Nuclear Genocide

Chapter Two

Jermaine and Kristy opened fire on the onslaught of Genomes coming after them. One by one the fell, some crawled while others flopped on the ground. Jermaine notice that they we're slowly getting closer, and that the Juggernaut was advancing as well.

"John, are you out? We really need some help!" Jermaine said. John had taken out a blade and was cutting at the seat belt.

"I'm trying but this knife won't cut it quick enough!" John yelled.

"You jackass, I told you to throw that knife away!"

"Hey, my mom gave it to me!"

"You mom stabbed you with it if I recall." Jermaine said. "Dude hurry up the Juggernaut is getting closer!"

"I'm free." John said. He crawled out of the driver's window grabbing their bags as he got out.

"Okay good, Kristy lets move." Jermaine said. She nodded. The turned and ran towards the door. John had long taken off towards the door and was about twenty yards away from it. Kristy and Jermaine heard loud footsteps behind them.

"Shit, the Juggernaut is after us." Kristy said.

"Quick give me your sniper!" Jermaine demanded. She nodded and handed over her gun. Jermaine handed her his Remington R4. "Shoot at his legs."

"Wait, what?" Kristy said. Jermaine had stopped and charged at the Juggernaut. The Juggernaut had stopped running and waiting for Jermaine to come to him. Jermaine skidded to a halt in front of the Juggernaut Genome.

"Well wait are you waiting for you big son of a bitch?" Jermaine said holding up the rifle. Before he could shoot the Juggernaut had picked up him and thrown him back at the truck. Jermaine smashed into the truck causing the alarm to go off. "Oh now it goes off."

Jermaine slowly got back up to his feet. He swayed side to side as the Juggernaut approached him.

"Jermaine move!" Kristy yelled. Jermaine looked up at the Juggernaut as it grabbed him with both hands and picked him up. As it opened its mouth Jermaine saw a row of sharp teeth ready to tear him apart. Blood dripped from the top row of teeth and a horrid smell came from its mouth. Jermaine raided the sniper into the air.

"What the, Kristy look at the rifle." John said. Kristy looked then started to giggle.

"That's very innovative." She said. The barrel of the M24 had a combat knife tied to it by Jermaine. He brought it down into the Juggernauts left eye, the pull the trigger. Blood splattered over the street as the Juggernaut fell its knees. Its brain fell out the back of its head as it tumbled forwards on its face. Jermaine collapsed to the ground.

"He killed it, nice!" John said jumping in the air. Kristy quickly slapped his chest.

"John, the other Genomes!" She shouted. About a dozen Genomes were advancing on Jermaine who was crawling backwards to them. The sniper was out of bullets, he knew they were waiting on him to drop the rifle or for them to figure out he was out of ammo.

"Quick Kristy take my shotgun, I'll cover you from here." John said tossing Kristy his Valtro PM5. Kristy took it and ran towards Jermaine. Jermaine had stop moving and was slowly lowering the sniper. The Genomes seeing this decided this was the time to attack. One of the smaller ones ran up to Jermaine and punched him in the face. The impact sent Jermaine's head crashing into the pavement. The Genome was about hit him again but was shot by Kristy. It flew backwards and skidded on the street. The other Genomes seeing this began to run at Kristy.

"Common Jermaine get up! We've got to move!" Kristy said. Jermaine however was out cold. Kristy turned her attention to the on coming Genomes. One by one dropped as she fired. In order to prevent from reloading, she added a shell after every shot. John was doing his bit by taking Genomes that we're further in the distance. Unfortunately Kristy this didn't help much. One Genome had tackled her to the ground and started to punch her. John began killing the Genomes that approached her while she fended off her attacker. Suddenly a loud crack could be heard. The Genomes body fell limp. Kristy pushed it off of her, but she remained on the ground as multiple shots could be heard.

"What the hell?" She said as she rolled onto her stomach. She saw John but he was shooting he was looking at where the shots had come from. She saw that some of the people from the camp had open windows that were concealed in the walls. Snipers had come out and began taking out the oncoming Genomes.

"Kristy! Get Jermaine over here!" John yelled. She crawled over to Jermaine and knelt beside him. She checked his pulse on his wrist. It was there but faint; she knew she had to hurry. She sat him up and picked up him onto her shoulders. She began to run towards John. "Damn, that's one powerful girl."

"Hey John grab the weapons, I'll take him to the doors!" Kristy said as she ran past John.

"Right, just need to do one more thing." He said as he grabbed the bags. He ran off towards them. Kristy had already reached the door and was knocking on it.

"Common. Open the door." She said to herself. John caught up to her and set the bags down.

"Okay time for some fun." He said as he pulled out a switch.

"John what did you…?" He pressed the button. The truck exploded, sending Genomes flying through the air. Then even more explosives started to detonate heading towards them. "You jackass your going to kill us!"

"That wasn't my intention." They watched as the explosives got closer and closer until he last one went off twenty feet away from them. Debris flew everywhere, covering them. "Well that worked out."

"Shut the hell up. Just pick Jermaine up and let's get inside." John picked up Jermaine while Kristy picked up the bags. The doors to the camp opened and a woman stepped forward. Standing next to her was a wolf. Startled by this Kristy drew her Desert Eagle. The woman held a hand up.

"Don't worry, the wolf is friendly." She said in a calm tone. Wolf sat down keeping it's eyes on Kristy. She slowly put her gun back.

"That thing is friendly?" She said. The woman put her hand on the wolf's head then wiped her hand in front of its nose. The wolf licked it.

"What do you think dogs are? They are domesticated wolves."

"That's interesting." John said.

"My name is Leah, the wolf's name is Bane." She said. Bane walked over to Jermaine and sniffed him.

"I'm Kristy, this is John and this dying person is Jermaine. Now that introductions are done we need him treated." Kristy said. Leah nodded.

"Alright follow me."