Sequel: Ohio Is for Lovers
Status: complete

Wretched and Divine

Chapter Two

Lena couldn't wait for school to be over already. She was sitting in her last class of the day, dreaming of how her dance was going look on the stage. She had everything planned out and she felt it was going to be perfect. She watched the clock as the hands ticked off the minutes slowly. Three seconds, two seconds, one second. The bell rang and Lena was the first one out of her seat and running towards the door. She hurried up the stairs and down the hallway to her locker. She threw her books in and grabbed her black bag which contained her dance clothes, shoes, and everything else she needed.

She quickly tied up her blonde hair and gathered her bags together before shuffling out of the bathroom and down the hallway to the auditorium. She just hoped the doors would be unlocked. She hated having to talk to people and the janitors at her school weren't the nicest.

Luckily for her, the doors were unlocked and the lights were on. She walked down the center aisle, allowing the double doors to slam shut behind her. She spread out her stuff on the front of the stage, set up her iPod in it's dock, and began stretching. At first it felt awkward being in an empty auditorium by herself but once she put the song on and let herself get lost in the music, the room could have been filled and she would have still felt like the only one there.

The music stopped and in that brief moment of silence, Lena could have sworn she thought she heard a door open and shut somewhere in the back of the auditorium. She paused for a second and waited but no one appeared and nothing happened. Lena shrugged it off and started the music over again.

She was so lost in herself, she didn't realize someone actually had come in. A tall, skinny boy with raven black hair carefully made his way into the auditorium. He stayed close to the back because he could see how invested in the music the girl on the stage was. He quietly watched her dance across the stage in an effortless fashion. She was beautiful with the way she moved and the way she looked.

He watched as she did a flip over her shoulder and landed gracefully on her stomach, ending the dance. He started to clap slowly, and revealed himself, walking down the aisle towards the stage.

Her head shot up and looked over at him. She stood up abruptly and brushed herself off. "I--Um..." She didn't know what to say. She was embarrassed that someone had seen her dancing. Even though she would be performing it in front of a lot of people in a few months, she just found it strange having this boy walk in and see her dancing.

"I love that song." He commented. "And you're really talented."

"Th-Thanks." She stuttered. "Uh, what are you doing in here?"

The boy smiled and walked closer to her. "I was just here to see if the auditorium was empty. I was going to hold band practice in here. But you beat me here."

Lena recognized the boy from around school and she had heard rumors about him being in a band. They were supposedly really good but Lena never invested any time in getting to know him. He was a part of that group of kids who liked the same music as her but she didn't feel like she fit in with them otherwise. She had secretly found him very attractive but she never thought he noticed her or knew who she was. There was no point in getting to know him anyways. He already had a girlfriend and she was much prettier than Lena.

"Oh, no, I can leave if you need me to. It's no big deal." Lena was always very modest. She hopped off the front of the stage and started gathering up her things.

The boy walked up behind her and placed his hand on hers to stop her. "No, it's okay. I want to watch you dance some more."

Lena looked into his crystal blue eyes and her breathe was taken away. "O-Okay."

She watched him walk away and sit down in a random seat. She turned away from him and felt her face was burning. She couldn't tell if it was because she had been dancing or because she was blushing. But she definitely felt like it was because she had been majorly blushing. She still didn't know his name and he didn't know hers. But they had this auditorium all to themselves. Anything could happen.
♠ ♠ ♠
I enjoyed this chapter and I hope you guys did too. Let me know what you thought!

Shout outs:


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