Status: On hold, indefinite

Taking Back That Which Is Mine


It’s getting late, the sun is setting. I’m at the water park sat by the lake. I have been walking in circles around this town trying to figure out how to get my heart back. There is the most obvious answer which is to kill him and take it or just to rip it out of him which still leaves him dead. I’m not against killing people, it’s a part of life; the strong survive, the weak die out. But I don’t know, something inside of me doesn’t want him to die. Every time I think about killing him, my mind just blocks the idea out. For some reason, my mind is telling me that that is not an option.

I could always just wait for him to die, but that heart is immortal; he’d have to be brain dead which will take decades of watching him grow old, time I don’t have. Then there is always the idea of swapping his heart with another. Right now, that one seems most likely, but I am not ruling out any others.

I dip my hands in the water and watch the ripples spread out from the surface like a steady pulse. I was going to leave about ten minutes ago, but I could feel my heart coming closer, its pulse getting nearer, so I waited. I had been unsure if he was actually coming here, but now I was certain of it.

I could hear voices coming towards me, it was him and some friends. I noticed that girl Emma wasn’t with them. I turned on my side so that I was facing them, when he saw me, he stopped, his face colouring subtly deeper in the moonlight. I couldn’t help but smile at him feeling awkward.

“Hi,” he said. “Aria right?”

“Hi,” I said looking at each of his friends in turn. Two other guys and a girl. The guy’s faces were clueless, but the girl smiled politely. I looked back at Crosby, but he didn’t seem to know what to say to me. I wanted my heart back, but now wasn’t the time, I was still planning what I was going to do. I had only stayed because for some reason I had wanted to see him again, to have his eyes held in mine. But he was with his friends and as I had said before, now was not the time.

“See you later,” I picked myself up off the ground and waved as I headed back in the direction they came from. I didn’t want to talk to them, but I wasn’t going to leave just yet either; I quickly doubled back following them round the lake to a sheltered spot at the foot of a hill. So I climbed on top of the hill full of trees until I was directly above them.