Get a Life

Sugar, You're Going Down



7:03 a.m.

…Karen is a moron.



7:04 a.m.

Judging by the stained plastic gloves in the garbage and the tiny stains in the white sink – oh, Mom is gonna be pissed – Karen dyed her hair last night.

From her naturally black hair... to red.



7:11 a.m.

Actually, that'll look nice on her.



7:12 a.m.


Now we will look nothing alike!

What an epic score.



9:12 a.m.

So I'm still exceedingly giddy over the Muffin Incident. Seriously, I don't think I'll ever be able to let it go.

It was just so amazing.



9:17 a.m.

Damn. I forgot my pencil.

…I sit beside Victoria. If she owned a pencil it'd be for your eyes or your lips.



9:18 a.m.

Why is Victoria even in this class?

She barely passed math last year!



9:19 a.m.

Sexy Back!



9:22 a.m.

Kicked Sexy Back's chair again to get his attention.

He didn't really look too happy. Maybe I should've poked him?

"What?" he growled, frowning at me whilst scooting forward.

"Can I borrow a pencil?" I asked sweetly.

Like muffins.



9:23 a.m.

I am never giving back this pencil.



2:45 p.m.

Just made it on time for detention.



2:46 p.m.

Wow. That's sad.

Who tries to come on time for detention?



3:00 p.m.

So I sat with Lover Boy during detention, which was awesome.

Then I remembered it was my fault he had detention.

"I'm sorry I got you in trouble," I told him, pouting slightly. "Really, I am."


He didn't look in my direction, just kept staring at his open notebook, which I noted had many numbers and such scrawled on it.

Quite messily, might I add…

(Math, hm?)

It seems Lover Boy doesn't know the meaning of legibility.



3:01 p.m.

Same with tact.

I still remember the muffin incident – and I mean the Too Many Muffins Incident, not the Muffin Incident.




3:02 p.m.

When we start dating, I'll buy him a dictionary for our One Month Anniversary.



3:17 p.m.

Trying to make conversation with Lover Boy



3:18 p.m.

Failing miserably.

Wow. It's like talking to no one.



3:21 p.m.

This is getting pathetic.



3:22 p.m.

Oh, screw it.



3:26 p.m.

Got out early.

It was the librarian on duty today so it was all good. He's the only one who doesn't give a crap about what you do in detention as long as you're in the room, down for attendance and not being too annoying for his nerves.

I think he has a girlfriend. He was on the phone the whole time.



3:30 p.m.

My plan was flawless.

"Look, Ace," I began, walking faster than I normally would – I firmly believe in taking my time, okay? – so I could keep up with him as he walked away from the detention room, "I'm really sorry that I got you detention."

Lover Boy turns his head slightly and I realize why he hasn't been responding.

The moron's been listening to music the entire time apparently, according to the earphones tightly being kept in place.



3:21 p.m.

That. Bastard.



3:35 p.m.

He finally noticed me looking at him after a few seconds.

"What?" he asked.


I couldn't quite seem to find the words I wanted to say. There were a few curses here and there for ignoring me but before I could say them, I remember my plan. I cleared my throat and looked determinedly over his shoulder – which note, was hard considering his eyes were like—like—like magnets!

"I want to um, make it up to you for getting you detention," I told him with as much regret as I could muster in my voice. "Let me take you out for coffee…"

He didn't budge.

I tried not to squeak. "…or something?"

And then…

Then he did the most relationship ruining thing he possibly could've done in this situation.



3:36 p.m.

"I don't like coffee."



3:37 p.m.

"…Seriously?" was all I could manage.

Lover Boy shrugged as though he was innocent in this situation.

How could he not like coffee?


Next thing you know he's going to tell he doesn't like—

"Well, do you like muffins?"

I couldn't help myself! It had to be asked.



3:38 p.m.

Lover Boy smirked.

"Yeah," he replied in what was most likely the sexiest voice I've ever heard, "I love them."



3:39 p.m.





3:40 p.m.

Then he grabbed my hand. Okay, well no. I thought he was gonna grab my hand. Instead, he grabbed my wrist and began pulling me in the direction of the Kate's Café. Eventually he let me go, maybe two steps later (unfortunately).

His hand was warm.



3:47 p.m.

Ace ordered a Chai Latte.



3:48 p.m.


I mean Lover Boy.



3:49 p.m.

"Can I get a White Mocha?" I asked Sam, who was currently behind the counter.

Sam smiled at us politely in his creepy Sam-like way – which really, I was going to need to get used to since I was gonna start working with him. What I definitely did not think I'd get used to was his extreme lack of tact, which was like, ten times worse than Ace's.

"Are you two on a date?" Sam inquired, writing my order on the cup.



3:50 p.m.

Lover Boy didn't say anything.

I didn't either.



3:52 p.m.

"Thank you," Lover Boy said when I handed him his tea. Then he looked at his watch. "Oh, I gotta go."

I was too flustered from Sam's comment to say anything other than my, "Uh…"

"Right…" Lover Boy raised an eyebrow before shrugging. "Well, see you later."



3:53 p.m.

Oh, my God!


I think I just died and went to heaven.



4:00 p.m.

I didn't notice how long I was standing there until Sam told me.

"Hey Ugly, what you're doing has a name."

Did he just call me ugly?


I glared at Sam and fought the urge to jump over the counter – this time for a completely different reason. "What did you call me?"

Sam smiled this infuriating smile that made me want to strangle him.

What the hell did Victoria see in this guy?








8:45 a.m.

Victoria didn't come to school today

Apparently she has the flu.



8:46 a.m.

"Clear your desks," Mr. McCray ordered. "It's time for your quiz."

Then he looked around.

"Has anyone seen Victoria?"



8:47 a.m.


That complete loser!



12:04 p.m.

This is the loneliest lunch ever.


In the library doing my Bio homework.



6:55 p.m.

I hate my sister.

Karen's annoying.


"Nina!" she called when I walked through the door. She was walking out of the kitchen in a t-shirt and her stupid Hello Kitty panties – meh, we all tend to walk around like that in the house considering it's only been we three girls for forever – with a half eaten apple in hand, going towards the stairs. "I need to check out your closet, okay?"

As she ran up the stairs, I took off my shoes. By the time I got to my room, she was already trying on the dress I wore to Victoria's sweet sixteen.

I love that dress. It was this silk red slip dress that looked hot with the Shoes That Aren't Quite Mine…


"Why are you wearing my dress?" I asked her, dropping my bag onto the floor.

"I need it," Karen answered, taking the concealer on my vanity and dabbing it on lightly. "I have a date tonight."



6:56 p.m.

Karen has a date?



7:00 p.m.

I made a disgusted face. "All the more reason you shouldn't wear it. I don't know what you're gonna do with it on."

"Oh, shut up." Karen rolled her eyes – I totally saw her reflection do it – and reached for the blush. "I don't put out on the first date, you brat."

"Meh, whatever," I replied, dropping onto my bed.

Karen went back into my closet again and when she came out some moments later, she looked pretty pissed.

I didn't know why until I saw what she was holding.



7:01 p.m.

"Er… I can explain."



7:59 p.m.

So Karen was mad.

"You better explain!" Karen growled, waving her black boots around.

Okay, I couldn't help nabbing them from her last year when she was packing her stuff up to move away. She couldn't take The Boots with her – I mean, they were The Boots! She barely even wore them. I was the one who always took them for walks. I was the one who took care of them!


She didn't deserve them.

"I was looking for these!"

Karen huffed and stomped out with my dress and her boots.


I need those for when I get my date with Lover Boy!



8:00 p.m.




8:01 p.m.

Followed Karen to room for Operation Get Boots.



8:02 p.m.

Failed, as she was already wearing them.

(As well as a very pretty black jacket that I should steal from her in the near future…)



8:10 p.m.

"I'm sorry I stole your boots," I told her with the most sincere voice I would possibly muster. "I just really liked them!" That was the truth. "And um, Karen, well…" And this is wear I lie. "I really wanted something to remember you by, you see…"

Hook. Line. Sinker.

She totally fell for it, judging by the tears in her eyes. "Oh! Nina! You're going to make me ruin my makeup!"

Then she shot up and hugged me.

"Uh, can you let me go?" I asked after a bit. She did – but not before a super tight squeeze. "So who are you going on a date with?"

Karen smirked.

"My Ex."



8:11 p.m.

Let it be known that Karen has only dated one guy and he was the sexiest piece of ass that ever came into existence.

Or well, he was.

That was before I met my Lover Boy.



9:00 p.m.

Karen's gone.

She's a lucky bitch. I hate her.



9:01 p.m.

I'm bored.



9:05 p.m.

Called Victoria.

We're getting some coffee.



9:06 p.m.

Let it be known that no, Lover Boy is not working right now therefore I am getting coffee because I want to get coffee, not because Lover is there. Or not there.

Right. Whatever.









9:07 a.m.

Told Victoria about the Sam incident.

She said I'm too sensitive.



9:08 a.m.

I hate Victoria.



3:14 p.m.

Today is my first shift.

I'm working 3:30 to 9:00.

Victoria came with me today – only because I told her Sarah said either Sam or Terri were going to train me today, most likely Sam though since Terri had to do inventory later. Victoria is such a stalker, it's sad. I mean, she practically obsesses over him! She even made a nickname… for… him…


This is just pathetic.

I am just pathetic.




3:41 p.m.

Sarah says Sam isn't coming in today.

Apparently he's gotten the flu.




3:42 p.m.

"I asked Ace to cover his shift and he said yes, so he'll be the one training you, Nina."



3:50 p.m.

Victoria heard the whole thing and laughed.

She's the worst friend ever.



10:01 p.m.

Lover Boy's something of a jerk.

He's back to Ace-y Boy now.

Ace-y Boy would totally fail as a teacher. He bitches too much. He sucks. I hate him.



10:02 p.m.

Only like, I don't, of course.








10:23 a.m.

I'm so bored.

And I thought Writer's Craft would be fun?



10:24 a.m.

Well, maybe it would be fun if Lover Boy didn't sit on the opposite end of the room for me.



10:25 a.m.

And maybe if he actually talked to me, too.



10:26 a.m.

I should probably take a nap.

I'm working 5:00 to 11:00 tonight.

Lover Boy's gonna teach me how to close up.



12:03 p.m.

Having a chicken salad for lunch with light ranch dressing.



12:04 p.m.

This tastes like ass.



2:25 p.m.


Schools almost over!



4:53 p.m.

I'm nagging Karen for her date details.

She's being a total bitch with her I Know Something You Don't Know Smile and not saying anything.

I hate her.



4:54 p.m.

Oh shit.

I have work soon.



5:15 p.m.

So I flirted with Lover Boy a little bit.

Just a little.


Not really.

"You look like crap," Lover Boy said, looking at me with a not-really-there-but-still-sort-of-there smile as I panted, walking behind the counter and taking my apron.

I had to run here in six minutes. I didn't want to be late to work when I've only just gotten the job. Then I would look unprofessional! It was one thing to be late to class, but to be late to your job just seemed wrong to me…

"Thanks," I muttered. Growling under my breath, I struggled to tie my apron.

I didn't know what was wrong with me. I think I was just pissed off that Lover Boy told me that I looked like crap so my tying skills were therefore just not working.

I was about to let out one of my frustrated screeches when I suddenly felt hands on my own and a warm breath on my neck.

"Let me get that for you."



5:16 p.m.

Oh. My. God.



5:17 p.m.

Told Lover Boy I was getting some milk from the back fridge.

It's hot.



5:18 p.m.




10:13 p.m.

So we have a major issue here.

When I was cleaning tables earlier – at Lover Boy's order – Gabe came into the store. Honestly, I didn't even notice because I was too busy staring at Lover Boy's sexy back and sexy ass while he was taking out cups from the cupboards under the counter.

But then the worst happen.

He stepped in front of me, thus blocking my view.

(Oh. No, that wasn't the worst – second to worst, but not the worst.)

"Do you mind?" I muttered, trying to push him, not exactly noticing who he was.


I looked up at his face when I recognized the husky, woe-is-me voice that could only be Gabe. "Oh." I know, that wasn't exactly the most intelligent thing to say but it was all I could muster. I mean, I was really surprised to see him despite our so-called friendship. "Hey, what's up—"

That was when the worst happened.

He grabbed me, one hand kind of digging into my arm, the other one going to my waist. Then he dipped me.

Then he kissed me.



10:14 p.m.

Kicked Gabe in the shin.




10:15 p.m.

Gabe frowned at me before he left.



10:16 p.m.




10:38 p.m.

Lover Boy's giving me cut eye.

Well, I don't actually see him giving me cut eye but I can feel him doing it.

He seems mad.



10:39 p.m.

Why would he be mad?



10:40 p.m.




10:41 p.m.




10:42 p.m.

Hells yes!


Lover Boy is jealous!



10:43 p.m.

I think.

I hope.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you everyone for the comments! :)