Sequel: Ohio Is for Lovers
Status: complete

Wretched and Divine

Chapter Thirty-Three

He was like the devil's smile: so welcoming and tempting, but behind the gleam lay all of Lena's deepest fears. His eyes were like melted chocolate framed by those grungy locks of black hair. It appeared as though he hadn't showered in a couple days, nor slept for that matter. He was in the darkest state she had ever seen him.

"Um, Lena?" Caroline, a girl in her company poked her head out of the auditorium doors. "Beth would like to speak to the company as a whole. I don't want you to get in trouble."

Lena looked at Jake. "I have to go."

"I'll wait for you." Jake said.

Lena grimaced. "Please Jake, just... Go home and get some sleep. You look like you need it." She turned quickly and followed Caroline back inside, away from Jake.

He touched the spot on his cheek that Lena had brushed her hand against when he surprised her with a kiss. His heart truly ached for her, and he never thought he would have missed her so much. He could still smell the hairspray lingering around him, making it feel as though she were still with him. He gazed at the door she had disappeared behind for a moment before turning to leave.

Inside, Lena sat down with the rest of the company. Beth stood on the stage with a clipboard in her hands.

"Alright, the following people can leave for the day. I know I said I would keep everyone until seven but I decided that I'm not going to keep you all here if I'm not going to rehearse with you. So, Caroline, Josie, Anna, Isabelle, Christa, Lily, Jake, Aaron, Ronnie, Pamela, Eric and Lena, you are all free to go. Enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you all tomorrow."

Lena gathered her things and walked out with Josie and the rest of them. It was odd that Beth had dismissed all of them. Out of all the characters in Cinderella, the four fairies were the people who needed to rehearse the most. Beth had barely spent any time with them on their pieces and more time on Cinderella and the prince, as if those people were the only two in the entire ballet. This show was going to turn to shit if they didn't rehearse.

"Hey, Josie? Do you want to get together and work on our pieces together?" Lena offered. "I feel as though Beth has been kind of rejecting us."

"I'd love to!" Josie exclaimed.

Lena felt relieved. She wouldn't have to go home to Andy, and she wouldn't be alone to dwell on her encounter with Jake earlier.

"But I can't today." Josie frowned. "Eric and I have been trying to plan a night out together forever but because of ballet, we haven't had a chance to spend time together outside of the studio."

"Oh..." Lena looked down at her Vans.

Josie felt bad. "I'm really sorry, Lena." She caressed her friend's arm.

"No," Lena looked up at her. "It's okay, really." She forced a small smile. "I'm sure Andy will be excited that I'm home early today."

Josie gave her a pitied smile before reaching an arm around her shoulders and giving her a squeeze. "If you need to talk, give me a call, okay?"

Lena nodded. "Okay." She unlocked her car and walked up to the driver's side door. She got in and started on her journey back home to Andy, hoping he wouldn't be home. She didn't feel like confronting him about what Josie had seen, and knew if he was home, she wouldn't be able to keep it inside any longer.
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i might update again today I'm not sure though. with enough cookies in my system, I might. originally I was going to make it all one chapter but I feel like it would be a reaaallllyyy long chapter if I did that, so I'm gonna make it two. I'm not sure how many chapters I have left but it's not a lot. And based on how I've decided to end this, I have a feeling you'll all be requesting a sequel despite the fact that I didn't want to make two stories originally but yeah whatever ugh it's because I love you guys. idk maybe I'll just continue if you guys want. idk once I come up with the end, let me know if you want to continue. If I get enough people who want me to continue, I will

Shout outs:
