Status: Done for now.

Left Alone

Flash Backs

Mia felt her vision, darkness pulled at the corners of her vision. Pain was searing though her
body. Trying to roll over she gasped the soldiers voices still echoed through the night. She was going to die and she knew it. She was going to die alone on a hill the middle of nowhere all because she was fucking stubborn. Mia knew better than to take this mission, everyone had told her it was a fool’s mission. No one could breach these line, at the start of the war 6yrs ago and not now. However Mia hadn’t listened to reason and had sent her Brigade to their death. Tear welled up in her eyes as she thought back to the last time they’d all met at Chico’s.

“Dude! You need to chill!!” shouted Mia as she pulled Mike back out of the face of another solider. “Just let it go, its not worth it.”

Mike turned to look at her anger still filled his face, finally he sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

“Fuck Him” he smirked as he sank back against the worn out leather couch.

It wasn’t everyday that Mike Thomas backed down from a fight, that alone should have been enough to foreshadow the rest of the nights events. But Mia had never been superstitious and instead laughed it off as she went to join a nearby pool game that was taking place across the bar. Life was good and laughter filled the room. Bryan did his trademark victory dance as he collected his money.

“Damn”, mumbled Mia as she handed over her 20 dollar bill.

“Thanks for the business boys”, congratulated Bryan as he laughed “Oh and Mia, maybe next time you might actually win”

“Fuck You”, laughed Mia as she playfully punched him in the arm.

“When?”, whispered Bryan raising his eyebrow.

“Hmmm..” replied Mia cocking her head to the side as she stepped forward.

“How about, when hell freezes over” laughter Mia

“Damn”, laughed Bryan “Can’t blame a boy for trying”

“Gather round boys”, came the booming voice of the Commanding Officer. “And girl”

Mia laughed as she saluted with the rest of the boys, everyone knew that he was only playing. She was one of the few female soldiers that he actually respected

“So tomorrow morning we move out. Be ready, Be prepared, and Kick Ass!” he boomed.

“At Ease” he saluted as he left.

“Hey Mia, can we talk”, asked Mike

“Sure”, shrugged Mia turning toward Mike

“Alone…” he said motioning towards the door.

Nodding Mia followed him out, the cold air cooled her flustered skin. Turning she cocked her head to the side, a bad habit she picked up in high school.

“Is everything ok?”, she asked concern.

“If anything goes wrong tomorrow promise me you’ll get out”, he said.

“Mike, nothing is going to happen tomorrow”, Mia replied reaching out to touch his arm in a reassuring gesture.

“I know but if anything does make sure you get out, run! Don’t stop for anything or anyone! Just run.” he begged.

“I-I cant promise you that”, Mia’s voice trailed off.

A searing spasm brought Mia once again back to reality. Damn that was the second time that night she’d spaced out. Tears filled her eyes, this time not because of the pain in her side but from the pain of the memories. Those had been her boys, her boys. She was part of the gang. To them she wasn’t just a wannabe solider she was a solider. They’d seen her improve and learn. They’d grown in boot camp together to form a family not just a unit. Mia sighed in disgust at herself. Her she was wallowing in self pity, a trait that was unbecoming of a solider. And despite the fact that most of her brigade was wounded, dead or on the run she was still a solider of the 23rdBrigade and such behavior was a disgrace. Slowly she willed herself to roll over. The pain surging through her body intensified and she tensed, forcing herself to stay conscious as darkness pulled at the corners of her vision. She was loosing too much blood and if she drifted off again she’d not wake up. It took every bit of the energy left in her to push up onto her knees slowly she eased herself up. She stumbled once again falling down the hillside that she’d tried so hard to climb. Tears flowed down her face as she once again began the painful process of half crawling, half dragging herself up the slope of the hill. She was a solider she told herself and she would not die in the field. She was one of the only survivors and the world had to know. They had to know what the enemy was making.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry about the cliffhanger.