Sequel: Ohio Is for Lovers
Status: complete

Wretched and Divine

Chapter Eighteen

“Nothing is going as I planned! This is horrible.” Lena sulked as her blonde hair fell out of the curl that she had just tried to make stay. No matter what she did, she couldn’t get her hair to stay the way she wanted. “And I still need to paint my nails and get my makeup done and get my dress on.” She growled at herself in the mirror, holding the curling iron close to her head. After the tenth attempt at trying to get her hair to stay in curls, she gave up and furiously dialed her mom’s number.

“Lena, what do you want? I’m a little busy right now.” Lena’s mom was always very nasty towards her when she called for anything.

“My hair won’t stay. I can’t get it to do what I want.” Lena stated.

“Oh, would you stop whining?” Her mother complained. “I can’t help you right now. Call your Aunt Karen, maybe she can help you.”

Lena rolled her eyes at her mother’s response. “Fine.” She said, and hung up the phone. She dialed her Aunt Karen who happily agreed to come over and help her with her hair. At least someone was willing to help her. After her hair was done, makeup was done and her dress and shoes were on, she posed for a few pictures before heading off to Jake’s house to pick him up.

She stepped out of the car when she arrived at his place and he immediately opened the door and walked out onto the lawn to greet her, holding a plastic box in his hands containing her corsage.

“This is for you.” He said, handing her the box. “You look beautiful, by the way.”

She opened the plastic box and removed the corsage. “Jake, it’s beautiful. Thank you so much!” She hugged him tightly.

Jake’s parents took many pictures and then let them go on their way over to Eve’s house where everyone in their party was meeting to catch the limo to the hotel where prom was being held.

Being in Jake’s friend group now meant that Andy would be in their party which also meant Annabelle would be in their party. She looked just as awful in her prom dress as she did normally. Her hair was all teased up, her makeup was thick and dark, her dress had too much tulle, and she looked like an overall train wreck. Lena couldn’t understand why Andy liked her so much. She didn’t see what he somehow saw in her.


“Come on, you know how to dance. Teach me how to dance!” Jake tried taking Lena’s hand to pull her up from her chair.

“Good lord…” She grumbled. She hated when people assumed she could just magically teach them how to dance because she danced herself. “I just don’t feel like dancing right now, Jake. I’m sorry.” She looked from him over to Andy and Annabelle.

“Come on, Lena. It’s prom. You have to dance. It’ll be fun. Please?” Jake pleaded but still she just didn’t feel like it. She was in a weird sort of mood.

“I need to get some air. I’ll be back.” She stood up.

Jake started to follow. “Want me to come with you?”

Lena grabbed Carson’s hand and pulled her away from her date. “No, that’s okay. Carson will come with me.”

Lena dragged Carson out of the grand ballroom and down the hallway towards the doors they had entered. There were a bunch of other kids outside as well, just hanging out. Lena didn’t know why she was feeling the way she did. It sucked to feel negative on prom night. She knew she was letting Jake down and she felt bad.

“Lena, what’s wrong?” Carson sat on the stone wall behind them.

Lena shook her head. “I don’t know. I just don’t feel right. I’m not sick or anything. I just… I can’t explain it. I just needed some air and to get away from Jake for a minute. He’s been suffocating me all night.”

Carson hopped off the wall and put her hands on Lena’s shoulders. “Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. Everything will be okay. Go back in there, dance with Eve and Jake and me, and just have fun. I know you’re thinking about Andy. Don’t.”

Lena opened her eyes and nodded. “You’re right. Let’s go.”

When they went back inside, their class advisor was announcing the grand march was to start and everyone needed to line the sides of the room. Carson and Lena frantically searched for their dates. Carson found hers but Lena couldn’t find Jake. She walked deeper into the room, looking for him while the class advisor yelled at everyone to move to the sides of the room.

“Lena! Over here!” Jake called out.

She hurried over to his side and held his hand tightly in her own. Carson was right. She didn’t need to think about Andy. As long as she focused on Jake and having fun, it would be a good night. Once the grand march was over, they announced the court, the king and queen. Lena sat there and rolled her eyes at every name that was announced. None of them deserved to win. They only won because of their popularity.

“Dance with me?” Lena looked up to see Andy standing in front of her, holding his hand out for her to take.

“Andy, this is the slow song. Shouldn’t you be dancing with your girlfriend?” Lena pointed out.

Andy smirked. “Nah, she left. She said she wasn’t feeling well and I wanted to stay. Dance with me?”

Lena looked around for Jake but strangely he had disappeared as well. “Fine. But as soon as Jake comes back, I’m dancing with him. He is my boyfriend after all.”

Andy escorted Lena out to the dance floor and put his hands around her waist. She draped her arms around his neck and made it a point not to look at him. She didn’t want him pulling anything on her.

“Lena.” Andy said, catching her attention.

He caught her eyes with his own and held her gaze. His eyes refused to let hers go. He glanced down at her lips and back up at her eyes. He started to move in and instinctively she did the same. Their lips hovered over one another, their breaths catching in their throats and the intimate moment.

“Lena?” A confused, and sadly surprised Jake stared, open mouthed at his girlfriend and best friend. It was just that much more reassurance that Andy and Lena definitely had something for each other.

“Shit, Jake, it’s not what it looks like, I swear.” Lena pushed Andy away from her and rushed over to Jake. She took his hand but he pulled away harshly.

He shook his head at her and turned to walk away. Lena just stood there and watched him walk away from her. She could feel the tears forming and she blinked them back as best she could. Eve hurried over to her, putting a manicured hand on her shoulder. “Come on,” She said. “Let’s go find him and explain, alright?”

Lena nodded solemnly. She couldn’t believe Andy. It was all the more reason to hate him. He was trying to break her and Jake up. He only cared about himself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aalksjdgagsjdhjdgasdjh 61 subscribers I cannot. Thanks for being so patient with me, you guys.

Shout outs:


Thank you guys soooo much!

Um, silent readers? Stop being silent readers, you're killing me. Pleeeeaaaaaaassssssssseeeeee someone else comment. These two have been amazing commenters and I really appreciate it but I want moore amazing commenters. I want to read your thoughts about what's going on in the story. Tell me what you want to happen or something you're looking forward to. Tell me about Jake or tell me about Andy or tell me about Lena, tell me something!

Aside from that, I love you all, stay perfect. <3