Status: Work in progress...

Unforgettable Love and Forgotten Fate

Chapter 1--Aiden

"Sir, you have been summoned by your father." Dimitri, my father's most loyal servant, told me.
"Tell him I'll be right there. I'm in the middle of something." My father can wait. I have a naked woman in my bed waiting to have some fun, I'm not losing this opportunity because my father wants to talk to me about something stupid.
"Sir, he says it's important. You are to see him right away." Ugh, why must I be the King's oldest son? Dimitri left, but not before disappointingly looking at the girl in my bed. Ah, Victoria. I guess she'd have to wait.
"Victoria, baby, I have some matters to attend to. Wait here, I'll be back as soon as possible." She gave me a pout. "Oh Vicky, don't get so down, I'll only be a minute." With that I left, she'd be gone before I got back. I knew from experience, if you keep Vic waiting, she'll find someone else to satisfy her needs. I walked into my father's chambers, he was turned around at his desk. "Father."
"Aiden, sit." I sat down and he turned around. Then I noticed a girl in the corner, in a cage. She looked like she's been to Hell and back, head down, hands and ankles shackled. She must have felt my stare as she looked up and met my gaze. She had the most beautiful green eyes I'd ever seen, I'm sure they were more beautiful when they still had their light in them. Now they look dull, dead. "I bought you a pet. She is 17 years old. I received my first pet when I was 20, now that you are 20 I have gotten you one."
I scowled. "Father, you know how I feel about pets." I didn't like the idea of pets, just because humans were weaker than us doesn't mean we need to kidnap them and sell them as pets. My father knows where I stand on that issue.
"Son, I know. You also know that I feel the same as you do. But if I stop the business, thousands of demons will be out for blood. My blood." I knew my father was right, and in his own way he was saving a human from a worse fate. "She had another girl with her, so I bought her for your brother. I'd hate to put her in safety and her friends at risk. I know your brother will take good care of her, we both know that." He was right, my brothers felt the same way as I did. I was glad he bought her friend as well.
"Thank you father. I know he will take good care of her. In fact, I'll get her cleaned up and clothed, and I'll take her to her friend." I opened the cage and carried her to my room. Victoria was gone. "What is your name?"
"A-Arya." She was frightened, absolutely frightened.
"Arya. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Sit tight, I'm going to grab you some clothes and get the shower started for you." She nodded and I grabbed some clothes and walked into my bathroom. I started the water, getting it to the perfect temperature, then I set a towel and the clothes on the toilet for her. I walked back into my bedroom and saw her in the same exact position on my bed. "Go ahead and take a shower and get dressed." She warily walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. I heard her crying, but I knew she'd rather be left alone. She is so incredibly beautiful, even when she looked so broken. Her body was the definition of perfection, her eyes captivated me, her mouth made me want to listen to every word she said, her hair just made me want to tangle my fingers in it. I shook my head, a human shouldn't make me feel this way. About ten minutes later I heard the water shut off. She must be done. A couple minutes later the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen walked out wearing jeans and a band tee. "Do you feel better?"
"Yes, thank you. Can you tell me why I'm here?" Her voice was broken, barely above a whisper. She didn't look scared anymore though, so that's a plus.
"Demons kidnapped you, and sold you to an organization. This organization trains humans to be pets, which I'm sure you went through-" She nodded. "And they sell them to anyone willing to buy them for the price they set, depending on how well behaved, how pretty, and how rare. Male pets are very rare, so they are most expensive. And beautiful girls are expensive as well. My father, as well as my family, does not approve of the organization, but he can't do anything about it, even though he is King. But he bought you, along with your friend, in order to save you. We will not hurt either of you, that is a promise."
"Ch-Cheyanne is here?" Her eyes sparked with hope, even if it was just a spark, it was there. She jumped up and hugged me. "Thank you!" She let go and smiled at me. It was a beautiful smile, and I couldn't help but to smile back.
"Yes, she is here. I can take you to her if you'd like?" She squealed, she actually squealed! I chuckled at her excitement.
"Could you?! Please?!" She held my hands in hers and I found myself captivated by her eyes. I could only nod for I was speechless. I would do anything to keep this light in her eyes, and this smile on her face.
I lead her down the hallway to my brother, Luka's room. "Luka, open up!" I instantly heard the click of the door unlocking. He opened up the door and his face lit up when he saw Arya.
"Good! You're here! Cheyanne won't stop bugging me about her." He turned around and stuck his tongue out at who I assumed to be Cheyanne. Luka is very goofy. He is the middle child, and the funniest one too. He was always looking to keep people entertained and feeling welcome. Cheyanne was in good hands. They squealed each others names at the same time and ran towards each other. Luka and I moved out of the way before they trampled us. They were hugging and touching each other, as if making sure the other was real. Just then Damien walked into the room.
Damien is the youngest. He is quiet, reserved, keeps to himself a lot. He feels the same way as us about pets, but he’d never want one, even to help them out. Arya and Cheyanne were chatting excitedly, like they hadn't seen each other in years, huge smiles on their faces.
"This is my best friend Cheyanne," Arya pointed to the girl as she introduced her to me. "Oh, and my name is Arya." She said, directed towards my brothers. Then she went back to recalling what had happened with Cheyanne, also telling her what I had told Arya. They each had a story to tell, stories of their own personal Hell's they went through after they were kidnapped. That's when I decided. As soon as I am King, that is the first thing to change.