The Monsters Inside Us

Monster's Inside Us


This is where everything went downhill again. My mom became a stripper. I hate the word, I hate everything about it, it's disgusting. Not because of what they do, because they have their reasons, they need money and they need it fast, I completely understand that. Being what my mom was changes you, she became what I'm guessing she never wanted to be. My mom was only out for herself, she would leave my dad with no money and little food for days on end. Sound familiar? She was turning into a worse person than her mother and foster mother put together. She started drinking and doing drugs, her favorite drug was Dilaudid, was very similar to heroin. Most of the money that was supposed to be for rent or food went to supporting her habits. She wouldn't pay the rent, so we would be evicted and go to another apartment. This cycle continued for a while. My dad got a few jobs along the way ,so I would go to babysitters and that was fine. What wasn't fine, was my parents constant fighting and breaking up, and then getting back together, that took a toll on me. Eventually, something with my mother changed; she seemed different. I found out what had happened… she met a man.

She would take me to his house sometimes. It wasn’t too big, but it was in a big neighborhood and had three floors. We stayed the night there sometimes, I don't remember a lot of it except for falling asleep on his couch that smelled like cheap cologne and aftershave. I remember my mom waking me up to take me home in the morning. My dad was still living with us, so technically she was cheating on him. I don't know if he knew, but I know he probably didn't want to know. My mom was his fist real love and the mother of his child, he tried so hard to keep our family together, but my mom just wouldn't let it happen. I know she didn't want to support us, she wanted my dad to, but he couldn't with a felony on his record. He would only get hired places temporarily, until someone better came along. My mom ended up getting pregnant again. My father wasn't the father, and he didn’t even know she was pregnant. One day when my dad wasn't home, my mom packed up all of our essentials and put them in her car and we left. My dad came home right in time to see us leave; I heard him screaming "Noooooooo! STOOOOOP." I saw him cry, I'd never seen a man cry before, but he was, my dad was crying. I was little, I didn't fully understand everything that was going on. My mom left my dad in a beat up apartment with almost nothing. I guess he knew this would happen someday, my mom leaving. He probably just didn't expect her to take me with her. So we were on the road, it only took an hour to get there. Can you guess where we were? We were at his house. His name was Tobias Foyet, Toby for short. He may sound innocent but he wasn't. He was my monster, my real life monster.