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The Vampire Prince's Servant

Chapter 1

I hadn't always lived like the way I did now. In fact, only recently had I become a servant girl to the now vampire king.

It certainly wasn’t something that I would have chosen myself to do. One would have to have some sick mind, it was far from fun. You see, I was part of a bargain between my father and the king. My father was a selfish man, especially since my mother had left us when I was ten. He had become an alcoholic and I had to take care of him.

It happened like this. One night after one of my father’s drinking episodes; he had gone out of the house late, like usual so I didn’t think anything about it. I didn’t know where he went, but I had later found out that he had somehow gotten into a game of poker with a mystery man. Big shocker there.

When he ran out of money to bet, he put me on the line, not knowing if this guy was a wanted sex offender or a serial killer or anything. But he did it anyway, he was such a loving man, you can tell. Good old reliable dad, always looking out for me. Yeah right. And being the way my father was, he didn’t even put up a fight for me.

He turned out to be the prince of vampires. The next think I knew, I was being awoken from my slumber at four in the morning. I was being picked up and then everything went black.

I woke up in a room with cream colored walls, hard wood floors, and two beds that looked exactly alike. A white cased pillow, and royal blue quilts on the beds.

There was a small girl sitting on the bed next to me, just staring at me, smiling.

“Hi.” I said a little weirded out, I looked around the room with curious eyes. I propped myself up on my elbow to get a better look.

“Hello.” She replied in a perky, high pitched voice. She stood up from her bed, and came over to mine. She wasn’t very short, but shorter than I was. “I’m Matilda. Call me Mattie though.” I sat up from the bed.

“I’m Melody.” I extended my hand, and she shook it. “I know who you are. His Majesty told me about you.”

“Who?” I questioned, puzzled. “His Majesty?” I pondered.

“Oh, that’s right. You don’t know, do you?” she gave me a sympathetic half smile in response. I wasn’t all sure that I wanted to know about him.

“Know what?” I was pretty confused. I curled my feet underneath me on the bed and waited for her response.

“Where you are, or why you’re here.” She sat next to me. “Well, you see, your father bet you in a gambling game with the Vampire Prince. Who is His Majesty, obviously.” She smiled, rolling her eyes playfully before turning serious again. “He went and took you though, and without any complaint from your father either, you poor dear. Now you are in his castle in the land of Lonevetta. Don’t worry though. It’s not as strange as it sounds, trust me.” This was a lot for me to take in at that moment. I just sat there, probably with the world’s dumbest look on my face. “The master might not have taken you though if he didn’t take some sort of fancy to you. You are exceptionally pretty. If that makes you feel any better.”

No it didn’t. I was pretty, I had supposed. Blue eyes, brown hair, 5’5, and thick shoulder length hair. My father had gotten angry one night, and started cutting my hair. In the end it was uneven, and I had to get someone to cut the rest of it for me. I just smiled at Mattie though.

“Vampires are real?” was all I could manage to say.

She laughed. “Yes, they are, just not in your world though. Well, there are very few that live there I should say.”

“Oh.” I felt light headed. I looked up at Matilda. She had a cute button nose, red hair that went to her shoulders, and freckles. She looked my age, roughly 16. She was wearing jeans and a blue t-shirt. “Are you a vampire?” I asked skeptically.

“Oh no. I’m an elf. Most of us that work here are elves only about seven are human.”

“Goody.” I said sarcastically.

“His Majesty will be wanting to see you now.” She told me after a moment of silence. “You were supposed to go there once you woke up, but I thought you should know what happened first.”

“Thank you, Mattie. “ I sighed gratefully. I didn’t know who ‘His Majesty’ was, but if he was conceited enough to have everyone call him majesty, I didn’t want to find out from him.

“It’s no problem to me. If he asks though, tell him you just woke up.” She whispered in my ear quietly.

“Alright.” I agreed.

“This way.” She said opening a door that led out to a long hall. As we stepped out of the room, and into the hall, I had half expected it to be cold. Thank god it wasn’t though. I was still wearing my pajama shorts and a tank top. It was actually quite a warm place. The interior was stone down the hall with beautifully tiled floors.

We came to a sudden stop. I was so busy looking around though, I hadn’t noticed, and I almost ran into Mattie.

She knocked on the door. “Enter.” Came a voice from within the room. She opened the door and gestured for me to go in.

I really didn’t want to go in first, but I also didn’t want to stand outside the door looking stupid. I quickly walked in with my head down, staring down at the floor and Matilda followed me, shutting the door behind us.

“It’s nice to see you’re awake now, Melody. Thank you for telling her everything Mattie, but you can go and wait in your room until further direction.” The man demanded her. His voice was commanding and firm. She nodded, curtsied, and walked out quietly.

“Well, since you already know why you’re here, I suppose I should tell you what you will do here.” He had black-brown hair, blue eyes, and was stunning to look at. He looked like he was 19 or 20. He had this sense about him though, that made me feel very small compared to him. He had on dark jeans, and a black shirt making his skin pop. “You'll be a servant to me. I prefer not to use the word slave, even though you may think of it as such at times.” He stood up from the desk he was sitting at, and came over to stand by me. He was tall. 6’1 probably.

“You do realize that I own you now, don’t you?” He asked in a low voice that sent shivers down my spine.

“I do. I don’t see why though, you didn’t have to take me.” I said sounding bored. Probably not my best idea, I was freaking out in my mind though. I wasn’t very capable at making smart decisions at the moment in time.

“I won you. There was no doubt about it. It seemed that your father was eager to get rid of you though.” he shrugged, with a cruel smile on his face that made me weak in the knees, not the way you get from a cute boy though. I wanted to run.

“Probably.” I said quietly, and I could barely hear myself say it.

He sighed. “You’ll be better off here though, Melody. Do you have any questions?” he looked down at me.

I wanted to delay whatever work I had ahead of me, so I asked the first thing that popped into my head. “What’s your name?” I had been wondering ever since Matilda said ‘His Majesty’

“Julian.” He replied quickly, like he knew what I was going to say. “Now, you will have the rest of the day off; you’ve wasted it away. Tell Matilda that she can show you around, get to know your surroundings, you’ll be here a while.” He told me after a moment’s pause.

“Thanks.” I mumbled, starting to turn around.

His words stopped me before I could go any further.“Your clothes are in the dresser in your room. I will see that you will get your uniform for the morning.”

I turned around in disbelief. “Uniform?” I put my hand on my hip. “I don’t wear uniforms.” My bratty attitude seeping through every word.

He passed over my reaction and replied, “You will while you live here. And considering that you have to live here, I don’t think you have any say in the matter.”

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. The anger in his eyes flared up. I hardly knew him, but even a blind man could tell it.

"You are completely ungrateful." He was getting angry. I was being stupid. I was pushing him, and I knew it.

"Ungrateful? I never asked to be here. You drug me here forcefully, not even bothering to ask if I wanted to go or not." I was in deep, so I pushed him farther.

"I wouldn't have asked. And you know that your father’s wouldn't have been a good place to live. I saved you." He wanted me to act grateful for taking me away from my dad. Fine, I could understand that. But I had more than him there, that was what I hated more than anything else.

"Whatever." I sighed, aggravated.

"Leave. Now." He growled.

"Gladly." I turned on my heel and walked out of the room. I walked down the long hall, hoping I could remember which room was mine. I stopped at a door that seemed like it was mine, and opened it. Yup. Thank God. I saw Matilda sitting on the bed, moving her thumbs.

"How'd it go?" She asked, standing up to greet me.

"I don't think he likes me." I explained the situation to her.

"That was a stupid thing for you to do, Melody. You know that, right?" God did I know it. I couldn’t help but regret it. First day in Hell, and I’m already making the Devil hate me. It’ll be a great rest of my life.

"Yeah, but I couldn't help it. He just made me so angry. The way about him, that 'thing' that makes me feels so small in his comparison. I couldn't stand it." I flopped myself onto the bed that was mine.

"You should feel smaller than him. You are his inferior. He's higher up than you in every possible way, except stupidity, you have him beat there." What was with everyone? They must have grown up around him in order to think that way. I wouldn’t have.

I yelled. "I know, I know."

"So, I'm supposed to show you around, come on." She gestured, and walked out of the room.

"Do you mind if I change first?" I asked, gesturing to my clothes. I felt kind of silly in my turtle pajamas.

"Oh, yes, so sorry." She walked back in, and sat on her bed looking away from me. I grabbed a shirt and a pair of pants from the top of the pile. I wore it with my converse shoes. I was grateful that he brought my shoes; I would have been lost without them. I wore all this, with the star necklace that my parents had gotten me when I was ten, right before my mother left. I never took it off.

"Ready?" She asked, turning around as I was tying the last part of my shoe.

"Yeah, let's go." I said jumping up. She walked over and opened the door to suddenly curtsy. I couldn’t really see behind her, because she opened the door only partially, but it didn’t take a genius to figure it out.

"I'm here to see Melody." Said a melodic and enchanting voice. I already hated it here. I felt like I was a five year old getting in trouble, and nothing happened yet.

"Yes, Your Majesty." She said, stepping out of the door way to let him in, and she left. I was hoping she was listening on the other side of the wall.

I bobbed my head in acknowledgment, like I had seen people do in the movies.

"You learn quickly." He said. "The reason I came was to tell you that you are not allowed to leave castle grounds. And don't think you're going to get away with before." Damn.

"What's my punishment?" I asked, chewing on the inside of my cheek. There was a nervous tone in my voice.

"This." He bit me. He bit my arm. He bit my neck. I could feel the blood dripping down my arm to my hand. I was in pain on the inside. I tried not to scream, but I couldn't hold it back. I could feel tears roll down my face. He bit again, on my shoulder. I felt like I was dying inside.

"STOP!" I screamed. I was sobbing. I couldn't breathe. I was scared. I was going to try not to ever do this again. Or if I did, I wouldn't cry. I was about to drop to my knees. My head was light, and I was wobbling. I could feel Julian's hand supporting me though.

I finally felt him release me. I fell to the ground instantly. I was gasping for air.

"I hope you've learned your lesson." He said, walking off. I rolled to my side, curling up to a ball and crying. My whole body was shaking. I could smell the sickly sweet smell of blood. I was covered in it. At least my upper half was, it was slowly dripping down to my pants and on my shoes.

I heard footsteps rush in a second later.

"Melody!" Mattie shrieked. She ran over to my side. I could feel the touch of her light hands on my skin. "We have to get you cleaned up. I would heal you if I could, but the master said that I wasn't allowed to. I'm so sorry." She ran away, and came back a moment later with a wet wash cloth. The coolness of the water felt nice but stung at the same time.

She washed off all the blood, and helped me dress my wounds. My shirt was ruined. Great, just great. As if my day couldn’t have gotten any worse.

I changed, again, and we then went to go look at the rest of the castle, much to Mattie's disapproval though. I had insisted. I knew that he would find out that I was walking around somehow, and I wanted to make it known that I wasn’t going to be humbled just because he bit me.

It was a beautiful place, it was a shame it was inhabited by such a cruel person. She showed me the places where I would most likely be doing most of my work. When we were done, she told me that dinner would be just about ready, and she led me to a dining room, where there were others.

"Melody, these are the others that work for His Majesty. This is Cole, Kia, Madelyn, Sasha, Kaitlyn, Matt, Jacob, and Tyler." She introduced me, pointing everyone out.

"Oh, so you’re the new victim." Cole said, patting my back. I tried not to yelp. He had brown hair and green eyes, roughly the size of Mattie.

"Can't you tell that she's been hurt?" Kia said to him. They looked alike; I was guessing they were siblings.

"Oh, no. I'm so sorry, darling." Sasha said, rushing over to me.

"It was my fault." I told them what happened.

"You should have known not to cross him. Come on, he's the Prince of Vampires. What did you think would happen?"Kaitlyn told me.

"I really wasn't thinking." I explained.

"Well, just be careful next time." Madelyn finally said.

"Trust me; there will be no problem with me doing that." I laughed awkwardly. We stopped talking, and finally started eating, thankfully. I didn't realize just how hungry I was.
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I wrote this a while ago, when I was thirteen. Hope you like it! I know it's a bit stereotypical and extremely cliche, but I really wanted to write one of these stories. I hope that along the way you read some bits of surprising things. Sorry if you were put her from comment swap and vampire stories aren't really your thing. I still really appreciate anything you have on the feedback of my writing, because I am fully aware how common these stories are. :D