You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic

What just happened?

“I am so fucking stupid,” I groaned when we got to the hotel in the early hours of the morning.

“Oh relax, Kirsty. You were just speechless because you were talking to one of your idols,” Channy tried to reason. “Not to mention a man that you secretly want to rape.” I threw her a glare causing her to laugh. “I’m just kidding, Kirsty. Chill.”

“And then we’re seeing them again tomorrow night and while I’m singing along, I’ll be thinking about the idiot I made of myself in front of Neil.”

“Oh please. You know I would’ve done the same thing if I had bumped into Alex.”

“And what about Kevin, Jeremy, or Josh?”

“Probably a bit but not as much. I probably would’ve been tripping over my words like no other if I had talked to Alex.” I covered my face with a pillow and groaned again. “Go to bed, dork.” I shook my head before turning over and settling down to sleep.


“Kirsty, you really should have something to eat,” Channy said as we stood in line, waiting to get into the venue.

“I’m fine, Channy I just haven’t been hungry,” I assured.

“But all you’ve had all day is a bag of chips, a banana, and a soda.” I shrugged.

“Drop it. I’m fine. I’m not hungry, that’s all.” I looked over the shoulders of people in front of us to see if we were moving yet. I felt Channy's eyes on me but didn’t turn to her. A few minutes later the line began to inch forward.

“Are you getting another shirt or something?”Channy asked as she paused by the merch booth.

“Nah. Are you?” She nodded.

“Hey, can I get that shirt over there?” she asked the guy at the booth, pointing to the one she wanted.

“Sure thing,” the guy replied. He grabbed the shirt and turned around. I immediately stifled a giggle once I saw it was Alex. “20 bucks.” Channy handed the money over. I knew she would be blushing brightly. He was smiling at her as he took the money. “Enjoy the show.” Channy mumbled something before practically running back to me.

“I take back every single thing I told you about relaxing after what happened with Neil,” Channy gushed. I laughed as we started walking.

“At least you didn’t run into him,” I said. Channy shook her head. “Come on. Let’s get good spots.”

The crowd yelled as the guys of A Day To Remember walked out on stage. Channy and I had managed to get close but not all the way to the front like last night.

“What the fuck am I doing?” I sang along, dancing a little Out of Time. It was barely their first song and the crowd was already going crazy. Next to me, Channy was dancing and singing at the top of her lungs even though I couldn’t hear her.

Half-way through the set, a pit opened up near us during 2nd Sucks. I found myself in it after a moment. As I moved around, I started to feel dizzy and faint. I ignored it, thinking nothing of it.

A moment alter, all I heard was the music stopping and someone yelling, “Stop! Stop the music, guys! A girl fell in the pit. Someone help her up.” It took a minute before I realized it was Neil talking. When I felt hands on me, I realized I was that girl. “Help her over to the stage,” Neil said. I opened my eyes as two guys led me towards the security guards. The security guards helped me onto the stage, sitting to the far right where Neil usually is. I looked over and saw Neil walking towards me.

“You all right?” he asked as he crouched down beside me. I nodded. “Just chill here for the rest of the set, all right?” I nodded again. He offered me a smile before standing up and heading back to his side of the stage. “Sorry about that, guys. Didn’t want anyone to get seriously hurt.” And just like that, they picked up from where they left off.

Thirty minutes later, Jeremy was telling the crowd good night as Neil, Alex, and Josh threw their picks into the crowd.

“Weren’t you with a redheaded girl?” Alex questioned as he came over to me.

“Yeah. I don’t know where she is though,” I replied, tossing the crowd a glance. Alex looked out to the retreating crowd.

“There she is.” I looked over and saw Channy talking to Josh on the other side of the stage. Alex walked over and said something to Josh before helping Channy onto the stage.

“I told you that you should’ve eaten something!” she scolded as she ran over. I rolled my eyes as I stood up.

“Is that why she fell?” Neil’s voice said behind me. I jumped, nearly falling over. A calloused hand caught my elbow, steadying me. A light blush was covering my face as I pulled my elbow free and threw a glance at the Guitarist.

“More like she fainted. Thanks for helping her out,” Channy thanked, smiling apologetically. “We’ll get going and get out of your way.”

“Why don’t you guys come backstage with us? We have some food your friend can eat and you guys can hang out for awhile,” Alex offered. Channy and I exchanged a glance and nodded together.

“You’re the girl I ran into yesterday, huh?” Neil asked as we started walking. I smiled sheepishly.

“Yeah…” I admitted. He let out a small laugh. Alex opened a door and the rest of the guys of A Day To Remember were in there.

“Guys, we have some guests for a little while so don’t be dicks and eat all the food,” Alex told them.

“Girls, that’s Jeremy, Kevin, and Josh. That’s Alex” - Alex threw Channy a smile at the mention of his name- “and I’m Neil,” Neil finished, smiling at me. “And you girls are…”

“Channy,” she said as I said, “Kirsty.”

“Well, Kirsty, the food’s over here. Come on.” Neil led me to a table in the corner as Alex led Channy towards the rest of the guys.

“In-N-Out!” I exclaimed when I saw the familiar burgers. Neil raised an eyebrow, chuckling. I blushed as I took the burger he offered me. We sat down at a couch across the room from everyone else.

“Kirsty,” he said as if he was tasting the word. “Pretty name for a pretty girl.” My blush brightened, causing him to chuckle again.

“You guys did a great job again,” I said after I was able to form a coherent thought.

“Big fan, are you?”

“Oh yeah. Me and Channy both. We always go to your guys’ shows when you’re in town and Channy decided to splurge this time and come to this show and spend a couple of nights in a hotel.”

“Well maybe you girls can show us around.” I raised an eyebrow in curiosity. “The guys and I are taking a mini-vacation here and we’ll be here for about a week. We don’t really know how to get around so if you and Channy wanna show us around, that’d be awesome.”

“Why are you guys taking a break?” He told me about Jeremys' throat. “Oh. Well we’d love to show you around.”