Status: Let me know what you think <3

A Girl and Her Dog

Our Story

The way we met wasn’t how it usually goes.

I didn’t beg and plead for my loving parents to get me a dog; one that would teach me responsibility; one that would teach me how to take care of something other than myself. I didn’t walk into a shelter with my parents to pick out the cutest puppy that would be mine forever and ever. My eyes didn’t pick out the one that was sad in a corner because nobody loved him.

My life was the entire opposite of that fairy tale world. My parents could really care less if I could take care of a dog, let alone myself. My parents weren’t even together to take me to the shelter to get a dog. Hell, I didn’t go to a shelter. By the time I found you I was eighteen and living in my own small apartment.

The way we met was me walking home from work. It was raining, I was angry and kicking myself because I had just quit. I quit because my last table of four had run out on their bill, leaving me to cover their meal. My boss took me to the back ally to yell at me. To tell me how I should pay attention more often and not let people get the better of me, that I was never going to make it if I let people take advantage of me. I realize now that he was trying to give me some advice, but at the moment I didn’t care. I told him that I didn’t need his advice and exactly where he could shove it. I left him sputtering behind me. I didn’t really need the job; I had more than enough money to keep me going for a year or two. It just gave me something to spend time on, but that’s not what this is about. This is about you.

Walking home from East Central probably wasn’t the safest thing to do, but at that point I didn’t care. I was too lost in my thoughts to notice the lone shadow creep up behind me, following until I took a short cut through someone’s backyard. That’s when he grabbed me, pushed me up against the fence and put his hand over my mouth. I tried to bite him, to do anything to get away, but it didn’t work. His hands were closing in on my waist when I heard a growl. A deep throaty growl that sent shivers through me. I looked over his shoulder, obviously he hadn’t heard, and there you were, only a shadow slowly creeping through the yard towards me. When his hand went in my pocket looking for money is when you pounced. I felt the impact of your hit. It threw me against the fence. You tore into his side, your mouth coming away bloodied. He screamed and ran because he was no match for you or your bite. You turned to me and then I was even more scared. Would you turn on me next? After all I was the intruder in your backyard. You walked up to me, sniffed my leg and began to lick my hand.

I crouched down getting a good look at you. Looking down into those beautiful chocolate eyes all I saw was trust. Your hazel coat was matted with dirt and your fur was twisted and tangled. I looked over at your house. Nobody lived there. They had abandoned you; left you here to fend for yourself. It was at that moment that I made a decision. A decision that would change both our lives; I was taking you home.

It wasn’t that hard to keep you a secret from my landlord. Dogs were not allowed into Spiral Hills, but I already thought of you as more than a dog. When I got you home the first thing I did was bring you into the bathroom. Ever since I had unlocked your gate you had been following me. Every step I took, there you were right next to me, happy to have someone around. You were too scared to be in the tub, so I got in with you. I sat under the spray of the shower with you and spread soap throughout your coat. Scrubbing it in and smoothing out your fur. When we were done you let me dry you off with and old towel. It was then that I saw the angry red scar on your left leg. You had fought to protect yourself, like you had fought to protect me today. I hugged you and you snuggled into my arms. I think the affection surprised you. Later after I fed you some leftover rice and chicken I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up the next morning you were right by my side, I don’t think you moved all night.

It took a week for you to relax. Every time I moved, you watched. I think you were scared I was going to leave you. I took you to the pet store with me and bought you about everything a dog could want. That was the first time I saw you wag your tail, when I gave you your own bed. It wasn’t anything special, but you slept in it every night. I knew because your snoring constantly kept me awake, but I didn’t mind because you made me happy.

A month after we found each other I realized I didn’t have a name for you. I thought of a name that would fit your personality. One that would show how loving and sweet you were, but nothing came to mind. Instead I decided to name you for the first few minutes I saw you. You were vicious and mean. Cujo. That would teach others to mess with the two of us. You were Cujo and you were mine.

Around our three month mark I figured I should to take you to the vet. Just to make sure everything was as it was supposed to be. The vet checked you out, gave you some shots and did some blood work. You whined at me when you were getting the shots even though I was holding you. When the vet came back she looked at her clipboard and told me that you were five years old. I was surprised, you always seemed like a puppy to me. My surprise turned into shock when she told me that you were sick. She told me some long name for what you had, but the only thing I heard was cancer. The vet said it wasn’t usually present in dogs of your age, but it was still there. She tried to tell me all the things that I could do to make you comfortable for the next six months, but I hardly listened. I held you while you just looked at me with your wide eyes, wondering why I was suddenly so sad. You could feel my sadness, and I’m sorry that I made you so worried before your time with me was up.

For the next five months we did everything together. I took you for walks every day. You constantly got new toys and I tried to spend as much time with you as possible. But as the days went on I noticed you got tired quickly and our walks got shorter. You never finished all your food whereas before it was gone before I could turn around. At night you would sleep in your bed next to mine and snore. I would lay there listening, trying to commit the sound to memory. Your feet would twitch and I assumed you were dreaming of happier times.

The morning of August 9th I woke up and you weren’t in your bed next to me. I looked all around the house until I found you in the bathtub. You looked up when I entered and whined at me. I think you didn’t want me to see you in pain. You didn’t want to make me sad. You loved me and didn’t want to leave me, but you knew your time was near. I climbed in the bathtub with you like our first day together. I held you as you cried because you were hurting. The minute you slipped away I felt it. You weren’t with me anymore. I knew the minute I lost my best friend and protector. I hoped you were in a better place. A place that made you happy and there was someone that would take care of you. I never told you while you were with me, but I loved you so much. You made me feel safe and happy and comfortable. You were my family. Losing you hurt so much and I’m sorry you were in pain.

So here I am now, sitting next to you. We’re in the pet cemetery and I thought you would like to hear our story. I’m happy that we had our time together, as short as it was. I’m happy that I found you. I will never forget your beautiful eyes and the way you were devoted to me. I will always cherish your memory and I’ll visit as often as possible.

I’m sure you’re wondering who this is next to me. His name is Jo. I named him after you. I rescued him like you rescued me. He’s not your replacement; I’m hoping he’s your reincarnation. I miss you so much Cujo and I love you like you wouldn’t believe. I hope you’re happy where you are baby. Thank you for rescuing me. I’ll forever miss you.
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Hey guys. I thought I would try something new and here it is.

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