Status: Continually updating

The Vampire Prince's Servant

Chapter 11

"Fine. I love you." I threw my hands up. "Is that good enough?" I practically shouted in irritation.

"At least put some effort into this, Mel." he rolled his eyes. "Make me believe that you actually do love me."

Ok. I could do this, if it meant Julian would be free, as well as my father. I had always wanted to be an actress, this would have to be my best performance yet. I walked closer to him and grabbed his hand in mine.

"Julian," I whispered sweetly. "I love you." I laid my lips on his gently, and pulled away slowly. I realized what I had said the moment I pulled away. My eyes widened and my heart pounded in my chest, I knew he could hear it. His face was blank, I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Jared, I'm so sorry." I shook my head and dropped his hand.

"What's so great about him?" he shouted. I flinched back. "He beat you, Melody. He was crass and rude. He didn't treat you right, and yet, you still want him over me!" he emphasized. I stepped away from him. He turned around and hit the wall.

"He never starved me, and he hardly ever hit me. As for being rude, that's just the way he is." I let out a half-laugh. "I would have thought that stealing someone and making them their wife was much more rude." I snapped back. "You may say you did this for me, but I don't think so. I think that this was something to get back at your brother and father for. This had nothing to do with me."

He just stared at me. God I needed to get out of here, and quickly. "If you love him so much, why don't you go see him? I could just keep you down there."

I shook my head. "I don't love anyone!" I sobbed. "I didn't mean to say it. I'm sorry." my legs started to wobble and my head spun. Then everything went black.


I woke up in a black room, with dirt floors. My stomach growled immediately. I hadn't eaten in almost three days. I saw a figure emerge from the shadows.

"Maybe if you see how the others live for a few days, you'll reconsider my offer." Jared sarcastically smiled.

"What offer was that?" I weakly spoke. I propped myself up on my elbow to look at him through the bars.

"Say you love me, and this can all go away." he walked away, but stopped himself. "And there will be bread down for you shortly." he walked away briskly after that.

It was pitch black now, and hardly a sound was made. I backed up against what felt like a wall, but then realized it was moving. I shrieked out in surprise.

A voice came from it. "What are you doing?" it was so familiar to me. I knew it from somewhere.

I gasped. "Julian!" I swung my arms around his neck. A small light was lit by someone, and I could vaguely make his face out.

It was muddy and bruised. Nothing like he had been when I last saw him. I didn't pay much attention at he wedding yesterday. I couldn't bring myself to do so.

"Melody? What are you doing here?" his voice was hoarse.

"I'm not to sure. I'm supposed to be learning a lesson." I rolled my eyes. "Are you alright?"

He nodded weakly. "I'm fine." he took a breath. "But if I were you, I would sit as far away as possible from me." he informed me.

"Why?" I was puzzled. I had just showered, and I brushed my teeth. What could be wrong with me?

"I haven't eaten in a while." his hunger was much more controlling than mine.

"They are bringing me food, I haven't eaten either." I thought about it for a second. "After I do, I'll be stronger. You can have some of my blood if you want." I said skeptically.

"I couldn't. He would know." he shook his head.

"Trust me. It will be fine. I'm going to try and get you out of here." I kissed his cheek.

At that time, a large man dressed all in black came down the stairs holding a plate for me. He slid it through. "I was told that if you get out of hand, to do what is necessary. And trust me, I will." the grin that formed on his face made me sick. I nodded and pulled the food back. I bit off bits; it hurt to eat.

When I was done, I put my wrist out to Julian. "It's fine. I will be fine. You'll just have to stop soon." I smiled weakly.

I felt his teeth bite into me like to tiny daggers. I felt myself grow more and more light headed. "Julian, that's enough." he pulled away as soon as he could. I wrapped the bottom of my shirt around the wound to stop the bleeding.

"Do you feel better?" I whispered. I was certain the man could hear me anyway.

"Thank you. I don't now how to repay you." he smiled at me. I jumped when I heard the man speak again.

"We need the guy. Move away lady." he spat at me.

Julian put his hand on my shoulder. "It'll be fine." I didn't believe him though. But I didn't have any other choice, so I scooted away from him. He was roughly grabbed and pulled away. It broke my heart to see him like that. I had to get us out of here.

It felt like hours until they came back. He was thrown to the ground at my feet. I looked at him with pained eyes.

His face was bleeding, along with the rest of him. "Oh Julian. What have they done to you?" I brushed back his dark hair from his eyes.

It went on like this for I assumed three more days, I could never tell. Julian way always taken away, and always came back in worse shape.

Finally, on the fourth day, I was still hungry, I got a glass of water everyday though, Jared came down.

"How has your visit been?" he asked. I just looked up at him. He took a breath. "I suspected as much. Are you going to take me up on my offer?" Jared grinned sadistically.

"Yes." I nodded. I stood up and met his face at the cell bars. "Darling Jared, I love you." I kissed him through the bars. I felt awful for Julian for being right behind me, but I told him about it. I didn't think Julian loved me anyway, but I felt some sort of bond to him. I knew I had to get him out of here.

He unlocked the door and opened it for me. "I knew you would come around." he held out his arm to me. I took one last look at Julian, who refused to look at me. I hated myself as well.

We walked up stairs to the main hall again. It hurt my eyes to look at it. I thought I was going to go blind.

"So what happens to him now?" Jared had let my father to the day of the wedding, that was what Julian had told me.

"I'll let him go, unharmed. Just as you said." he smiled down at me. I nodded and thanked him. I knew I was stuck with Jared for the rest of my life, and I was never going to be saved. I would have to get used to this bipolar man of mine.
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So what do you think? I know there are plenty of you that are mad about Melody and Julian not being together, but don't let that stop you from reading! I promise, if we stick together, we will get through this part. It will get better :)