You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic


I stirred in my sleep, moving around a little. I instinctively moved to where Neil had been last night when we had fallen asleep. My eyes opened when I realized he wasn’t there. I yawned as I sat up in the bunk. I climbed out of the bunk and made my way to the front.

“Oh good! You’re up just in time!” Channy said.

“Where is everyone?” I asked, taking a seat next to Josh. I laid my head on his shoulder as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

“They went to do an acoustic show at a radio station and do a short interview,” Alex explained.

“Neil didn’t want to wake you up before they left,” Josh added.

“They’re on!” Channy announced as the song playing ended.

“And we’re back. For those of you just tuning in, I’m Jerry. With me I have three fifths of A Day To Remember. Why don’t you guys introduce yourselves and what you do in the band,” the man speaking said.

“I’m Neil and I play guitar,” Neil said first.

“I’m Jeremy and I sing,” Jeremy continued.

“And I’m Kevin and I play guitar as well,” Kevin finished.

“All right so why don’t you guys answer some questions before you guys do the acoustic set?” The guys answered with various forms of yes’s. “So there’s one questions fans that went to last nights concert have been buzzing about: who was that girl that sang during If It Means A Lot To You?”

“Uh, well, we met her and her friend down in California,” Jeremy started. “We hung out with them for awhile and one of those nights we were with them, she took Alex to a café were there was an open mic night. He heard her sing Monument with screaming. We thought she was going to make it melodic but she actually screamed.”

“Anyways before he rambles on,” Neil interrupted, “one night on the bus he’s like, ‘Guys, you have got to hear her sing! She has an amazing voice!’ So with the help from her friend, he managed to find a video on Youtube and we all liked her voice. So then last night Jeremy had an idea and had me convince her to take my spot on stage and there you have it.”

“Not to mention she’s my girlfriend,” Neil added as an afterthought.

“Oh shut up. Her friend is Alex's so hush,” Jeremy shushed.

“Well there you have it, girls. Alex Shelnutt and Neil Westfall are off the market,” Jerry joked. The guys laughed. “Why don’t we answer some fan questions now?” The next few minutes were spent answering questions. “I think that’s enough,” Jerry said after awhile. “All right, guys. A Day To Remember is going to be playing a short acoustic set.”

“This one’s called Have Faith In Me,” Jeremy said just before Neil and Kevin started playing. Channy turned down the radio.

“And now the world knows and fan girls will love you and hate you,” Alex chimed.

“But don’t worry about it. Most of them will love you girls,” Josh assured.
“We know. You seem to forget that we’re fans,” Channy reminded.

“Oh right. That’s easy to forget when we’re around you 24/7.” I shrugged, leaning closer to the radio to hear it better. I tuned out Alex, Josh, and Channy as I continued listening to the radio.

“Kirsty!” I heard Channy yell.

“Hm? What?” I said, jumping.

“I said if you wanted to come with us to grab a bite to eat,” Channy repeated.

“Oh, um, sure. I’ll just go change real quick.” I headed to the back. I grabbed whatever I saw first in my duffle bag and headed to the bathroom. I changed quickly and combed the knots out of my wavy hair. I threw it up into a bun before walking out.

“Where are we eating?” Channy asked, looking at Josh and Alex.

“At a Subway somewhere around here,” Alex replied. He and Josh led the way. Channy pulled her phone out after hearing it ring. I glanced at her in time to see her smile. I ran into Josh, who had stopped right in front of me.

“Whoa there, Kirsty,” Josh laughed, turning around to make sure I hadn’t fallen over. I saw two girls were in front of them. Alex was taking a picture with one of them.

“Sorry,” I apologized.

“It’s okay.”

“Hey, aren’t you the girl that sang last night?” one of the girls asked.

“Who? Me?” I stammered, a little surprised. She nodded eagerly. Her blue eyes sparkled in anticipation. Her friend, a blonde with light brown eyes, was looking at me as well. “Um, yeah. Yeah, I am.”
“You were great last night with Jeremy. I loved your voice,” the blonde girl gushed. I smiled bashfully, glancing at the guys and Channy. Josh and Alex grinned in return.

“Neil’s lucky to have such a pretty girlfriend,” the blue eyed girl added. She turned to Channy. “Alex too. You’re both really pretty.”

“Oh, well, um, thanks,” Channy thanked, looking a little taken aback.

“Thanks for the pictures!” the blonde said, looking at Alex and Josh.

“Not a problem,” Alex dismissed as the two girls hurried away.

“Well that was… interesting,” I said as we entered Subway.

“Get used to it. It’s not the first time that’s gonna happen,” Josh chuckled. We got in line and ordered our food. We took a seat in a booth, settling down to eat. A chime rang out as the door swung open. We ignored it, busy with our own conversation.

“Hey,” I greeted. “How’d the rest of the performance go?”

“Good. We answered a couple more questions before we left and yeah.”

“I’m going to get food because I’m starving,” Kevin announced as he stood up. Jeremy and Neil followed suit.

“This is why I hate being single and traveling with the girlfriends,” josh sighed.

“Well get used to it, bud,” Channy told him. He threw a stray piece of lettuce. “Hey!” She kicked him under the table.


“What’s going on here?” Neil asked as he took a seat next to me.

“Alex is being mean to me!” Channy promptly tattled.

“I am not!” Alex protested. Neil looked at Alex then at Channy and back.

“I believe her,” Neil decided. Alex threw his arms up in the air in exasperation. Neil laughed as I kissed his cheek. Alex wrapped an arm around Channy's waist, pulling her closer to him. She looked at him.

“Hi,” he greeted, smiling at me.

“Hi,” I greeted in return, sounding shy even to myself.

“How are you?”

“Good and you?”

“Pretty amazing.” He grinned as he leaned towards me, pressing his lips against mine. “And you’re to thank for that.”