Sequel: Ohio Is for Lovers
Status: complete

Wretched and Divine

Chapter Four

She felt like the alarm was screaming at her. Well, technically it was for she had Slayer on full blast to wake her up. Lena groaned as she turned over and smacked the snooze button yet again. It was Thursday, her least favorite day of the week. Thursday had always been her least favorite day. Thursday was such a tease. It was the day before Friday and made the weekend seem much further away than it actually was.

She could hear her mother's footsteps above her on the second floor and Lena knew she was coming to wake her up. Sure enough, the door opened and "Lena, get up." was heard.

Lena groaned some more, reached over and stretched to turn on her light and threw the covers off her warm body. She rubbed her eyes and stumbled over discarded shoes and clothes on the floor over to her door. At least April vacation was in two days. That was really the only thing that was keeping her going.

After about 20 minutes, Lena's mom was yelling at her, as she does every morning. "Lena, hurry up! You're going to be late!"

"Fuck off, Mom." Lena mumbled to herself as she pulled her sweatshirt over her head. She grabbed her bag, slipped on her black Vans and headed out the door to her car.

Of course it would be raining today. It took Lena a little extra long to get to school because people around where she lived freaked out over any kind of weather that wasn't sunshine. They all drove as slowly as possible.

When Lena got to her locker, her two friends--Eve and Carson--were waiting for her.

"Traffic?" Eve guessed, moving aside so Lena could get to her locker.

"Yeah..." Lena said, distress clear in her voice.

She twisted the black lock to the correct numbers and unlocked the locker. She opened it to reveal the photo covered inside. Her friends had printed out and given her random pictures of band members and memes of band members for her to put in her locker.

After grabbing her books, Lena, Eve and Carson all headed down the hallway towards their respective classes. Eve and Carson were in some in depth discussion and Lena had sort of zoned them out. She walked behind the two girls, clutching her books against her chest.

As they were turning the corner, the boy from the other day turned the corner too, heading the other way. He hadn't noticed her but she had noticed him, wearing that same gray beanie he had been wearing when they were in the auditorium.

"Hey, guys? I'm going to go to class early. I have to cram for a quiz I forgot about." Lena informed her friends and they just nodded as she turned around and started following the boy.

She had done this quite a lot before she had even ever talked to him. She just loved the way he walked and how his legs looked in his skinny jeans. She saw him turn around the corner again into the lobby and met up with his friends. She kept walking past them but stole a couple more glances at him before continuing on to the next hallway.

She still wondered why he never came back to the auditorium but she didn't expect him to come today. It was probably just a one-time thing. A simple coincidence.

After her first class, she saw him again in the lobby with his friends. She so desperately wanted to just go up to him and say hi but she was too scared to. He probably didn't even like her anyway. So she just continued on her way to homeroom.

Lena didn't see him the rest of the day but decided to tell Eve and Carson about him at lunch. She sat at the table, waiting for her friends to come in when who else but the boy she has been stalking for the past six months waltzes in. She's never seen him at this lunch before and begins to wonder why he's even here. He looks around the cafeteria and spots her sitting all alone. Lena sees that he spotted her and immediately looks down.

He smiles to himself because of how cute he thinks she is and walks over to her. He pulls out the chair beside her and sits down.

"Hey." He says and waits for her to look up.

She looks up slowly from behind her blonde side bangs. "Oh, hey." She says and brushes the hair out of her eyes. Where are Eve and Carson? She wondered to herself.

"I'm sorry about ditching you the other day." He said.

"Oh, uh, yeah, that's okay." She replied.

They both nodded and said nothing else. He didn't even explain why he didn't come back to get a ride from her.

"So, what are you doing for vacation?" He asked, scooting his seat a little closer to hers.

Lena's stomach twisted with nerves at his gesture. "Oh, I'm just... I'm just staying home. Maybe hang out with some of my friends."

"Lena!" Speaking of friends, Carson and Eve finally arrived at the cafeteria. They both sat down and the boy stood up.

"I'll see you later, Lena." He said and walked away.

He knew her name but she still didn't know his. The sound of her name escaping his perfectly sculpted lips sent a shiver down her spine.

"Who on earth was that?" Carson leaned across the table towards Lena. "He was gorgeous."

Eve agreed. "I've seen him around school a little before and I think I may have seen him in Hot Topic at the mall once but I've never talked to him. His eyes are stunning."

Lena shrugged. "I still don't know his name."

Carson's jaw practically hit the table. "He knows your name but you still don't know his?"

Lena shrugged again. "Mr. Hutch walked in when I was in the auditorium and called out my name."

"He was in the auditorium with you?" Eve squealed. "Doing what?"

"Not 'it' if that's what you're thinking." Lena smacked Eve's arm.

Carson giggled as well. "Well, you have to find out what his name is. He's definitely the hottest guy in this school."

"But doesn't he have a girlfriend?" Eve reminded everyone.

"Yeah, but she's a slut." Carson confirmed. "She's probably fucking his best friend right now as we speak in the Drama Club's costume closet. I hear that's the best place to get laid."

"Carson!" Lena shouted, shocked by her friend's comment, although Carson was always saying stuff like that.

"I bet it's true." She winked. "Who wants to find out?" Carson looked at Eve and Lena. Lena looked at Eve and Eve looked at Lena.

"Alright, let's go." Lena grabbed her bag and stood up from the table while Carson smirked, following along with Eve.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm just gonna do shout outs now. If you haven't already, read the status thing at the top.

Shout outs:


Thanks for commenting, you guys. I really appreciate it. And again, I'm sorry about being a loser and not updating shit.