Status: Continually updating

The Vampire Prince's Servant

Chapter 14

"Why aren't you an actress?" Julian teased on he way home.

I playfully hit his arm. "Because I like cleaning rooms far to much." he smirked in reply. Despite my disliking towards Jared, I was a bit sad that he was gone. I think I was more traumatized than sad at the very least.

"I suppose you're wondering what is going to happen next." he glanced over at me, an I shrugged. "Now, I'm going to strip you of your title of being queen, I hope you don't mind."

I shook my head. "No, not at all. I wouldn't know what to do."

"Then after that, it's your choice. You can come back and work for me, or you can go back to your fathers and finish school. I'm not going to make you stay here, but it's your choice Melody." he continued to stare out the front window, his face unmoved.

It was silent for a moment before I spoke again. "When do I have to decide?" I asked. I didn't know how long it would take for me to decide this life changing decision.

"Sometime next week. Then I can find a replacement or not." He spoke. It was quiet the rest of the way home after that.


The week passed quickly, and I was officially not a queen any longer. I did get to wear the crown before it happened though. I also sat in a throne, I was surprised they had one. I was now back to staying with Maddy in my old room, the bed hadn't even been made from the last time I slept in it. I had thought long and hard about the pros and cons of each situation and I finally came to my decision. I got dressed, it was my week off, and I went down to see Julian.

I knocked on the door an waited for a reply. "Come in." his voice sounded from the other side of the wall.

"Good morning your majesty." I curtsied.

"Hello Melody, please sit down." he was poured over papers, writing things down and flipping through flies. "What have you decided?" he looked up at me.

I took a breath. "Well, I've thought a lot about this, and I'm going to be returning home, if you don't mind."

He looked unmoved, and part of me hoped he would be as unmoved as he looked, and the other part was... confused.

"Alright then. Say good bye to your friends and meet me back here when you're ready." he kept looking at his papers and never made eye contact with me. I nodded and left.

"Maddy," I said when I got back into our room. "I have some news." she looked up from her book and gave me a blank stare. "I'm leaving today. For good."

She still just looked at me. "What?" she finally exclaimed. "You can't just do that! What am I going to do without you?" she leaped off of her bed and ran and hugged me. "I'm going to miss you so much!" she sobbed into my back.

"I'll miss you too." I cried into her. I knew that this would be better for me, even of it meant leaving my friends. I knew I would have better opportunities to actually live my life rather than staying around and cleaning rooms and scrubbing floors. I wouldn't know what to do with my life if I remained here.

I said goodbye to the rest of my friends, tears were included in all of them. They hugged me and told me that I would be missed. I knew I would, and so would they. I walked down the hallway, wiping my eyes before I knocked on his door for the last time. "Come in." he said.

I walked in and smiled. "Hi." I said, wiping my sweaty hands on my pants.

"Hi." he looked up at me, still pouring over those damn papers. "Are you ready to go?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I am." he stood up and walked around his desk.

"Shall we? For old times sake?" he held out his arm to hold. I placed my hand in the crook of his arm as he guided me down the hallway for the final time.

"Thank you for letting me go home." I smiled halfhearted to him.

He nodded. "You deserved the chance. You've been through a hell of a lot."

"I'm sorry about your family. No one deserves that." I never had the chance to tell him that, and he needed to know.

"I appreciate that." we walked in silence the rest of the way to the room. He opened the door and allowed me to go in before him. We stood in front of the portal, it looked the same as before. He turned to me to say "You know Melody, you were a pain in my ass from the moment you came here all the way to the end." I sighed knowing he spoke the truth. "But now, you're someone I've come to respect and care for." I looked at him, puzzled."What I'm trying to tell you is," he ran his fingers through his hair. "is that I hope you have a great life and that you live it to the fullest."

I nodded, a part of me was feeling let down. "Thanks. I appreciate that." I smiled at his gesture.

"Goodbye Melody." he said somberly.

"Goodbye, Julian. I'll miss you." before he could reply, I was back in my dads living room. I plopped myself on the couch and set my head in my hands. I cried for a few minutes. My body shook with violent sobs that erupted through me.

It was a pity party for me. How my life sucked, no one would ever love me, I would never have a normal life again. Each thought sent me into another fit of tears.

I heard the front door open and then shut again. My dad rushed in and wrapped me up in his embrace. Usually, he would have smelt like smoke, but now he was clean. That was because of me. I did do some good in this world at least.

I hurried myself in his chest and cried. I never knew my fathers love before, he barely looked at me much less comfort me. "It's okay Mel. We'll get through this." his hand rubbed my back as I sat up and wiped my tears.

I started going to school again, and occasionally met with a counselor when I was feeling sad. I told him it was because of my mom leaving us, but he probably didn't believe me.

My father and I moved to a different house soon after I got back. The change was nice, but there had been a lot of change in my life lately, and I didn't know how to handle some of it.

When my friends asked me where I was all those months, I simply told them that I was at a boarding school, but it didn't work out, they seemed to believe me. I still managed to pass all of my classes.

I had been back in school for three months, and we were finally on the last day. Things had gotten better by then. I was starting to be more lively, and I had a couple of dates with a boy named Kyle. He was nice, and pretty cute, he made me happy and that was good.

"What's playing at the movie tonight?" Kyle asked. He was over at my house and we were sitting on the couch watching television.

"I think it's the Avengers." I really just wanted to go because Thor was in it, but I didn't want him to see me drooling over him.

He scoffed. "Superhero's are lame." he was pretty closed minded on occasion, nothing I couldn't handle though.

I shrugged. "It would be something different. Better than The Vow." when it came out on DVD he made us watch it three times. I think that he thought Channing Tatum was hotter than I did.

He shifted on the couch and put his arm around behind me. "Maybe. I'll think about it."

"Well, while you're thinking about it, I'm going to put my shoes on. I'm going anyway." I walked over to the front door and tied on my shoes and grabbed my jacket and keys. "You can come with me or go home. It's your choice." I told him.

He stood up and stretched his arms. "I think I'm going home. I'm exhausted." we walked out to our cars and parted ways. I drove the block and a half to the theater and quickly went in and got a seat. There was hardly anyone there, which was surprising. The previews had started, and I burrowed down into my seat and watched them. A few minutes later, a group of teenagers came in and sat a few rows in front of me. At the same time, a male figure came in and sat next to me.

I didn't look over at him, I didn't want to make it awkward. It was his fault for sitting there. I leaned my hand on the elbow rest on the opposite of him. Despite how hard I was trying to ignore him, I couldn't deny the fact that he smelt amazing, and that fact alone made me want to look over at him, which then made it even more awkward for me. The credits rolled after it was over, and I stood up and brushed myself off, just out of habit.

I turned around to leave and bumped into the man. I staggered backwards a step, but his arms caught me. "Easy, Mel." I heard him say.

I looked up and smiled, and then backed away. I staggered through the seats, trying not to stumble to the ground. "You can't be here."

He advanced forward towards me. "Melody, it's fine."

I stopped, I could feel the tears roll down my face. I shook my head vigorously. "No. It's not fine. I just got back to normal. You can't just show up in my life again and expect me to be fine!" I pushed through him to the front of the theater. I walked out and went to the car. I dug through my purse for my keys and couldn't find them fast enough.

I felt him grab my arms. "Melody, I'm sorry. I need you though." I stopped trying to shake free from him.

"You-you what?" I shook my head. "Julian, what do you mean?" I asked him, relaxing, he dropped his arms.

"I mean that I need you back with me." he sighed. "It's not the same without you."

I was still a bit fuzzy. "What do you mean?" I cocked my head to the side. I didn't think I made that much of a difference in his household.

He ran his fingers through his hair. "The servants are constantly sad, the place is full of gloom and doom. I don't think I can survive much longer without you." he told me.

I thought for a second. "But I can't just go. I have a life here, Julian, and I worked hard to make it." I explained to him.

He looked down at me. "I could always make you go."
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Sorry this took so long, one more chapter till the end! Comments are appreciated!