Sequel: Ohio Is for Lovers
Status: complete

Wretched and Divine

Chapter Thirteen

Lena carried Jake's note with her everywhere. It made her feel appreciated and wanted for once in her life. Jake knew so much about her and she hadn't even told him much about her life. He just sort of knew.

Jake knew that Lena didn't care for him as much as he cared for her. Not to say she didn't care for him at all. Either way, Jake made sure he was constantly checking up on Lena, without being up her ass all the time, and he wanted to always make her feel beautiful. He would write her notes when he could and tell her that she's gorgeous. He trained himself to be very observant around her and made sure he picked up on every little detail, every word, that she spoke. But he could tell she was distracted my something or, more importantly, someone.

It was true, Lena was distracted by Andy. She couldn't help herself. He was just so tall and handsome with his beautiful cheekbones, glorious blue eyes, and perfect pink lips. She loved the way he walked and the way he composed himself. He really was very intelligent and she loved that about him. But he wasn't into her. He loved Annabelle.

On her way to the dance studio that day, she thought of the times that Andy and her had spent in the auditorium. It came to her that she felt the same way about Andy that Jake felt about her. She felt a pang in her heart at the realization. She viewed Andy as perfection. She didn't think anyone could be as wonderful as him. Seeing him in the halls at school made her heart stop. He took her breath away with just a simple glance. She did the same things to Jake when he saw her every day.

After parking in the poorly designed parking lot, Lena was already feeling down. Now she had to face Sierra and Kendall. Sierra would always be a ruthless, cold hearted person to Lena. But Lena knew a few things about Kendall that she didn't think many other people knew. She felt bad for Kendall, and the fact that she was roped in by Sierra.

"I heard she's dating that fag, Jake. You know, the one with the black hair who likes all that scary shit that she calls music."

Lena didn't even want to engage in an argument today. She was tired of dealing with everyone's bullshit and in about two weeks, they would be done with their recital and she could move on from the studio. She never had to go back after that.

She sat in the corner and put her jazz shoes on. Today was the class that she left early from and she couldn't be happier. She was going to meet up with Jake after class and she was actually really looking forward to it. She was hoping that dance would be able to get her mind off Andy and her mind on Jake.

Erin started class and the time flew by as usual. It was amazing that one hour could go by so fast. Lena felt like she was only in class for maybe twenty minutes at the most. Occasionally, she'd glance over at Kendall and think about all the things she knew about her. Recently, Lena had been sending anonymous messages to her on her page because she felt bad about all the hate comments she was receiving. She didn't really know the whole story as to why people hated her so much but Lena, being the kind and caring person she was, felt bad that all these people were torturing this girl, even if she herself had tortured Lena in the past.

Lena wondered if Kendall knew it was her. She had asked once who it was but Lena refused to tell her. "I'm in one of your dance classes." Was all she had said. She didn't think Kendall would have a clue since to everyone in the entire class, Lena was invisible for the most part. It was weird for Lena to think that they both actually had something in common. Their best friend was a razor blade.

Once six o'clock rolled around, Lena snuck out the door so as to not interrupt class and hurried down the stairs to the lobby so she could grab her stuff and go to meet Jake. As she was putting her shoes on, her other dance teacher, who happened to be the owner of the studio as well, smiled at her as she walked by.

"Oh, Lena." She stopped and walked over to her. "I wanted to let you know that I think I'm going to put you on curtain this year for the recital. I chose you because I know you're reliable. You'll receive a headset and will be fed cues so you don't have to worry too much about knowing when to pull it closed or open it. But just stay backstage after your dances are over."

"Oh," Lena was incredibly surprised. She never thought that her dance teacher of almost eleven years would ever have said she was reliable. Lena though she was invisible to everyone at the studio, including her teachers. "Okay, wow, thank you. I appreciate the job."

Lena's life was being pulled in two different directions. One side was being guided toward a positive step in the right direction. The other was being dragged to hell.
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Shout outs:


Thank you guys! I'll update again soon :)