Status: Active.

One More Night


When I was a kid, I never said to myself, “I’d like to be a bartender when I grow up”. Actually, since my mother was a self-professed Buddhist off-and-on throughout my youth, there was seldom any alcohol in our house.

“It interferes with your mind!” she’d exclaim between cigarettes; no one ever said my mother was a good Buddhist.

I was never exposed to what alcohol could do to you – the good or the bad. I didn’t really learn to drink until I was seventeen and an older cousin took me under his wing. Even then, I had him to lean on – I was still too sheltered to make the inevitable mistakes. It was just fun for me, and a way to counter every way my mother had ever (in my eyes) held me back.

By eighteen, I’d taken classes and got my bartending certification. By nineteen, I had come to terms with the fact that I wasn’t going to college, and I was working parties for a beach resort in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

That’s where I learned that you can’t stay ignorant forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello there. (: