‹ Prequel: The Weight of Love
Status: In progress if people still want it!

Tipping the Scales 1

The Beginning (Again)

Everything was normal for a while. So normal that it was almost mundane, or it would be if they let it get that way. Before it ever got to be mundane Gerard would put out bowls of paint and new, crisp, white sheets on the ground and they would have sex on them and paint them as they went as soon as Frank got home, or Frank would randomly take the day off at the bakery and drag Gerard out to Disney World with no notice at all.

It's been over a year since Gerard moved in with him on Frank's last birthday. Frank just turned twenty, Gerard had thrown him a little party in their apartment and then surprised Frank with some really amazing (and kind of kinky) sex after the last guests had gone home. Since then things had gone back to normal...until today. Frank got home from the bakery late (He attempts to work from 6-2 but almost always ends up staying late) to find Gerard bustling his large body around the kitchen in a flurry of flour and oven mitts.

Gerard gained back up to about 340 and had stayed there, plateaued really, up until the holidays had come around, as soon as the Christmas cookies were being baked at full capacity and Frank had more stock than ever to bring home Gerard had really piled it on again. Not to mention Thanksgiving dinner. Frank had managed to insist that they needed to go to both his mom's house and Gerard's. Frank ate a little at each home but Gerard had feasted at both houses. It didn't hurt, of course, that being mother's both Frank and Gerard's moms insisted that the boys take about ten containers full of leftovers home with them. Gerard had ended up eating most of it, "I'm vegetarian! It will just go to waste unless you eat it!" Frank had told him, innocently and Gerard weighed 387 by the end of January. He had been upset that he had gained so much but Frank had made it up by buying him an entirely new (and very cool) wardrobe. Gerard still managed to fit into the XXXL shirts found at Hot Topic so Frank had just bought him a bunch of comic and awesome band shirts from there, the pants, however, had to be bought online. Frank didn't tell Gerard that though. He also clipped the sizes off everything so Gerard wouldn't see them. By this point Gerard was a lot more comfortable about his body but he still got bouts of depression and self consciousness due to his size and Frank tried to nip them in the bud whenever possible.

Gerard didn't go crazy over dinner very often, in fact, Frank tends to make dinner when he gets home, sometimes they'll make it together, laughing over the stove so much that they burn things, but Gerard rarely ever makes dinner on his own. That's what makes it so odd a sight for Frank to come home to. Frank glances at Gerard sideways and Gerard gives him a huge grin. He points at a pile of books on the table but makes no noise, no offered up suggestion of an explanation so Frank just lifts his eyebrows, shrugs his jacket off and peers at the books on the table.
They're cookbooks he realizes, Vegetarian cookbooks, baking cookbooks, there are at least 12 there, Frank looks back over at Gerard who is still grinning at him while stirring something in a big pot and Frank smiles back at him, walking over and kissing him on the cheek. He stands behind him and grabs a big chunk of love handle and kisses him harder, Gerard makes a "Mmmph" sound into his mouth and Frank pretty much loves his life now a days. Gerard shoos Frank's hand away from his plump side and Frank makes a pout at him, which Gerard counters by sticking a spoonful of something into Frank's mouth. Its honestly one of the most delicious tasting things Frank has ever tasted and he can't believe that Gerard has been able to cook this whole time and has just been being a lazy asshole. He tells Gerard this and Gerard just laughs in his face about it and tells him that dinner's ready and to go wash his fucking hands, asshole.

It turns out to be a full fucking dinner, with an appetizer, soup, an entree and then a dessert. All of it is insanely fucking delicious and Frank eats way too much. Gerard eats more, as always, though and between the two of them all of the food is gone by the end of the night. Franks has to unbutton his pants and Gerard changed into his stretchy pajamas half way through the meal and is looking almost catatonic with a food coma and Frank tells him to go to bed. Gerard whines that there's a lot of dishes but Frank just kisses him on the head and says he'll get them. Gerard gives him big, apologetic eyes but doesn't argue anymore and Frank stares lustfully at Gerard's ass as he waddles into their bedroom.

It takes a good twenty minutes before Frank feels like he can move enough to load everything into the dishwasher and he's amazingly grateful that he has the next day off. He doesn't think anything about the unlabeled "spice" bottle Gerard was using, and he doesn't even bother to open the bottle to look inside when he puts it away to wipe down the counters.
He goes to sleep next to Gerard, feeling full and happy.

Frank doesn't catch on until Thanksgiving a few weeks later. He's getting dressed to head to his mom's (he's convinced Gerard that they need to go to both houses again) when he realizes that his pants are a bit tighter than usual. His nice dress slacks are actually quite a bit tighter than usual. They squeeze at his thighs and they're difficult to button and when he finally gets them closed he realizes he has a bit of a muffin top going on. Its not visible but Frank can feel it and he can definitely feel his thighs being constricted in his pants. He frowns at his reflection in the mirror. Has he gained weight? He thinks about it. Gerard's been cooking every single day and while its delicious food, Frank always makes sure to eat his greens and watch how much he eats. Still, he's never felt these slacks so tight until Gerard started cooking. Frank frowns again and wanders into the kitchen since Gerard is still in the bathroom getting ready. He sighs, feeling awkward in his too tight pants and gets the pitcher of iced tea out of the fridge to pour himself a glass and that's when he spots it. The unmarked spice bottle is sitting on the counter again and Frank peers at it as though he's never seen it before in his life. He unscrews the top and peeks inside, finding a thick, white powder inside. It doesn't look like any spice Frank has ever seen. He sniffs it and smells nothing. He licks his finger and sticks it inside and it doesn't taste like anything at all but Frank remembers seeing it on the pancakes Gerard made this morning.

Frank screws the top on and is prepared to walk away like he never noticed the odd bottle when he realized that it wasn't just on the pancakes. It was on last night's lasagna, it was even on the breadsticks. He stops and thinks about it a little more and he's pretty fuckin sure that its been on every single thing Gerard has made. He goes back and picks up the bottle again. Why is it unmarked in the first place? It looks like a regular spice bottle had been emptied out and filled with that stuff, and then someone tore the label off the bottle. Frank frowns and checks to make sure Gerard is still in the bathroom, he is, so Frank continues his investigation.
He pokes around in the cupboards but doesn't find anything out of the ordinary, he hops up to see whats in the top shelf cabinet above the fridge, as far as Frank knows its empty, but now there's something in there. A large container, Frank pulls it out of the cabinet and reads the label, "Weight Gain Powder: Unflavored." Frank knits his eyebrows together and reads on; "For Speedy Weight Gain! Raises appetite and slows metabolism! Packed with calories and flavorless! If you don't gain, get your money back!" Frank gapes at it. He opens the lid and recognizes, of fucking course, its the same powder shit. He's still in shock when he hears the bathroom door click open and he shoves the bottle back in the cabinet and closes it, before walking over to the iced tea he left on the counter and trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.

Gerard smiles at him as he comes out of their bedroom, fixing his tie and looking uncomfortable. His clothes are looking tight again, and not tight like Frank's, tight like they're about to burst right off his meaty thighs. Frank smirks. He's been dosing his own food, as well, of course, and Frank is surprised he hadn't realized it until now. Gerard is looking considerably wider than before, his ass especially bigger, Frank's sort of wondering how he's going to be able to fit in the car at all anymore, even Frank's truck. Gerard is obviously out for some kind of revenge, Frank squeezes the bit of love handle he's developed and smirks as he holds the door open for Gerard. He's pretty sure he can work this out to his advantage.
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Please let me know what you think! I'm really unsure about this so if you want the sequel to be continued please let me know <3
Thank you <3