Status: On Hiatus

I'll Be Right Beside You

Fifty Four

“Oh shit… my neck,” I woke up to what could only be Marc’s complaining, and cracked an eye open to see him struggling to sit up; one leg was asleep from hanging off of the bed, a kink in his neck from sleeping on my legs.

“Yeah, at least you can feel your neck,” I retorted, and immediately he looked sheepish; my legs had fallen asleep from him sleeping on them.

“Sorry Cam; welcome to the family?” he teased, and I managed a small smile for him before he pinched Jared’s side to get him up. Jared let out a yelp and jumped, nearly sending himself crashing to the floor had Eric not grabbed the back of his shirt.

“What the hell was that for?” he demanded, and Marc shrugged.

“Time to get up – since when did you get so jumpy?”

“Ever since you started pulling shit like that!”

“Boys – language,” Linda reprimanded them, and they both were silent. I looked over to see Eric yawning and stretching, and he managed a tired smile for me.

“How’d you sleep?”

“Okay, you?”

“Awful,” he admitted, making me smile. The fact that we’d all managed to pile onto this bed in the first place had to be a work of magic in itself, let alone that nobody fell off during the night.

Jordan let out a grumble in his sleep and tightened his grip on me, which made Eric roll his eyes.

“What a teddy bear,” he teased, and Jared laughed. Marc rolled his eyes at the oldest brother before warily standing up and stretching.

“Go shower Marc – you stink,” Jared informed him, and Marc would have tackled him had their parents not been there.

“Cuz you smell so great,” was the response, and after slowly extricating myself from Jordan’s grip – with some help from Eric – offered my place for the Staals to use.

“That’s okay Cam—”

“No, it’s not a problem at all, honest,” I insisted. “That would make things a lot quicker; there’s two showers at my place, and Jordan’s place has two showers, it would just make things a lot easier.”

“Well, why don’t you, Jared and Marc head to your place real quick and we grab something to eat, and then when you three get back we’ll head to Jordan’s?” Linda suggested, and after a few minutes agreed that it was the best course of action. We walked outside, and I handed Jared the keys to my car, opting to crawl in the back. It wasn’t a big car and it didn’t have a lot of room, so it made the most sense for the shortest person to ride in the back.

“You two can shower – I’ll make something to eat,” I offered, and both Marc and Jared nodded; Marc heading for the main bathroom and Jared to the half-bath in the master bedroom, where his bag was from yesterday. I scrambled some eggs, cooked some bacon and made toast, and by the time they were both out of the shower breakfast was done.

“Wow, just toast would have been fine Cam,” Marc told me. I shrugged, because I didn’t mind, and it helped keep me occupied for a bit so I could stop worrying about Jordan for a few moments.

“Thanks Cam,” Jared had no qualms about giving me a hug and ruffling my hair. We ate breakfast and the boys cleaned up – putting dishes in the dishwasher and wiping the table, etcetera, before sitting in the living room and turning on the TV while I went to shower.

As soon as I was out and dressed I was ushering the two redheads to get out the door, but SportsCentre seemed to have their complete and utter attention. I was starting to get frustrated, and when they noticed finally let me usher them out the door.

“Hey… I was wondering where you’d got to,” Jordan had a smile for me as soon as we walked in the door.

“Yeah, we just went to my apartment so we could get showered and grab something to eat; you guys are headed out there now?” I asked, and Eric nodded, gently helping his father guide Linda out of the hotel room before she broke down. I sat down on the side of the bed, and Jordan wrapped an arm around my shoulders to pull me against his side.

“So… uh… you wanted to talk?” he asked, giving his brothers a look that clearly told them to vacate the room for a minute. Jared gave me a panicked glance, and I shrugged, not sure what to tell him.

“Can that… wait a little bit?” Marc asked, and Jordan sighed. “It’s just that you gave us a hell of a scare Jord, we don’t want you kicking us out yet.”

“Okay, okay,” he rolled his eyes, laughing a little bit before turning to me and pressing a soft kiss to my temple. “But we’ll talk later, all right?”

“Sure, sounds good,” I weakly agreed, before Jared started up a conversation about how the weather had been, which proved to be an awful idea because they had to try and remember how it was when Jordan was talking about it, which led to another awkward silence.

“Wanna watch some TV?” I spoke up, and Jordan nodded, although now I knew his mind had to be spinning a little bit. Jared and Marc were trying their best to keep from slipping, but it was difficult to do, seeing as Jordan thought Jared was still in school and that Marc was just in Sudbury playing for the wolves.

“Hey, we’re back,” Eric spoke up as they entered the room, Dunkin’ Doughnuts takeout bag in hand.

“We brought you back something to eat Jord – I saw how nasty that hospital food looked,” he teased his little brother, who absolutely lit up.

“Thanks!” We all sat quietly for the few seconds it took for Jordan to demolish a donut and a small cup of coffee.

“Listen Jord, we need to talk to you about something, and you have to promise us you won’t be mad or do anything until we’ve explained all of it, all right?” Linda started, and I held onto his hand, seeing the frightened expression on his face.

“O-okay,” he nodded, visibly shaking now.

“I-I’m not gonna die or anything… r-right?” he asked, and Linda’s eyes widened.

“No! Sweetheart no, you’ll be okay,” she assured him, and he looked to me. I pressed a kiss to his forehead, stroking the back of his hand.

“You’re going to be all right Jordy,” I repeated, and he swallowed hard before looking back to his mom.

“Look, I’m sorry we didn’t tell you sooner, but—” Linda stopped when something at the door caught her eye, and I felt my face pale when I saw it was Claude who was quietly knocking. He saw me sitting on the hotel bed with Jordan’s arm wrapped around me and visibly paled.

“Claude,” I started, feeling Jordan’s grip on me tighten as he tried to figure out who the redhead was.

“Cam, we need to talk,” he told me, and I nodded, but Jordan didn’t let me go.

“Cam, who is this guy?” he asked, and Claude’s jaw dropped. I winced, realizing that he probably thought Jordan was just being an asshole about it; he wouldn’t know about the amnesia.

“Excuse me? ‘o am I?”

“Claude, you don’t understand—” Jared tried to step in, putting a hand on Claude’s shoulder, but Claude looked angry, and I didn’t blame him.

“Obviously not! ‘Ow would I understand t’is?” he demanded, and I shrugged Jordan’s arm off to go talk to him.

“Cam?” Jordan sounded a mix of hurt and confused, and I turned back, giving him what I hoped was a reassuring smile as I continued out of the hospital room. Claude took hold of my sleeve, gently tugging me out and into the hallway.

“What t’e ‘ell?” he hissed, and I sighed.

“Claude, you have to let me explain,”

“Please! Please explain to me why you are ‘ere wit your ex boyfriend,”

“Claude, he has amnesia,” I told him, but he looked like he wasn’t quite sure what I was telling him.


“He doesn’t even know that he plays in the NHL Claude! He thinks he hit his head while helping Henry out on the farm. He has no memory of being in Pittsburgh or the car accident or anything, but he somehow remembers me,” I explained, and Claude’s jaw dropped.

“You gotta be kidding me? ‘ow can ‘e only remember you?” he demanded, and I shrugged, feeling myself close to tears.

“I have no idea Claude, but he’s scared as hell. His motor skills are messed up, he’s scared that he might not be able to do every-day things… he hates hospitals in the first place, I couldn’t let him come here and freak out and be all by himself,” I explained, and he ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

“But you didn’t ‘ave to come wit ‘im Cam. T’at’s the problem! You still love ‘im, don’t you? Please be ‘onest wit me,” he begged, and I felt the tears start to flow.

“I thought I’d get over him Claude, I really did… but…” I shrugged, and he let out a long breath.

“I see. I’m sorry Cam – for t’inking t’at I could replace ‘im and make you fall in love wit’ me,” I shook my head, and he pulled me in for a quick hug.

“I’m sorry for not falling in love with you too,” I sniffed, and with that he gave me a small smile and left. I tried to collect myself, but I could hear Jordan’s voice getting louder, knowing he was probably upset and confused and that I wasn’t helping by being out here.

I walked back in, and the room went quiet when I did. I managed a small smile, but nobody seemed to fall for it.

“Babe are you okay? Who is he? What’s going on?” Jordan asked, and I looked to the rest of the Staals for help.

“This is part of what we need to talk to you about honey,” Linda spoke up, walking over and putting an arm around my shoulders, helping to get my feet working in co-operation with my brain and led me over to a chair. Jared put a hand on my shoulder, letting me know that he understood what had just taken place.


“Jordan, that car accident you were in did a pretty big number on your head… you suffered some amnesia,” Henry cut in, and Jordan shook his head.

“No, that’s crazy – I know who I am, I know who you all are—”

“Do you know who that guy was?” Eric piped up, and Jordan shook his head.


“You’ve played hockey against him for years Jord; he plays for the Philadelphia Flyers, and you guys have one of the biggest rivalries in the league,” Eric said, and Jordan shook his head.

“Stop it – it’s not funny,”

“He’s not kidding Jordan. I made the NHL this year,” Jared added, and I wanted to cry seeing the look at his face. A mix of devastation and confusion marred his features, and it wasn’t a look I cared to have to witness ever again. It was too painful to see him like this.


“You’ve been playing in the NHL for five years now Jordan; and you weren’t out at the farm when you hit your head. You got T-boned by a jack-ass who ran a red light,” Marc continued, and Jordan began hyperventilating a bit.

“Y-you’re kidding. You all have to be kidding… there’s no way I wouldn’t remember that,” he argued.

“Jord,” I spoke up, standing and making my way to his side, unable to stand the look on his face any longer. “It’s true, Jordan. All of it,” I insisted, and he wrapped his arms around me for a moment before pulling back.

“So then… who was that?” he asked, and I bit my lip.

“Claude,” I whispered, and saw his eyes searching my face. It only took a few more moments before his face fell and his arms dropped. He winced slightly as his left hand impacted gently with the mattress, the reminder of the damage done by the deep gashes caused by broken glass and displaced metal. How the bones in his arm and leg weren’t crushed, I didn’t know, but I couldn’t bear to think how lucky he was to be in this good of shape after that accident.

“Oh… oh my God… he’s your boyfriend, isn’t he?” he asked. I couldn’t stand the look of devastation that came over his face as he looked between his family members and me, as if one of us were going to say ‘gotcha!’ and tell him it was all a joke. That he wasn’t feeling like he was going crazy.

“We’ve been going out for a while Jordan; you and I broke up months ago,” I whispered, and Jordan closed his eyes.

“Shit… shit, I’m so sorry Cam,” tears had welled up in his eyes now, which made me feel even worse. “Now your boyfriend is probably mad.”

“Ex… ex boyfriend,” I corrected him, and saw Marc and Eric’s expressions fall at this admission.

“That’s my fault… isn’t it?” he asked quietly. I shook my head, reaching for his hand for a moment.
“No, it’s not your fault; it’s mine,” I argued, but he refused to look at me.

“How can it be your fault?” he asked, and I cupped his cheek with my hand, getting him to look at me.

“Because you still mean a lot to me,” I whispered, and saw his blue eyes continuing to search my face.

“Really?” he asked, and I nodded, letting the tears continue to fall. He managed a small smile for me, before a nurse walked in.

“Sorry, but we need you all to leave; Mr. Staal’s heart rate is extremely elevated and we need to give him some medication,” she said, and Jordan’s eyes widened.

“N-no, please,” he quietly asked, and I squeezed his hand before moving to sit up.

“No, please let them stay,” Jordan repeated as Marc, Eric, and Jared started to leave the room. Henry and Linda were hesitant, but the nursing staff ushered them out.

“Ma’am, we need you to leave as well,” she repeated to me, and I pressed a kiss to Jordan’s forehead before going to leave. I could hear him struggling and arguing with the staff, and was glad to walk out of the door and straight into Jared’s arms.

“He’ll be okay Cam, he’ll be okay,” he murmured, wrapping his arms tight around me and holding me to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for having another long hiatus there... I really am trying to be more consistent with posting!

Let me know what you think :)