Status: On hold, indefinite

Taking Back That Which Is Mine

A Brief Encounter

“Can I help you?” he smiles setting his cup down. His face looks calm and relaxed, but I can tell from his body language, how he rhythmically taps against his cup, that he is anxious.

I slide into the empty seat but say nothing for a few seconds, just staring at him. He is beautiful, his face looks perfectly smooth, his blue eyes sparkling, an accent to his dark messy hair. He looks the same age as I do, late teens. But I know that this is not the man I gave my heart to. And yet the beating heart in his chest is unmistakably mine; I can feel it calling to me.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

I pull my eyes back into focus, he looks even more worried than before.

“Hi,” I smile and try to keep my voice light, “I’m Aria.” I hold out my hand and he takes it, but his grip is loose, his shake limp. “Do you have a few minutes to spare?”

“I’m actually waiting for someone,” he says looking around.

“Okay, I’ll be quick,” I lean forward so that I catch his eye and hold it. “You have something of mine which I need back.”

“What?” he looked puzzled.

I sighed, “You most probably don’t even know what it is but-”

“Hey Crosby,” A girl appeared behind him, and wrapped her arms round his neck. I watched as she turned and kissed him on the cheek, but he kept his head facing me, his eyes locked with mine. “Who’s this?” the girl asked. I could almost taste the acid in her voice.

“I’m Aria.” I answered for myself. I held out my hand to her, but she ignored it.

“I just met her, she was asking me for something.” Crosby sighed after the girl obnoxiously cleared her throat, “Aria, this is Emma.”

“Yeah, I’m his girlfriend,” she added in trying to stare me down.

I flashed the tiniest of smiles in her direction, not wanting to appear rude, before turning my attention back towards Crosby.

“Hey, Aria,” Emma called mockingly before I could continue.

“Emma,” Crosby was about to butt in but she ignored him.

“It was nice meeting you,” she said with a fake smile plastered across her face, “now let’s go.” She grabbed Crosby’s hand and started trying to pull him away.

“Hey, I’m sorry, but I don’t think I have anything of yours, I’ve got to go.” He stood up and let her drag him away. “It was nice meeting you.” He smiled sadly. I watched him leave, noticing that his eyes never left mine until he had turned the street corner.

“Oh you do,” I muttered to myself, “And I will find you and take it back.” I started walking away from the café, letting myself blend into the crowd. “By force if I have to.”