Status: Updates when I can, in the process of writing

Ginny's Story

Chapter 2

The next morning we all woke up late. It was Saturday and we had no classes. I was eating an English muffin when Harry, and Hermione walked in. He gave me a small smile; that I returned. “Ginny,” I turned and saw Ron.

“What? I’m going to the library. McGonnagal gave me two essay three rolls each along with the one she gave the rest of the class. In fact all of my Professors have.”

“Well, Harry and I aren’t speaking so stay away from him.”

“Whatever Ron,” I stood up before looking at him. “He didn’t ask for this. He doesn’t want this. I bet he told you this but you didn’t bother to listen. I don’t know why he’s friends with you. You’re nothing but a prick.” I turned away from him and started walking out of the hall. I stopped next to Harry and whispered. “Meet me in the library when you’re done.” He nodded and I left. I found a table towards the back of the library and spread my homework out. I started on my Transfiguration essay on Animagai. I got up and started looking for a book on the process of becoming one.

“Ginny,” I looked over and saw Harry.

“Hey, do you know where I can find a book on Animagai?”

“Yeah, it’s over here,” he smiled and took my hand leading me over to the next aisle. He pulled out a book and handed it to me, smiling once again.

“Thank you so much, I have to write an essay on them.” I explained as I led him back to my table.

“Wow you have a lot of work.”

“Yeah, McGonnagal talked to all my teachers and they’ve been giving me advanced work. Each Professor has taught me the next two lessons. Except Snape and I’m meeting him tomorrow to brew a couple potions.”

“I’m sorry,” he looked genuinely sorry.

“No, it’s fine, I agreed to it,” I smiled at him. “So, what time did you want to go on our walk?”

“That depends, how many essays do you have to write?”

“Quite a few,” I sighed.

“Well, why don’t we work together?”

“Okay, maybe you can help me.” I smiled and he laughed.

“I doubt that but let me go get my things and I’ll be right back.” I nodded and he leaned forward and kissed me before taking off quickly. I started skimming the book Harry found for me. I quickly started scribbling down what came to my mind. I had written my entire essay by the time Harry got back. I smiled and moved my things so he had some place to put his things.

“How’s the animagai essay?”

“Done, but before we go on our walk I want to drop all of my finished essays off with Hermione. She promised to look over my essays this year.” He nodded.

“Hermione is the only reason I’ve made it this far. I am going to get some books. Do you need any?”

“No, I’m okay, thank you,” we shared a smile before he left. I started on my next essay as Harry set his pile of books down as I scribbled away.

“Wow, you are a fast writer,” he commented. I looked up and bit my lip nodding.

“I also learn quickly. I don’t like drawing attention to it though. McGonnagal didn’t even know until this year.”

“Wow, you are amazing,” I blushed and looked down.

“Thank you,” I started scribbling away as he started working. We worked in silence over the next few hours. We would look up at each other every once in a while. Once I finished all my essays I told Harry I was going to see Hermione and left with my essays.

“Hermione, I know there are a lot of them but could you look over these please?”

“Yeah did you write all of them today?”


“Okay, I’ll finish this essay and get right on them.” She smiled at me.

“Thanks, Hermione,” I walked out and went to Professor McGonnagal’s office, I knocked.

“Come in,” I opened the door and stepped inside. “Miss Weasley,” I looked at her and was
shocked to see Dumbledore. “How are your essays going?”

“Oh, they are good. Hermione is editing them for me. I was wondering if I could have a couple more topics to write about.”

“Yes, of course,” she quickly wrote on two pieces of parchment before handing them to me one at a time. “Here are the topics and here is my permission the books you will need from the restricted section.”

“Thank you, Professor,” I smiled before leaving the room and practically running back to the library. “Hi, Harry,”

“Hi, Ginny, why are you so excited?” he laughed.

“I went to see Professor McGonnagal and she gave a couple more topics.” He chuckled at me but I kept going. “how are you essays going?”

“They aren’t, will you help me please?”

“Yeah,” I sat down and started looking through all his research before making a list of topics. “Choose four to six of those and write about them.” He nodded and set to work. I went to Madam Prince and gave her the note. She sneered at me and got the books. “Thank you,” I walked back to the table and sat down opening the first book and going through the table of contents looking for what I needed. I flipped through the pages and started reading. Fifteen minutes later I was writing vigorously. I finished that essay and set the book aside. “How’s it going, Harry?”

“Would these be acceptable topics to write about for this essay?” I quickly read over his work and nodded.

“I like it,” I smiled at him. “Are you about ready to go for a walk?”

“Yeah, just let me finish this essay.” I nodded and started reading on the second topic. I was almost finished with the essay when Harry started packing up. “You ready to go?” He asked quietly.

“Yeah, let’s get our stuff back up to the dormitory and get going.” I packed up and left.
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Hey, here's chapter 2 let me know what you think:)
