Sequel: Ohio Is for Lovers
Status: complete

Wretched and Divine

Chapter Nineteen

"Jake, come back! Please!" Lena held the skirt of her dress up with one hand as she tried running after Jake in her four inch heels. Eve was close behind her.

"I was in the bathroom for fucks sake, Lena." Jake whipped around, his hair forming a big swoop across his forehead. "I left you for not even five minutes and you're already with some other guy who just happens to be my best friend? I knew there was something going on between you two." His eyes held anger, jealousy and a hint of sorrow. He truly did love her. But she didn't seem to love him back.

"Jake, please. Come on, don't do this to me." Lena moved closer to him but Jake stayed stationary.

He shook his head slightly. "How do you expect me to believe anything you say anymore? This is the third time I've caught you and Andy doing something remotely close to romantic. How do you think I feel?"

Lena felt tears form behind her eyes. It was so hard for her to really decide what she wanted. She always came back to Jake, no matter what happened with Andy. Maybe it was because she wanted to be with him more than Andy.

"Jake, please. I... I love you." It even surprised her that she had said it back to him. She remembered the time when he had told her he loved her and she hadn't been ready to say it back. She still wasn't sure if she had been ready to say it back.

"No, you don't." Jake didn't believe her. He was beginning to think that there was no point in believing anything she said. Everything she said to him had been a lie anyway. From outside, a car horn was sounding, signalling Jake's ride was there to pick him up early. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, Lena." He turned, walked out the big, glass doors of the building, and left her.


A few days had gone by since prom and Jake hadn't answered or returned any of Lena's phone calls. He never called her the next day and she began to worry.

"Lena, let's go! You're going to be late for your call time!" Her mother commanded.

Lena grumbled to herself as she shut down her computer and threw her phone into her dance bag. It seemed it was no use. She had let herself become wrapped up in Andy. He was one of the seven deadly sins. He was lust. Lena gave into the temptation of lust and now found herself condemned to Hell, with no way of repenting.

As if Jake ignoring her wasn't enough, she had to deal with Sierra and her advocate, Kendall. It was finally the time of their dance recital and Lena couldn't have been more excited. Not only was she excited that it would be the last time she ever had to dance with Sierra, but she was always excited when it came to shows. She enjoyed the thrill of performing. Now only if Jake would come.

"Places, ladies. We're starting!" Someone from backstage called.

Lena hit her pose and waited for the curtain to open. As the music started, the curtain opened, and the dance began, Lena smiled widely but not wide enough. She still missed Jake and he was still on her mind. She scanned the crowd, looking for familiar faces, but she didn't see any, and her smile faded a little more.

The door at the back of the theater opened and closed, letting the light into the dark auditorium as the person entered. He took the nearest seat he could find, all the way in the back. There would be no way anyone would see him there.

Lena exited the stage when the dance was over and ran past the younger children backstage waiting to get to the dressing room to change for her next dance. She had ballet next and the costume was such a pain to change into. She checked her face in the mirror quickly and then went to grab her ballet shoes. She rummaged through her bag, sticking her head far in and seeing no ballet shoes. A wave of panic washed over her. They weren't there.

"No, no, no. They have to be here. Where are they? Shit." She began removing each item she had in her bag only to find the bag completely empty at the end, with no ballet shoes. "I can't go on if I don't have them." She said to herself.

"That's right, you can't, can you?" Sierra's nasty voice sounded from the doorway.

"You took my shoes?" Lena wasn't surprised when she knew Sierra had taken them, but again, she didn't think Sierra would do something that mean either.

"Looks like I'll just have to fill in for your solo part. Oops." Sierra sent her an evil smirk, flipped her ponytail and sauntered out.

Lena had worked so hard for that solo part in the dance and now she couldn't even go on stage without her shoes. She sat against the cold, concrete wall and fanned her eyes so she wouldn't cry and mess up her makeup. It seemed it was true. She was in Hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
I promised myself I would update today and I did. Yay! So, I graduated high school. Yay! And I got the part as the princess of storyland in our summer play this year. I am so excited. I finally get to be a princess. AJSKDGHSKJASHAKJSHAL

Shout outs:


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