Status: Continually updating

The Vampire Prince's Servant

Chapter 9

I wish I could say there was a follow-up kiss from either of the brothers, but alas, there wasn't. I didn't speak to Julian, and Jared was away.

"So, any news from lover boy?" Maddie asked, referring to Jared. I didn't mentioned what happened the week before with Julian.

I shook my head and threw my pillow at her. We were supposed to be going to bed, but neither one of us were in the mood to sleep at that moment. "He's not my 'lover boy,'" I said, using air quotes. "he just happens to be an extremely hot guy that made out with me on a whim." I shrugged like it was no big deal.

"If Jared ever made out with me I would certainly attach myself to him." she sighed dreamily. "You are stupid not to." she tossed my pillow back to me.

"If I tell you something, do you promise not to tell anyone?" I whispered. The lights were out, and the lightning from outside illuminated us every few seconds.

I saw her head nod in the shadows. "While I was getting things ready for Julian's dinner last week, he kissed me." I smiled at the memory.

"What?!?" she gasped. I hushed her immediately. "How could you not have told me?" she whispered frantically.

"I was waiting until things cooled down." I stared at the ceiling and sighed. "It was pretty damn great." I said.

"How? He's such a jerk!" she exclaimed as loud as she could without actually being loud.

"He was vulnerable at the time, and really sweet. It was easy." I informed her bluntly.

"Oh Mel." she shook her head at the ceiling. "You are so young, and still so new." she rolled over and faced the wall, I did the same.

Maybe I was to quick to judge him that evening. But maybe it did mean something. Then again, he was in an intoxicated state of mind. How could I have found someone who had beaten me earlier that week hot? My mind was seriously messed up, I had to get some sleep. It was easier when I didn't tell anyone.


Two days had passed, and Maddie didn't tell anyone. She started talking to me again though, she was disappointed in me for a day.

I was walking down the hall on our way to lunch with Maddie when we were stopped by another servant. "Melody, His Majesty requests your presence in his office." I assured Maddie that I would be back quickly and practically ran down the hallway.

It would be the first time I would have talked to him since the week before. I knocked on the hardwood door and went into the dimly-lit room. He was sitting behind his beautiful oak desk, and I sat down at the chair opposite him.

"I have a proposition for you." he started, and I nodded for him to continue. I was suddenly very interested. "Would you like to be my companion with me to my parents home for the weekend?" he asked.

"Last time I accompanied you for something, you left me in a room full of people I didn't know." I informed him, like he didn't already know.

"That won't happen this time." I was assured by him.

"What does this entail?" I interrogated him.

He took a breath. "Well, my parents enjoyed you, and I don't want to go alone. It will only be two days. And look at the bright side , you won't be in a room full of people that you don't know."

"I'll go with you." It was already Thursday though. "When do we leave?" I asked quickly.

"In the morning after breakfast." I stood up to leave. "You'll be dining with me in the morning, and pack nice clothes. You'll be dining with royalty tomorrow." I nodded and walked out. I was nervous already.


I had help packing that evening from a few other girls. They knew the king and queen better than I did. I had spent time with them before, but never like this. They knew their personalities better than I did. They told me the things to say and do. I would probably still mess up something.

I arrived to breakfast shortly after Julian, I was dressed in a dark blue skirt that went just above my knees, and a red blouse. I sat on his left side, especially since no one else was eating with us. It was a brief and awkward breakfast, we had to leave quickly.

My bags were already in the trunk of a sleek black car that Julian and I were riding in. We sat in the back together. There was a window in between the driver and us, it was shut for privacy.

"It's going to be a long ride, it you want to sleep, that would be acceptable." he spoke as soon as we were out of the drive.

I nodded. "That sounds like a great idea." I said as I tried to suppress a yawn. I leaned against the side of the door and closed my eyes. I promised to wake myself up soon...

I awoke to my name being whispered in my ear. I jerked awake quickly, I nearly hit my head on the car's interior.

"Easy there, tiger. Don't get to excited." he chuckled and patted my head. I smoothed back my hair and smirked.

"Are we almost there?" I blinked a couple of times. It was bright outside. I had recently found out that the only reason they can go outside is because, in this different dimension, the suns rays aren't harmful to the vampires.

"Nearly. In about five minutes." He informed me and leaned against the back of the seat.

We were on a straight dirt road; I looked outside to see bright green fields surrounding us on both sides. They sparkled with the morning dew. Large oak trees showed up every once in a while.

Finally, after what felt like hours, a large white house came into view in front of us. "That's amazing." I stared straight ahead in awe.

"I grew up here. I have quite an attachment to it, so do my parents, I don't think they will ever give it up." he smiled at the thought. It was silent after that. We pulled around front, and the driver came around and opened the doors for us.

The house was bigger up front. There were large columns up the front and a large stairway up to the porch. The servants waited outside just as I had before.

Julian's parents stood outside smiling in front of the help. He walked in front of me, and I followed him up the marble stairs. His mother embraced him with a kiss on the cheek, and his father with a firm handshake. They smiled at me, and I trailed behind them as they walked inside. I smiled at each of the servants as I walked by.

The foyer was extravagant. The floors were black and white marble, and to the sides, there were the large columns like the ones outside. To the left and right there were passage ways to other rooms, and straight ahead there was a large staircase that came off of the east and west wing and join in the middle. It was also a sparkling marble with a blood red carpet covering it.

The small family gathered in a close circle and I was left to gaze in amazement. It wasn't till I heard my name being called that I realized I had spaced out and went into my own little world about what it would be like to live there.

"Mel, we are going this way; care to follow?" Julian raised an eyebrow at me.

I rushed over to his side and took his arm as he offered it to me, probably so I wouldn't get lost. We walked through the crisp hallway, I stared at the old pictures and paintings of young families that stared back. I was told that they were Julian's ancestors, and that they were visiting this weekend as well. So much for not being in a room full of people I didn't know.

"Come, I'll show you to our room." he said, moving me with him down another corridor. Doors seemed to line the wall. It was massive. He pulled out a key and unlocked the door and moved me in front of him.

It had just occurred to me what he had said. "Wait, we are sharing a room?" I turned around and cocked my head to the side.

He side stepped me to the dresser on the left. His clothes were already there. "Yes, we are." he turned around. "Because the rest of my family is coming, there was hardly any room left, sober have to share my old bedroom." I must have looked a bit uneasy because he then said, "Don't worry. I hardly ever bite." a grim smile spread across his face that brought chills over me.

I just nodded. "I'm kidding. Take a joke Mel." he chuckled. "I would get dressed for dinner though. It is in a half hour. We missed lunch." he moved over towards a door, which revealed a walk in closet. My things were put there next to his tons of clothes.

I grabbed my satin dark purple dress and black heels and walked back out. He directed me tithe bathroom where I put my clothes on and fixed my hair.

I walked out and he was in a black suit with a black tie. He should really dress up more often, he looked really great.

I smoothed out my dress in the front, my toes barely peaked out from underneath the fabric. "You look good." he stated, and turned back around in the mirror to fix his tie.

"Thanks." I paused for a second, trying to think of what to say next. "So, why is everyone in your family here, exactly?" I messed with the bun on the back of my head.

"There are some family decisions that need to be made." that was all he said. "Let's go." he held his arm out to me and I took it. I could get used to that. It was sweet, but when he did it, it was cold.

We walked down more winding hallways. I would have the hardest time living there, I would constantly be getting lost. Two servants greeted us at two double doors, and opened them.

We both stopped in our tracks, the doors behind us shut with a loud 'bang'. "Shit." I heard Julian say under his breath.

"What happened?" I said, still staring at the scene in front of us. There was a long dining table with hundreds of chairs, at least that's what it looked like. There were people in the chairs, dead people. There was blood everywhere, heads in soup bowls, and limbs thrown across the table.

"We need to leave. Now." Julian grabbed my hand and we turned around to start to leave, but a man stood in the way.

"Well, the Prince finally arrived." Jared spoke. He was dressed in a black tuxedo. It was scary the way he spoke. "You don't like the company?" he said. He was then behind us, holding up the head of a man at the end of the table. "They are a bit boring, but they are family."

"Jared, what are you doing?" Julian spoke through his teeth. He had let go of my hand and stepped in front of me.

"I'm doing what you could never do, brother." Jared spoke. "What do you think Melody?" he stepped toward me. He put his hand under my chin and tilted it up to look at him. "Isn't it wonderful?"

I pulled away from him. "This is wrong Jared. You shouldn't have done it." I spat.

"But with them gone, I have the crown now." he motioned around the room. "I can have anything I want." he stepped towards Julian, intimidating him.

I felt a hand jerk around my arm and pull me into Jared. "And I'm taking Melody." I struggled to break free, but he was to strong for me. "I'll also be occupying the Dark Castle." I saw Julian's eyes widen at the mention of this place. "You should drop by, maybe we'll have you for dinner." he let out an evil laugh.

"Jared, let her go." Julian growled.

"Why? She means nothing to you." he taunted.

"She is too young."

"The younger the better." he smirked. "We will be off now. I hope to never see you again." he waved. "Bye." I felt the wind whip around me an my hair. I held onto Jared for dear life. I was scared of him, but I didn't what to die.

I felt us come to a sudden stop. "What are you doing?" I interrogated. We were in an open field with not a sound or being in sight.

"Transporting us, that way my brother cannot track us." with a wave of his hand, a black whole engulfed us.
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So what do we think of Jared? I think he's still pretty darn sexy :) Comments are awesome!