Sequel: Ohio Is for Lovers
Status: complete

Wretched and Divine

Chapter Fourteen

It was nearly impossible for Lena to avoid Andy because he was everywhere. Every corner she turned, every hallway. It was as if he was trying to torture her. But of course he wasn't really. He just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

She tried her hardest to get her mind off him. She guessed that technically she was dating Jake now. It was only fair to him that she think of him instead of Andy. There was just something about Andy that she was unknowingly drawn to. Andy was mysterious. She could never guess what he was thinking. He was spontaneous, exciting, interesting, and, of course, gorgeous.

But then there was Jake. He was sweet, caring, genuine, and was pretty cute himself. She tried her hardest to want Jake. He was everything she used to dream of. When she was a little girl, she would imagine a boy like Jake. One who would write sweet notes to her, text her good morning and goodnight, lightly kiss her in the rain, play guitar for her, throw rocks at her window and sneak out with her late at night. But now that she had all of that, she didn't want it anymore. She wanted Andy.

Lena's phone vibrated in her front pocket and when she looked at the screen, Jake had texted her. She smiled because she had just been thinking of him. It was as though he knew somehow. Then, she smiled wider at the message.

Jake:Was just thinking of you :) How's your day been going?

To think--to know--that they both had been thinking of each other at the same time reinforced good feelings in Lena towards Jake. Maybe they were supposed to be together and Andy was just a test to Lena; a test that she was quickly failing.

Lena's phone buzzed against the desk and she was quick to retrieve it.

Jake:Think you could stop by my place after school today? I have a surprise.

Lena:Sure :)

She had no clue what the surprise could be. She just hoped it was a good surprise.


"I honestly want to murder you all." Lena mumbled as she pushed her way through the hallway after the last bell. "Okay, seriously, get out of my personal space." Eve and Carson joined her a few moments later.

"At least it's the end of the day!" Eve was always trying to be the optimistic one in the group.

"But it's only Tuesday." Lena grumbled. "Peasants..."

"Hey, Lena? Can you maybe give me a ride home? I need to meet with Mrs. Dutra really quick about a test I didn't do so hot on. It should only take a few minutes." Carson semi-pleaded.

Lena sighed slightly. "I guess so. I'll go wait outside." Lena pushed her way through the heavy school doors and outside into the cool breeze. The sun was warm and the breeze was cool. It was a nice mixture. She sat down on the half wall that went around the outside of the building and waited.

Nearly twenty minutes had gone by and Carson still wasn't out yet. She couldn't even imagine how badly Carson did on that test if it was taking this long. Lena could feel her body growing heavy by the warmth of the sun against her black sweatshirt. She hadn't been getting much sleep lately because of late nights at dance. She rested back against the warm stone of the wall and closed her eyes to protect them from the blinding sunlight. With one knee bent and the other straight, she rested her phone on her stomach and allowed the sun's rays to kiss her cold skin.

A shadow crossed in front of the sun and blocked the rays from reaching her. When she opened her eyes, the person standing over her wasn't the person she had expected. Yet again, she was looking up into those startling blue eyes.

"What are you doing?" Andy cocked his head to the side and smiled down at her.

His smile sent a wave of butterflies through her stomach and shooting up her veins. "Resting. What does it look like?" She sat up and Andy sat down next to her.

"Comfy." He chuckled.

A silence passed between them. Lena had that burning question in her mind that she had to know the answer to. Why had Andy been avoiding her. Every time she saw him in the hallway, she would glance his way, maybe even more than a glance, and hope that he would look at her so she could smile or say hi. But he would look straight ahead and act as though she wasn't there. She couldn't understand and she wanted to know why.

"Andy, I--" She began but his mouth stopped hers with a kiss. It was urgent but delightful. It was shocking but pleasant. It was unexpected but welcomed.

He quickly pulled away. "I don't know why I just did that."

Lena just stared at him. "I don't know why either."

"But..." He began. "I liked it." He admitted.

Lena looked down at her lap. "I liked it, too."

When she looked back up, Andy was subtly hinting that he wanted to do it again. And she did too. Their faces began to move in towards each other again.

"Oh my god, Lena, I am so sorry I took longer than I said I would." Carson burst through the doors and sat down by Lena. Her and Andy immediately pulled away and acted as if they had just been sitting there that whole time. "Are you ready to go?"

"Oh, um, yeah. Let's go." Lena grabbed her bag and stood up.

"Wait." Andy stood up as well. "Are you going to Jake's house?"

"After I drop Carson off, yeah. Why?" Lena swung her bag's strap over her shoulder.

"Mind giving me a ride there, too?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh... so hey. I have two excuses. I was lazy. And I have two weeks of school left which means last minute assignments galore. But here's another chapter yay. This is going to be one of my longest stories. I can tell. I got big plans for this one. In other news, I have shin splints D:

Shout outs:


Thank you sooo much!