Circles, We're Going in Circles

Definitely Pregnant

"Estella, you definately are pregnant, two months to be exact. You are due on March 7th," the doctor said, telling me what I hoped wasn't true. I can't take care of a kid on my own. I can barely take care of myself. I've been living with this woman ever since I moved to Pennsylvania. I don't have a job, so I pay her by cleaning her colorful house.

"I'm a single person, without a job. I just moved here. What do I do?" I asked. You could tell I was definately from the UK. My accent is very strong and Americans can pick up on it, almost immidiately.

"Well, there is this place for teenagers, who become pregnant here in town. It is called The Pregnancy Place. There is a number and address on the bulletin in the waiting room," the doctor said. I smiled.

"Thank you," I said before leaving. I got the number and address. I called when I was outside. I have to walk home, so I started walking while I was talking to the woman on the other side of the line.

"Hello, The Pregancy Place, where we help out teen mothers, Linda speaking, how may I help you?" the she said, sounding very welcoming.

"Hello, Linda, my name is Estella. I just found out I'm pregnant and I recently moved here from the UK," I said.

"Estella, why don't you come on down to The Pregnancy Place and have a little chat. We are located two blocks from the doctors office, towards the zoo. You can't miss us, if you know what you're looking for. Hope to see you soon," Linda said. I was already going that way, since that is the direction that I live in. I was soon knocking on the door. This place looked like a flat, apartment to you Americans, building. I heard somebody yell from inside that the door was open so I walked right in. I noticed a bunch of young mothers lounging around the front lobby.

"You must be Estella," one girl with blond hair said, she was holding a newborn baby girl.

"Yes, I am," I said.

"Welcome, I'm A.J. Linda is in her office," she said pointing toward her office. I nodded and went to meet with Linda.
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I hope you all enjoy this! :D