could have gone back to school and became a real nurse, but she didn’t want to do that, she wanted to do something easy that could get her fast money..