Get a Life

Why Don't You Get a Job



8:32 a.m.


I almost showed up on time to class, for once, but nay.

I came on time only to hear Nick's name being called out during attendance.



8:33 a.m.


Mr. McCray saw me.



8:34 a.m.

"My, my, Nina," Mr. McCray said patronizingly, thus making me wanna throw a ruler at his stupid head. "Late two days in a row?"

I scowled. "So it would seem, Mr. McCray."



8:35 a.m.

Apparently, agreeing with a teacher is giving attitude.



8:36 a.m.

Detention next Wednesday.




8:37 a.m.

Oh hey, it's Sexy Back!


What a gorgeous back.



8:41 a.m.

Sexy Back turned around…



9:00 a.m.


Oh no.

Sexy Back turned around and guess what?



9:01 a.m.

Seriously, guess.



9:02 a.m.

Why does the world insist upon hating on me?



10:31 a.m.

I passed by Gabe on my way to second.

He didn't even say hello – hell, he didn't even nod at me or anything.

He was the one who said we could be friends – THAT BASTARD!



12:02 p.m.

I had a salad for lunch.

They had caramel muffins today but now I feel self-conscious and don't want to eat one.



12:03 p.m.

I freaking hate Lover Boy.



12:04 p.m.

Just kidding.

He's too gorgeous to hold a grudge against.



12:05 p.m.

I think.



3:21 p.m.

Mom said I have to get a job. Karen called the place she used to work at – which ha, is a lingerie store, and they gave her a job therefore Mom says I need to get one too. She says she doesn't want to have to keep paying for my outings with Victoria and coffee excursions.

She acts like I go out for coffee all the time.

I totally do not.

I'm not that stupid.

If I was going to go out for coffee everyday, Lover Boy would realize that I am a stalker.

(Although I've only been doing it for like, not even a day yet…)

That and I don't want to be tempted by the muffins.



3:32 p.m.

Karen said she could give me a recommendation at her lingerie store.



3:33 p.m.

I told her to kiss my ass.

This is her fault.



4:00 p.m.

I called Victoria and told her about Mom's new orders.

"Really?" Victoria said, sounding a bit surprised. "Well, maybe it'll be good! You'll have more money, right?"

"Yeah, I guess," I replied. "But still! I mean, school just started! We're in grade twelve! This year is the year where the marks actually freaking matter and she's making me work through it? It was one thing working through last year, but not this year. This year I need to concentrate!"

"You can—"

I cut her off, though. "No, Tori, you don't understand. Not only will school kill me, but having to work, too?" I groaned miserably – and quite dramatically at that. "Watch, my Mom's going to make me pay for my own tuition because she thinks she wasted her money with Karen!"

"Nina, relax."

"I can't!"

"…Wanna go get some coffee?"



4:01 p.m.

I knew Victoria was my Best Friend for a reason!



4:11 p.m.

…Guess whose shift it is right now.




4:12 p.m.

So Lover Boy (also known in school as Sexy Back) looks particularly yummy – wow, I make myself sound fatter and fatter by the minute – with his black clothes. It's probably just his eyes though. Those things are enough to make me swoon.



4:13 p.m.

I want him.



4:14 p.m.

Victoria ordered a hot chocolate and a piece of banana loaf.

I got my usual white mocha – and no muffin, this time.




4:17 p.m.

So as it is, Lover Boy is the cashier and basically only takes the orders and gets the food. He knows how to make the drinks – he made mine and Karin's frappuccino last time – but he doesn't do it when another person is there.

Like today, for example.

Today's drink maker is named Terri, as I can tell by the tag.

I like her hair. It's brown like chocolate and put up in these two buns. I could never hope to pull off a style like that, really. Honestly, it just wouldn't ever work on me. Or maybe it would and I just don't know since I've never tried.

Note to self: try buns – the hair style, not the food.

(I don't need Lover Boy insulting me again.)

"A hot chocolate and white mocha?" Terri asked rhetorically – as Victoria and I are the only people waiting for drinks at the moment – while smiling at us.

Victoria nodded and took the tray from her. Their hands briefly touch but there was no spark. Or at least, I really hope there was no spark. I've got nothing against lesbians but if Victoria was one, I'd probably get a little skittish when hugging her over my woe.

"Hey, by any chance are you guys hiring at the moment?" Victoria inquired rather bluntly.

The Terri girl looked thoughtful before nodding. "Well, yes, actually. We have applications if you'd like one."

Victoria grinned and asked for one.

Was she looking for a job?



4:18 p.m.




4:27 p.m.

Victoria filled the application out and gave it to me.

She said that Terri told her to give it to the front.

I assume by 'front' she meant the cashier.



4:31 p.m.

Hey there, Lover Boy.



5:02 p.m.

I have no words.

So I handed my – or is it Victoria's, technically? – application form over to Lover Boy, who for curiosity's sake – most likely – gave it a once over. When I saw a small smile pull at his lips and the way it grew into a smirk, I knew what he was reading.

"You worked at that sushi restaurant, Ichibon?" he asked, chuckling lowly.

I immediately blushed. "A job is a job," I retorted, obviously embarrassed. "I needed the money… And the rice was good!"

He continued his quiet snickers under his breath and I decided he had a beautiful laugh until he spoke.

(Keep your lips closed, Lover Boy, or I'll close them for you – with my lips!)

"You better be careful then, when you start here," he began, thus giving me some hope. Did he believe in me? Did he think that I could work there and thus work with him?! I was so happy, but then he opened his mouth again and continued, "if you eat all the muffins you'll get fired."

I hate him.

Oh, my God, he is so…


I don't even know! He infuriates me but at the same time I just wanna jump over the counter and snog the hell out of him.

I hate him!



5:04 p.m.

He no longer deserves the title of Lover Boy.

Nope. Not while I'm angry.

Right now, he is:




5:11 p.m.

Victoria and I are ditching this joint.

We should go to a movie.



8:05 p.m.

Mom was mad when I got home.

Apparently she wanted to go to a movie with me – and Karin, of course – but since I was out with Victoria, Karen got bored of waiting and went to get her nails done.

They're so incredibly annoying it's sad.



8:06 p.m.

Am I really related to them?

Because if there was a mix up at the hospital that'll only be good news to me.








9:11 a.m.

Sexy Back asked if he could borrow a pencil.



9:12 a.m.

Lent one to him.



11:20 a.m.

My phone rang in class.

My Chemistry teacher wasn't so happy, but he couldn't quite do anything to me since he was always drifting away from the whole teaching thing he's supposed to be doing so that he could dote on his pregnant wife – who note, is also a teacher.

It was from Kate's Café.

I have a job interview on Monday at four.



12:04 p.m.

Victoria flipped out at the news.



12:05 p.m.

I firmly believe Victoria is the biggest creeper in existence.

She said that once I work there, I have to take note of all her One True Love's shifts for her so she can come visit him.



12:07 p.m.

She doesn't seem to realize that by eating cakes so much in front of him, he'll probably dub her a fatty.



12:08 p.m.

Stupid Ace-y.







8:03 a.m.

Mom's excited that I have a job interview.

It's as if I already got the job. And it's not even like it's my first job, either.

How am I her daughter?

And Karen offered to drive me there after school. I told her I'd just walk there since it's really close to school and I could just go there afterwards.



8:04 a.m.

So I packed my interview clothes. I'll just keep them in my locker for now.

I wasn't sure what to wear. When I had my interview at Ichibon I went in jeans and a dress shirt but this place seems a tad bit more sophisticated. Maybe it's the coffee. For some reason, in my head, coffee is synonymous with sophisticated.

I'm wearing my black skinny jeans and I stuffed a white blouse and light pink cardigan in my bag for later.



8:15 a.m.

Do you think that'll make me look fat?



9:05 a.m.

Ace-y/Sexy Back/Lover Boy still has my pencil.

I want it back.



9:06 a.m.

I kicked Ace to get his attention.



9:07 a.m.

He looks mad.



9:26 a.m.

Lover Boy doesn't seem to be a morning person.

"Can I have my pencil back?" I asked him quietly. "I need it."

Ace – it sounds so weird to say his name, but I'm not sure what to call him right now so… – frowned at me. "I gave it back to you the other day."

"…No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did."

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did."

"No, you—"

"Ace, Nina, detention."



9:27 a.m.

I hate Mr. McCray.



9:28 a.m.

And Ace, too.

I think I would have remembered if he gave me back my pencil!

It was my favorite pencil so obviously I would remember what it looked like! It was orange and scratched up and there was no eraser left and the metal cap-like thing at the end where the eraser used to be was bent and totally destroyed and I want it back!



10:32 a.m.

Second period.

Er, I found my pencil.



12:43 p.m.

Gabe finally said 'hi' while his arm lingered around some girl's shoulders.

I'd be jealous if I wasn't still bitter that he got to dump me first.



12:44 p.m.

…Is he trying to make me jealous?!



1:17 p.m.

Friends do not try to make each other jealous, damnit!



2:43 p.m.

Victoria's going to go with me to the café.

She said we'll eat first and then she'll just wait for me while I'm in the interview, then when it's done and I supposedly get the job, we can both order a celebratory frappuccino. Or well apparently, I could get a normal frappuccino. She had to get a light frappuccino.

Like hell!



2:44 p.m.

Apparently a light frappuccino is supposed to have a third less the calories than a normal one.




2:59 p.m.

Peeked over my shoulder.

Lover Boy – well, I found my pencil so the grudge is uh, gone – is following us.



3:00 p.m.

Told Victoria.

She laughed and said I was just obsessing over him – like she was one to talk – and that I should calm down because he was probably going to work.



3:01 p.m.


If I get the job, then that means I'm gonna be working with Lover Boy.





3:17 p.m.

Terri was there – yeah, I remember her name. In the middle of taking our orders, she said, "Oh hey, Ace," when he came behind the counter, put his bag under the counter and nabbed an apron – which I'm assuming is his – of the rack of them.


How dare he interrupt us when we are ordering?!

Or well, Victoria is ordering, technically.

"I would like one orange manga banana blend" – today's freakishly boiling out, even I don't want it hot – "and she'll have one iced white chocolate mocha, and…" Victoria drawled out the world as she peered over the food, practically pressing her face against the glass. "And—and—and… I'll have a slice of lemon poppy seed loaf, and she" – the idiot pointed to me – "shall have a triple chocolate muffin. And could you give us a big one? It's for good luck—"


I saw Ace smirking as he tied up the back of his leaf green apron.

"No!" I shouted a bit too loudly. "No, no muffin! We don't need the muffin!"

Terri simply shrugged and went to make the drinks while Ace came to the counter to get the money and Victoria's loaf.

He sounded too amused for my liking when he gave us the total.

That bastard…



3:51 p.m.

I'm sort of nervous.

Victoria says not to be. She said, "Why would they not hire you, Nina? Seriously, think about that, you douche."


I'm not a douche.



3:59 p.m.

Manager Lady's name is Sarah.

I like her hair.



4:18 p.m.

Interview's over.



4:19 p.m.




4:24 p.m.

Victoria seemed happier than me that I got the job.

She's such a user. Right away, she told me to check Sam's schedule when Sarah gave me mine.

Like hell I would play stalker for her.



4:30 p.m.

Mom called.

She said she's feeling 'faint' and is craving something sweet so could I pick her up a java chip frap. I said yes, of course, because she houses me and everything. Then she told me to have a snack because we'd be having a late dinner since Karen wasn't getting off work until eight.

No way am I going to have a snack here.



4:34 p.m.

Bought Mom's coffee.

Lover Boy was oddly smirk-less – not that I'm complaining.

Terri was in the back room so Ace made the coffee.



4:36 p.m.

Oh. Oh God.



5:03 p.m.

I'm at home now.

I went to give Mom her coffee but for some reason I had trouble letting go of the cup.



8:00 p.m.

Okay, I think I'm calmer now.

So it was amazing.

Lover Boy finished Mom's coffee and our hands touched but nothing really sparked again.

But then…

Then he gave me a muffin.

"I didn't order a muffin," I told him indignantly, slowly starting to blush.

And then when he handed me the little paper bag with the muffin and our fingers brushed again, I felt it. It. IT! I don't know what it was but it was something and it was amazing and I want it again, damnit!

He nodded. "I know," Lover Boy said, still oddly without the usual smirk but a small real smile. "It's on me. Congratulations on getting the job."