Sequel: Ohio Is for Lovers
Status: complete

Wretched and Divine

Chapter Twenty-Five

She could feel the jealousy radiating off Andy as she cuddled up next to Jake's side in her damp towel. Her mind was still feeling conflicted. She loved Jake, that was for sure. He made her feel safe, and loved. To her, that was the most important thing. He always tried to make her feel loved. But she felt as though she was pulling him behind her on a string like a child would with a yoyo, as she played with her new toy in front of her, completely forgetting all about her old toy.

All Andy could do was sit back and watch her with envy flowing through his veins. He couldn't understand why everything had to be so difficult. He wanted to be with her, and she wanted to be with him. Wasn't that obvious? So, why wasn't anyone doing anything to change that?


"Sit." Jake motioned to the couch and Lena went ahead and jumped onto a couch cushion, curling up and waiting for Jake to sit as well.

Her time with Andy today had made her really happy, and she was in the best mood. But Jake had said he wanted to talk, and he didn't sound as happy as she was.

"What's wrong?" Lena asked when she saw Jake's pained face.

He took a deep breath to compose himself before looking her in the eyes. "I need to know. Me? Or Andy?"

Lena's heart sank in her chest. She wasn't ready to have this conversation with Jake because she still was unsure of what she wanted.

"Jake, don't do this to me." Lena pleaded but Jake stood his ground.

"We need to talk about this sooner or later and I've decided it's time." He stated seriously. He wasn't about to let himself get soft around her again. He always got soft around her and gave her whatever she asked for.

Lena pursed her lips and cast her gaze towards the floor. She held her knees up to her chest and curled her toes in her socks. Her mind was still churning, and spitting out thoughts that didn't make sense to her. How was she supposed to tell Jake what she wanted?

"Fine," Jake said when Lena refused to speak. "I'll go first. All I ever wanted was for you to love me fully. The past three years we've been dating, I feel like I always come in second to Andy. I've always come in second to Andy when it comes to your ranks. I don't know how you expect me to believe you when you crawl into bed with me and whisper that you love me, when you spent the entire fucking day with him. Andy is my band mate and best friend, and he's not the one I'm pissed at."

"I do love you--" She tried to squeak out but Jake stood up abruptly and caused her to flinch back.

"I can't do this any longer. I don't know what you want from me because I give you everything you've ever asked for." He shouted at her.

His shouting only sparked her anger and she stood up as well. "I love you! I don't know why you can't see that! If I didn't love you, do you think I would be standing here right now trying to fight you about who's right and who's not? This is fucking ridiculous, Jake, I love you!" Her eyes filled with tears as she shouted those three words at him and watched as he stood, unfazed by her attempts.

"It's done. I can't do this anymore. I feel nothing." He turned away from her.

She sobbed, her body quivering, and her breathing becoming stagnant. She was frozen to the place that she stood, stunned by his words and unable to move.

He faced her again, showing no emotion to his face. "Would you like me to start fucking packing for you or do you think you can handle it? I want you out in twenty minutes." He pointed to the stairs that led to the second floor where their bedroom was.

Lena sniffled as she shuffled towards the stairs and lethargically made her way to their bedroom where all her things were. She shoved her clothes into as many bags as she could, stuffing them so that they couldn't zip up. She snagged all her makeup from the bathroom, and threw them into miscellaneous bags, not caring what happened to them.

The last thing left was to shamefully walk by Jake, who was waiting for her downstairs. She kept her eyes on the floor as she passed him, not wanting to even speak to him. She had nothing left to say. He had made up her mind for her.

Out on the street, it was cold, dark, and lonely. The stars were her only companions, and it seemed that tonight, they didn't dare shine as bright as normal. She wandered the streets of LA alone, with bags slung over her shoulder and hanging on her wrists and elbows. To passersby, she looked homeless. To herself, she felt homeless. In fact, she was homeless. She had nowhere else to go. Jake had abandoned her and he had been her only source of comfort and shelter.

She continued to walk until she found herself standing in front of someone's front door, her finger on the doorbell. The outside light flicked on and the door opened.

"What in God's name happened to you?" The owner of the home asked, looking her up and down.

"Please," She begged, gazing into his blue eyes. "Andy, you're all I have left."
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you enjoyed this! I've been in a writing mood lately, lucky you guys! I start college on Tuesday aahhh. Updates might start to get a little weird

Shout outs:
