Status: Work in progress...

Unforgettable Love and Forgotten Fate

Chapter 2--Aiden

I walked into the kitchen and saw Arya sitting on the counter watching Isabelle, our maid and cook, make cupcakes. She's always spoiling us with her delicious treats. It's nice to see Arya settling in ok, this whole situation would shake even the strongest guy. I think having her friend around helps a lot, plus the fact that we all treat them like they are part of the family. "Arya, would you like to come shopping with me?" Her eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning.
"Yes! I would love to!" She got up and ran to my bedroom to change. She only had two outfits, so we really needed to go to the store and get her more clothes. She came back wearing black shorts and a neon green tee. She put on her converse and started dragging me the total opposite way of the garage.
"Arya, wrong way." She huffed and I couldn't help but laugh at how cute she is. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the garage. I grabbed a helmet off the shelf and held it out to her. "Here, you'll need this." Her eyes got huge, filled with two different emotions: fear and excitement. I hopped up on my bike, and helped Arya up on it after. I started up my bike and Arya wrapped her arms around my stomach as tight as she could. "Hold on tight." I gave her a wink and started out of the garage and down our long driveway leaving our mansion behind. As the Royal Family, we have been passed down this mansion through many generations. It is my father's, next it will be mine, then I will pass it down to my eldest son. The mansion has the typical rooms, a living room, a dining room, and a kitchen. Then we have the theatre room, a banquet hall, a ball room, an arcade room, and a bowling room. On our property, though, we have a driving range, a tennis court, horse stables and a ring for them to do jumps and such, a horse trail, and a lake. The mansion has a total of 10 guest bedrooms, the master bedroom, and our bedrooms. Each bedroom has a bathroom attached. Then we have our basement, which is the party room. There is an in ground heated pool, retro furniture, a pool table, a beer pong table, a mini bar, and a 92" plasma screen tv. We reach the gate and Cain, the guard, lets us through. We live in the country in Northern California, so it takes us a good bit to get anywhere around here. Half an hour later, we reach the mall. "Where do you want to go first?" We walked up to the Directory so that she could see her options.
"Hmm, how about Buckle?" She looked at me with hope, her eyes pleading. I grabbed her hand and started walking towards the store. Not many people were here, it's a small mall.
"So tell me about yourself. You know all about my world, tell me about yours." She looked at me like I grew three heads. "What? Is it wrong for me to want to know about you?" I gave her one of my best smiles.
"No, I guess it's only fair. Well, as you know, my name is Arya. My family was very well off, we lived in a nice home, I went to a boarding school in England, I was soccer captain there. We were home for the summer, visiting our families. Cheyanne, my brother Jake and I go to school together. My parents never really cared what we did, they never came to parent events at the school. One week Jake and I skipped our classes because it was the week of our birthday, and we always celebrate the whole week. The school called home but our parents yelled at them, telling them to stay out of our business. The Headmaster was so shocked, she even threatened to expel us. My parents just had to remind them just how much money they give each program they have a year. The sports, the arts, music, everything. We can do anything we want and we never get in trouble."
"Wow, sounds like you had it good." I gave her hand a squeeze as we walked into the store.
"Nah, it actually got quite lonely." She looked through a rack, grabbing a couple things as she talked. "Parents always working, Jake and I raised ourselves." She grabbed a couple more things from another rack. "Jake was always the father figure in my life. If I wasn't home on time, he was always out looking for me. Is there a limit on how much I can get?" I shook my head. She needed a whole new wardrobe. She grabbed a couple more items. She had to have had at least twenty shirts and twenty shorts and jeans in her hands. "Ok, well I'm gonna go try these on." We walked to the back and she went into a changing room. I sat in a chair and waited a good ten minutes before she came back out. She smiled at me. "All of these fit!" I grabbed the clothes from her and paid for them.
"Have them shipped to my house today." The cashier nodded and set them aside to be shipped out. My family puts a lot of money into this mall to keep it running since not many people come here to shop so we get special privileges.
"You can have the clothes shipped?" She sounded astonished. I chuckled.
"Well we aren't taking them home on a motorcycle!" She nodded her head and gave me a small smile.
"I guess I don't really mind my-" She paused a moment, collecting her thoughts. "situation. I have Cheyanne at least, Jake is probably worried sick. He was with us that night, the night we were kidnapped. But I never saw him when we were in training. My parents probably won't even notice. Cheyanne's parents, they will just think Cheyanne is with us the whole summer. But, once it's time to go back to school, what will we do then?"
"You have a couple options. My mother can home-school you, tell your parents the school said you were too advanced for the classes there, and that they got you a private tutor so that you didn't fall behind. Or you could just return. And I’ll try and find your brother for you. We have a lot of connections."
"Thank you! What about if the school contacts them when they still pay my tuition? And if I were to return to the school, what would the catch be?" She was right, this wouldn't be easy. We walked into Journey's and she started looking at shoes. I told her to pick out five pair. Two everyday shoes, a pair of fashion boots, and some heels.
"Well I can either hack into their funds and have it sent to you, or sent back to them. Or we can say that the private tutor is paid for by the school through a scholarship. And if you'd rather return to school, we'd have to Mark you." She stopped looking at shoes and gave me a confused look. "When a Demon Marks a human, it means they are 'claiming' them. No other Demon can take them, as it is against the law in our society, and punishable by death. Marking you would ensure your safety, but is usually done when both parties are in love and want to get married." I saw her blush as she looked at the shoes in her hands. "Marking is a sensational feeling, almost like an orgasm. But if it should ever be removed, it is very painful, which is why it should be done with the intention of never coming off." The thought was lingering in the air, unsaid but known to both of us. If I Mark her, she will be Marked to me forever.
Arya cleared her throat. "What do you think of these?" She showed me some sexy black heels. They were closed-toed and three inches high, and made of velvet. I could tell she was trying to change the topic, and I wasn't about to object.
"I love them. They aren't too tall, and they look comfortable enough." Just because I am a man doesn't mean I know nothing about fashion. I've done a lot of shopping in my lifetime.
"I agree. Ok, this is all then." She handed me the shoes and went to pick out some socks. She grabbed a variety, from ankle to knee high, from solids to crazy bright patterns. We checked out and I made sure they knew to send them with the clothes from Buckle. "Can we get something to eat? I'm hungry." She looked up at me through her eyelashes, how could I say no to that face?
"Of course, what would you like to eat? Pizza, Chinese, Subway? They have little variety, sorry."
"Hmm, how about pizza? I could go for a greasy slice of pepperoni pizza." With that we walked to the food court. We each got a slice of pepperoni pizza and a soda.