Status: There will be a total of four chapters.

The Left Eye

Before jumping right into the story, it is wise that in order to achieve the full and desired effect of the experience, you must forget everything about yourself. There are to be no distractions. No background noise. No music. Not even a television blaring in the background. You are to be in complete physical solace. You must focus entirely on the story. Not because the story requires any special attention to follow, but because from this point on in the story, you are the protagonist. Delve deep into the plot and let it inside you. Let it engulf you, and become a part of you. What the protagonist sees, you see. Whatever he feels, you feel. Whatever happens to him in the story... happens to you.

NOTE: If at any given time you feel a bit too disturbed by what you experience upon reading this, I advise you to stop reading immediately. Your safety is a bigger concern than a good scare or two. But I'll stop bickering, and let you read on with the story, and enjoy.