
Folded Up Like Little Notes

They ran through a drive-thru donut shop for a very quick breakfast then headed to pick his stuff up. And, Corey was right. Most of his belongings were, indeed, littering the front lawn of his home.

He shrugged, “At least everything appears to be intact……that’s a plus.” He reached for the car door handle and got out.

“You want me to stick around for a minute just in case?” She asked.

“nahhh………I’m just going to get in the garage and get my car and throw my stuff in the back…..Go on, I’ll see you in a little while.”

He crept into the garage cautiously and retrieved the car keys he needed. He backed the vehicle all the way to the end of the driveway. Then, he began unceremoniously tossing the wide array of clothing into the backseat from the lawn. Noticing some more important items were not among the mess scattered around the yard, he decided to chance it and go inside in search of those items. He slowly entered the house and called out to see if anyone was there. Not receiving a reply, he was relieved. He ran up the stairs to the bedroom and begin sorting through some drawers. He finally happened upon a box filled with pictures. He flipped through them and smiled at the memories that were before him. He threw them in a duffle bag. He found some items of importance and threw them in the bag as well. Some jewelry. Some notebooks. Old videotapes. A little of everything. He finished up and tried to put everything back the way it was before leaving. He was almost home free, ironically, we he came face to face with his ex-spouse-to-be.

“What are you doing in here?” She demanded.

“I just got some of my stuff. I’m leaving now.” He said trying to avoid her.

“I threw your shit on the lawn. That not good enough?”

“There were some other things I needed.” He answered simply. “Bye. I’m gone.”

He ducked out of the garage and jumped in the car to do some running around town. He grabbed a cheeseburger for lunch and stopped at a nearby park to eat it. Looking at the pile of belongings in the backseat, he grabbed a wood stash box that had caught his eye. It looked important so he had thrown it in with his stuff back at the house. The opened box revealed many folded up pieces of paper. Letters from the road that he had unintentionally forgotten about. He took one of them out, unfolded it, and began to read:

I hope everything’s going okay. I can’t wait until you get back this way. We need to get together. I miss you.


He smiled to himself. He could remember the day he got that letter, the tour, everything. Those letters had gotten him through some rough times. He was glad he’d thrown that box into his car.

He wadded up the cheeseburger wrapper and tossed it in the floor board. Starting the car, he drove off.