
What's Going On?

For the next few weeks, Corey’s shadiness only became more frequent and more obvious. Any time his phone rang, he left the room abruptly. Usually he stayed on the phone for at least 30 minutes, if not longer. She woke up quite often to find that he wasn’t home and that he’d gotten up early and left for the day. When she communicated her concerns to Shawn or Mick or any of their other friends they merely told her that everything was fine and that Corey’s just been working a lot. She wanted to believe it so she didn’t say anything else about it.

“How about I take a day off tomorrow and we spend it together?” She asked her husband in a flirty tone.

“I’ve got some stuff I have to work on, baby.”

She huffed, “Figures.”

“What’s wrong?”

“You’re asking me what’s wrong?” she was shocked. “You’re the one who should be answering some fucking questions.”


“Don’t ‘babydoll’ me. You’ve barely been talking to me. Anytime your phone rings you disappear. Half of the time, you’re already gone when I wake up in the mornings. And the past couple of nights you’ve gone out and gotten back late.”

He sighed, “I told you….I’m working on something….”

“That’s all anyone ever says but no one will say what it is. Is everyone just covering your ass or what?”


“Corey, what the fuck is going on? What have you been doing?” He didn’t say a word and a look of utter disappointment washed over her face. And she ran off completely heartbroken.

“Ashleigh, baby, it’s not what you’re thinking.” He said going after her. “I’ll show you what I’ve been doing. Just trust me, ok?”

She took a chance and loaded up with him in his car and they drove to his other house. He let her in the door and took her up to his office. It was a complete disaster area.

“I was going to try and surprise you….” He started. “But I’m gonna need your help with this.”

“What?” she asked and he handed her a large 3-ring binder. She flipped through it and her eyes got wide.

“I was trying to put this wedding thing together and surprise you…..but… you know how hard that is? I mean…my other two wives kind of took control of everything. I really didn’t realize how much went into it.”

“Corey.” She nearly started to cry. “God, I’m a jerk.”

He chuckled and wrapped her up in an embrace, “No, you’re not. Did you really think I would fuck around on you?"

“I don’t know…I didn’t know what to think….”

“I have no idea how to pick out a dress for you.” He confessed. “so, why don’t you get Samm to go with you and look for one?”

“When do I need it by?”

“Uhhhh….this Saturday?”

“Are you serious?”

He nodded, “yeah…..i’ve sort of been putting off the whole dress thing. Just go shopping, find one, and let me know and its yours.”