I'll Be Here With You Until The End

Drugs and Consequences

After the show, in the hotel room, Frank and I drank about seven beers together. I had five and he had one and a half.

"Holy shit, that show was amazing," I said. I wiped at a line of sweat that was on Frank's left eyebrow.

"Thanks," Frank said. "Dude, you're drinking way too much."

I laughed. "No I'm not." I reached under my pillow and pulled out a little bag that contained a white substance.

"Coccaine?" Frank asked, grabbing for the baggie.

I pulled my hand bag. "Yes. We have to make this night the best one ever." I poured a little of the coccaine on the table, enough for Frank and I to do lines together. When we did them, the effect took me immediately. I started swaying and Frank pushed me into a chair, giggling.

"Don't hurt yourself," Frank giggled, drinking the rest of his beer. His eyes looked huge. I brought my lips up to his but he pushed back. "Gee, baby, keep that stuff for the shows. I won't be able to keep my hands off of you if you kiss me now."

"I'm tired Frankie. But I don't want to go to sleep."

"Well I've got to go, so you just rest, okay?"

"Okay," I smiled.

When Frank left, I grabbed the baggie and poured out all of its contents on the table. I used it all. All of it. Little did I know that I would pass out and die. If only Frank stayed, I wouldn't have been so stupid as to use it all. But if he stayed, I might have ever gotten better. I wouldn't have gone through all of the steps to save myself.

And this is my story.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yush, it's short, but that is because he died. That sounds horrible.
So yeah, Gerard died, and now his 'older self' will come and save him.
I hope you enjoyed.
Fairwinds, my fabulous marshmallows.